2000字范文 > 校准与预警 Calibration and early warning英语短句 例句大全

校准与预警 Calibration and early warning英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-09 17:04:30


校准与预警 Calibration and early warning英语短句 例句大全

校准与预警,Calibration and early warning

1)Calibration and early warning校准与预警


1.The deformation monitoring of support structure and the surrounding environment for deep substructure pit of Xiamen airdrome road and the establishment ofalarmstandard were introduced.介绍了厦门机场路深基坑工程支护结构与周围环境的变形监测和预警标准的设定,分析了监测数据,给出了监测必要性及预警值的设定原则。


1.Experimental Study on the Warning Criteria of TES-MEPs for Cerebral Ischemia;经颅电刺激运动诱发电位对脑缺血预警标准实验研究

2.Empirical Study of Finance Distress Prediction Using Cash Flow as Explanatory Variables;基于现金流测量标准的财务预警实证研究

3.Research on Standard-plot Based Monitoring and Early-warning of Arable Land Quality;用标准样地进行耕地质量动态监测与预警探讨

4.The Structure and Managing Standard of the Forewarning System of Enterprise Management;企业组织管理预警系统的组织方式与管理标准

5.There is no uniform measure for dynamic performance of AEW radar detecting area yet.机载预警雷达的动态探测性能尚无统一的度量标准。

6.Index System and Method of Sustainable Development Early Warning;可持续发展预警的指标构建和预警方法

7.Early-Warning of Financial Risk:Indicator,Mechanism and Empirical Research金融风险预警:评价指标、预警机制与实证研究

8.Object"s warning and forecast method based on voronoi k-order neighboring relations基于Voronoik阶邻近的目标预警预报方法

9.fail to meet (expectations or standards).没有达到预料的标准。

10.pre-engineered suppression system预制标准间的灭火系统

11.modular prefabricated wooden bridge (system)预制标准件木桥(组装法)

12.something expected (as on the basis of a norm).根据标准对未来的预测。

13.budgeting and standard costs预算编制和标准成本

14.The radio alert ed the citizens to prepare for the hurricane电台警告市民们作好预防暴风准备。

15.Thinking from Early-Warning Indexes of Financial Affairs Failure to Establishment of Early-Warning Index Systems of International Fund-raising Scale;从财务失败预警指标到建立国际筹资规模预警指标体系的思考

16.The Analysis of the Alert Indicators of the Alert System of Anti-damping Against China of Developed Countries;发达国家对华反倾销预警系统的警兆指标探讨

17.Probing into the Signal Index System about Social Pension Insurance Crisis Warning社会养老保险危机预警警兆指标体系探讨

18.Hong Kong Police Force Model Scale 1 Staff Association香港警务处第一标准薪级员工协会



1.The deformation monitoring of support structure and the surrounding environment for deep substructure pit of Xiamen airdrome road and the establishment ofalarmstandard were introduced.介绍了厦门机场路深基坑工程支护结构与周围环境的变形监测和预警标准的设定,分析了监测数据,给出了监测必要性及预警值的设定原则。

3)early-warning criteria预警准则

4)precaution prepare预警准备

5)foreprotection and forewarning预防与预警

6)Accuracy of Early-warning预警准确度


