2000字范文 > 承载量 loading capacity英语短句 例句大全

承载量 loading capacity英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-16 04:45:08


承载量 loading capacity英语短句 例句大全

承载量,loading capacity

1)loading capacity承载量

1.Theloading capacity of land resource of Taixing City,Jiangsu Province.;江苏省泰兴市土地资源的人口承载量研究

2.Loading capacity estimation and risk assessment of livestock manure in cultivated lands around Dongting Lake湖南洞庭湖区农地畜禽粪便承载量估算及其风险评价


1.503 Service Unavailable The request was not completed. The server is temporarily overloading or down.请求未能完成。服务器承载量超负荷。

2.Do not overload your first page.但是不要让首页的信息承载量太大。

3.The maximum load for this lift is one hundred kilos.这个电梯的最大承载量是100公斤。

4.Population Carrying Capacity of Land Resources in Qinghai Lake Area青海湖地区土地资源人口承载量分析

5.Our class is studying the carrying capacity of small forests.我们班正在研究小面积林地的生物承载量。

6.The Studies On Land Resource Potential Productivity and Population Supporting Capacity in Pingshan County河北省平山县土地生产潜力与人口承载量研究

7.Study on Land Resource Evaluation and Land Carrying Capacity in Hanzhang City;汉中市土地资源评价及人口承载量研究

8.maximum all-up weight [loaded condition]最高承载重量〔载荷状态〕

9.carrying capacity [transportation]载货量,承载能力,运载能力 [运输]

10.Deep groove ball bearings mainly take radial load as well as take moderate axial load.深沟球轴承主要承受径向载荷,也可承受一定量的轴向载荷。

11.The effect of the main parameters of caps of steel fiber concrete on bearing capacity钢纤维混凝土承台主要参量对承载力的影响

12.Bearing capacity of foundations above caves based on incremental load method基于增量加载法的隧洞上方地基承载力研究

13.A device or the resistance of a device to which power is delivered.载体承受力量的装置或装置的抗力

14.Study on Relationship among Environmental Capacity Threshold,Environment Quality and Environmental Kuznets Curve环境承载阀值、环境质量与EKC关系研究

15.Wear Measurement of Spherical Component Articulation with Roundness Machine采用圆度仪测量球形运动副承载面磨损量方法

16.The load on that beam be more than It will bear那根梁上的载重超过了它所能承受的量

17.designed for ease of movement or to carry little weight.设计用来做轻快的移动或者承载很小的重量。

18.a system of measurement of information based on the probabilities of the information-bearing events.信息测量制,以承载信息事件的概率为基


available ecological capacity生态承载量

1.Based on the statistical data of Chongqing in ,the ecological footprint andavailable ecological capacity of the city were calculated.以重庆市统计数据为基础,计算生态足迹和生态承载量,计算结果显示该地区人均生态足迹为1。

3)environment carrying capability环境承载量

1.The meaning of carrying capability of eco-tourism scenic spot, the system and framework ofenvironment carrying capability were introduced.介绍了生态旅游环境承载量的含义以及生态环境容量的概念体系框架 ,环境承载量的测算方法 :面积法、卡口法、游路法。

4)load-carrying factors承载量系数

1.The formula ofload-carrying factors for the finite-width journal bearing was established without having run into the major difficulty of numerical calculation.在此基础上建立了有限宽轴承承载量系数公式,它避开了文献中轴承承载量系数的数值计困难。

5)psychological bearing capacity心理承载量

6)Land supporting capability土地承载量


