2000字范文 > 生态风险评价方法 ecological risk assessment methods英语短句 例句大全

生态风险评价方法 ecological risk assessment methods英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-08 23:28:43


生态风险评价方法 ecological risk assessment methods英语短句 例句大全

生态风险评价方法,ecological risk assessment methods

1)ecological risk assessment methods生态风险评价方法

1.This paper discusses the development and characteristics ofecological risk assessment methods and existing problems at different stages.生态风险评价从最初单物种毒性测试数据为基础、从急性毒性数据外推获得慢性毒性数据的简单模型方法,逐步过渡到以多物种测试为基础和通过微、中宇宙生态系统模拟法获取数据、建立模型,以及以生态毒理模型为基础的生态风险评价方法。


1.Study on Ecological Risk Assessment Method of Tianjin"s Coastal Marine天津市近岸海域生态风险评价方法研究

2.Method and Case Study of Ecological Risk Assessment Based on Landscape Structure of Regional Development区域景观结构的生态风险评价方法与案例研究

3.Studies on Theories and Methods of Estuary Ecosystem Health and Water Environment Risk Assessment;河口生态系统健康与水环境风险评价理论方法研究

4.A fuzzy Method for Evaluating the Non-systematic Risks of Venture capital investments;风险投资非系统风险的模糊评价方法

5.Research on A Comprehensive Method for Evaluating Risks of Venture Capital Projects风险投资项目风险综合评价方法研究

6.The Study of Regional Landscape Ecological Risk Assessment and the Environmental Risk Management Countermeasure;区域景观生态风险评价及生态风险管理研究

7.Ecosystem Services, Ecological Security and Ecological Risk Assessment;生态服务功能、生态安全和风险评价

8.Analysis and Assessment on Ecological Risks in Scenic Spot;旅游风景区生态风险分析与评价研究

9.Method of risk probability assessment of the chlorine leakage accident in the process of production生产过程中氯气泄漏的环境风险评价方法

10.Discussion on risk assessment method for flood insurance in China;我国洪水保险中的风险评价方法探讨

11.Ecological Risk Assessment for the Wetland Aside Xizang Railway;青藏铁路沿线湿地生态风险评价研究

12.The Ecological Risk Assessment of Qiandao Lake Area;千岛湖区域生态风险评价研究(摘要)

13.A Study of Ecological Risk Assessment of Mathematical Model and Its Application生态风险评价的数学模型及应用研究

14.A Study on Assessment of Ecological Risk of Water Environment in Suzhou High-tech District苏州高新区水环境生态风险评价研究

15.Assessment of Ecological Risks on Regional Landscape Patterns of Hydropower Station基于景观尺度的水电站生态风险评价

16.Risk Analysis Method and Information Systems of Risk Evaluation for Arch Dam;拱坝风险分析方法及风险评价信息系统

17.Assessment of Ecological Risk to Climate Change of the Farming-Pastoral Zigzag Zone in Northern China气候变化背景下我国北方农牧交错带生态风险评价

18.Study on Quasi real-time Dynamic Risk Assessment Method for Telecom Network电信网准实时动态风险评估方法研究


ecological risk assessment生态风险评价

1.Exotic plant invasion and itsecological risk assessment;外来植物的入侵机制及其生态风险评价

2.Distribution andecological risk assessment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in surface sediments from Bohai Sea, China;渤海表层沉积物中多环芳烃的分布与生态风险评价

3)LEC risk evaluation methodLEC风险评价方法

1.Exactly comprehending and exercisingLEC risk evaluation method, establishing and holding occupational safety and health management system, put an end to the divorce of theLEC risk evaluation method from practice.文章讨论了如何正确理解和运用LEC风险评价方法,以建立并保持职业健康安全管理体系,避免评价结果脱离实际。

4)aquatic ecological risk assessment水生生态风险评价

1.For the purpose of providing useful reference inaquatic ecological risk assessment,a(detailed) study in USA was conducted.介绍了美国农药水生生态风险评价从商值法到概率风险评价再到多层次生态风险评价的发展过程,重点阐述了当前在美国被广泛采用的多层次生态风险评价系统。

5)terrestrial eco-risk assessment陆生生态风险评价

1.Techniques pesticide containing for aquatic andterrestrial eco-risk assessment of America were reviewed,aiming to provide clues for improving Chinese eco-risk assessment techniques and thus enhancing pesticide risk management in China.综述了美国的农药水生生态风险评价及陆生生态风险评价技术,旨在为我国农药生态风险评价技术的完善和农药风险管理提供借鉴。

6)potential ecological risk assessment潜在生态风险评价


生态1.显露美好的姿态。 2.生动的意态。 3.生物的生理特性和生活习性。
