2000字范文 > 运行车速 operating speed英语短句 例句大全

运行车速 operating speed英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-07 20:46:20


运行车速 operating speed英语短句 例句大全

运行车速,operating speed

1)operating speed运行车速

1.Virtual simulation test of perception factors foroperating speed;运行车速认知因子虚拟仿真试验

2.Application ofoperating speed in the design of highway route;运行车速在公路路线设计中的应用

3.The application of artificial neural network inoperating speed forecast;人工神经网络在运行车速预测中的应用


1.Study and application of two operation speed predication model两种运行车速预测模型的研究与应用

2.The Study about Operating Speed Model of Tunnels and Interchange Zone in Express Highway高速公路隧道及互通区运行车速模型研究

3.Study on the Recommended Value of Desired Speed in Operation Speed Prediction Model运行车速预测模型中的期望速度推荐值研究

4.The Research on Operating Speed Modeling and Application of Mountainous Roads山区公路典型路段运行车速模型及应用研究

5.crab traversing speed limiter小车运行速度限制器

ets might creep at bike-rate speed.它们的运行速度和自行车的速度差不多。

7.Study on Influence of Delay of Medium Speed Train upon Organization of Train Operation for Beijing Shanghai High Speed Passenger Special Line中速列车晚点对京沪高速客运专线列车运行组织的影响

8.let sth rip allow(a car,machine,etc) to go at its top speed让(汽车、机器等)以最高速度行驶或运转

9.As the vehicle speed increases, transition to 120v operation occurs.当车速提高时,就转换到120V运行的状态。

10.Acceleration parameter is very important for train control system.列车加速度对运行控制系统极为重要。

11.The train travels at the rate of 50 miles an hour.那火车以每小时50英里的速度运行。

12.Research on the Number of Reserved Medium Speed Train Paths on High Speed Railway;高速铁路中速列车备用运行线数量的研究

13.Operating Speed Model for Acceleration and Deceleration Lane of Hangzhou Bay Bridge Passageway杭州湾大桥进出口加减速车道运行速度模型

14.Effects of Maximum Instantaneous Wind Velocity on the Safety of High-speed Train and Its Control瞬时风速对高速列车安全运行的影响及其控制

15.In order for the operation of WHB to be steady, the quality of supply-water and the start-up/stop speed of the unit should be controlled within the designed conditions.在运行时,确保水质指标,控制开车、停车速度,保持装置运行稳定;

16.high-speed rail technology; train is suspended on a magnetic cushion above a magnetized track and so travels free of friction.高速火车的技术;火车在磁化轨道上悬浮并高速运行。

17.An Optimum Analysis of the Ride Quality of Maglev Vehicle运用平稳性快速算法优化高速磁浮车辆的运行平稳性

18.Study on Performance of High-speed Maglev Vehicle Running on Small Radius Curve;高速磁浮车小半径曲线运行性能的研究


operation speed运行车速

1.The application ofoperation speed in route design;运行车速在路线设计中的运用

2.Research onoperation speed and speed limitfor freeways in China;高速公路运行车速调查与限制车速问题研究

3.Study and application of twooperation speed predication model两种运行车速预测模型的研究与应用

3)Operational speed of train列车运行速度

4)actual driving speed实际运行车速

1.According to functions of ramps,theactual driving speed of vehicles in ramps is determined,and superelevation of ramps is determined based onactual driving speed,so to meet with the requests for safe and comfortable driving in ramps.阐述互通匝道中超高取值的问题,根据匝道功能,确定汽车在匝道上实际运行车速。

5)vehicle speed车辆运行速度

1.They arevehicle speed, person throughput and person travel time saving.选择了交通效益中最重要的三个指标:车辆运行速度、客流总通过能力和客流总出行时耗节省进行评价方法研究。

6)Inspection of traveling speed运行车速检验


