2000字范文 > 电视手段 Television method英语短句 例句大全

电视手段 Television method英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-11 21:26:05


电视手段 Television method英语短句 例句大全

电视手段,Television method

1)Television method电视手段

2)Visual Means影视手段

1.The Function And Application ofVisual Means in the Study of Anthropology;浅谈影视手段在人类学研究中的意义


1.The Function And Application of Visual Means in the Study of Anthropology;浅谈影视手段在人类学研究中的意义

2.Problems in the Application of English Films and TV Series in College English Listening;影视手段在大学英语听力教学中的问题

3.Moreover, She puts stress on the application of means of painting such as line, shade and so on.她还重视光影、条、彩等绘画手段在创作中的运用。

4.On Audiovisual-Oral Optional Course An Effective Way to Improve Listening and Speaking Ability in English;影视英语选修课——提高英语听说能力的有效手段

5.On Making Film and Cartoon;卡通影视制作──商业艺术设计的重要表现手段

6.a joke whose effect is achieved by visual means rather than by speech (as in a movie).通过视觉手段而不是语言(如电影中)达到效果的笑话。

7.Gain sentence building and communicating power through mastery of Movie Making Technology (MMT).以做电影技术和视觉想象为手段,实现造句和沟通能力的快速提升!

8.Influence of general anesthesia combined with thoracic epidural anesthesia on the levels of MDA and SOD during open heart surgery全麻复合胸段硬膜外阻滞对心内直视手术MDA、SOD水平的影响

9.In the works of plays, films and videos, the keynote of pictures is a main means to compose plots, deepen the theme and strenghthen the visual attraction.在戏剧与影视作品中画面基调是构成情节、化主题、造人物、强视觉冲击力的重要手段。

10.Programs will do almost anything for good ratings.各个节目为了高收视率,几乎不择手段。

11.The next step would be to develop means for sending television pictures.下一步将要发展送出电视图象的手段。

12.Forty cases of limited lower sternotomy for open heart surgery胸骨下段小切口心内直视手术40例

13.Face the audience when using your visual aids.当你使用视觉辅助手段是,要面对听众。

14.A Contrastive Study of Collocation in English and Chinese Context from a Cultural Perspective;从文化视角探讨英汉语境的搭配手段

15.English Expressions on the Percentage Change in Amount;百分比变化幅度的英文表达手段透视

16.The Study on the Instant Compulsory Means of the Police in the Perspective of Law法治视野下的警察即时强制手段研究

17.Perspectives and Means: Study of the Relationship between Language and Thinking论语言与思维关系研究的视觉与手段

18.A means of increasing power or influence.手段扩大力量或影响的方法


Visual Means影视手段

1.The Function And Application ofVisual Means in the Study of Anthropology;浅谈影视手段在人类学研究中的意义

3)audio-visual medium视听手段

1.This paper analyzes the application and function ofaudio-visual medium in English teaching and learning from the four aspects of listening, speaking, translating and readin视听手段在外语教学中起重要作用 ,从外语的听、说、翻译、阅读四方面阐述了视听手段所发挥的作

4)Visual devices视觉手段

5)the instrumentality of electrical teaching电教手段

1.Improve students reading ability throughthe instrumentality of electrical teaching;运用电教手段提高学生的阅读能力

6)the Period for TV Shows电视时段


