2000字范文 > 防护对策 protective countermeasure英语短句 例句大全

防护对策 protective countermeasure英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-18 20:08:10


防护对策 protective countermeasure英语短句 例句大全

防护对策,protective countermeasure

1)protective countermeasure防护对策

1.Some key problems are pointed out,and suggestions are made on the study methods of service life andprotective countermeasures for bolt and cable-supported structures.在此基础上,分析了需着重解决的几个关键问题,并对开展锚固类结构使用寿命与防护对策问题研究的方法进行了探讨。


1.The occupational hazard for the nurses In out-patient service infusion rooms and protection门诊输液室护士职业危害与防护对策

2.Research on evaluation of stability of Gaogouli’s Jiangjunfen and preventing measures;高句丽将军坟稳定性评价及防护对策

3.Corrosion Analysis of Water Reinjection Pipeline in Oilfield and Prevention Method油田回注水管道腐蚀分析及防护对策

4.The occupational exposure and protective countermeasures of midwives助产士职业暴露调查分析及防护对策

5.Analysis and countermeasure for the mental health condition of medical staff in psychiatric department精神科医护人员心理健康状况分析及防护对策

6.Status of Needle Stick Injury among Nurses of A Hospital and Its Protective Measures某医院临床护士针刺伤的现状与防护对策

7.A survey of sharp instrument injuries of clinical nursing staff and protection countermeasures for them临床护理人员锐器损伤调查及防护对策

8.The Erosion of Yungang Grottoes by Air Pollution and its Protection Countermeasures;大气污染对云冈石窟的风化侵蚀及防护对策

9.A survey of self-protection consciousness of student nurses in operating room and its strategies手术室护生自我防护意识调查及对策

10.Protection dam strategy against terrorism in USA防恐操作平台:美国对水坝人为破坏的防护策略

11.The Current Situation and Problem Solving Study of Hygiene and Epidemic Prevention for the Armed Force at Basement Layer基层部队卫生防疫防护保障现状和对策研究

12.Research of the Countermeasures to Construct the Yangtze River Shelterbelts"System in Nantong南通市长江防护林体系建设对策研究

13.Spatial-temporal population dynamics of Myzus persicae on greenhouse peaches and suggestions for its control保护地桃蚜种群时空动态与防治对策

14.Pump shut down large-scale accidents and countermeasures to prevent water hammer大型泵组事故停机中水锤防护及对策

15.Reasons and Solutions of Dispute Between Nurses and Patients急诊护患纠纷产生的原因及防范对策

16.Analysis of NICU Nursing Risk Factors and Preventive StrategyNICU护理风险相关因素分析及防范对策

17.Analysis on 21 complaints of emergency care and the preventive measures分析21例急诊护理纠纷与防范对策

18.Current Situation and Construction Countermeasures of Hainan Coastal Defense Forest System海南沿海防护林体系现状及建设对策


Preventive measure防护对策


4)protection measure防护对策

1.The harmful career factors andprotection measures against them among nurses working in emergency room;急诊科护士职业危害因素及防护对策

5)protection countermeasures防护对策

1.On the basis of varionsprotection countermeasures, such as laser warning, hiding the true targets while showing the false one, as well as the air obstacle deployment, can make the enemy s reconnaissance and attack more difficult, and the protection ability of the large-scale bridge can b.分析了激光制导炸弹对大型桥梁构成的威胁及其攻击方式,阐述了现有大型桥梁防护方法的局限性,并提出了相应的防护对策。

6)Occupational protection strategy职业防护对策


Blotto对策Blotto对策Blotto gamesB一川幽〕对策!BI峨劝〕g别nes;6.ooT,o“I,p“l一类正规形式的二人零和对策(two一peoonzerc)一sum缪me)其中局中人的纯策略(见策略(对策论中的)(strategy〔in缪me theory)))是有限资源(可分割的或不可分割的)在多个对象土的分配,而增益或支付等于个体对象的增益或支付之和,这一对策是以一个虚构的Blotto土校来命名的,据说他是第一个参预这种类型的对策的人物
