2000字范文 > 任督循环 The Circulation of The Du and Ren Meridians英语短句 例句大全

任督循环 The Circulation of The Du and Ren Meridians英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-16 21:26:25


任督循环 The Circulation of The Du and Ren Meridians英语短句 例句大全

任督循环,The Circulation of The Du and Ren Meridians

1)The Circulation of The Du and Ren Meridians任督循环

2)circulatory supervision循环监督

3)arbitrary cycle任意循环

1.It is Pointed out that the rcsolutions of anarbitrary cycle into Cornot cycles by two methods both approach the original cycle.指出任意循环的两种卡诺循环分解的极限都趋于原来的循环,一些文献中关于其中一种分解不趋于原循环的证明是欠妥的。

2.The article has proved that the efficiency of anarbitrary cycle(η_卡)is lower than that of the corresponding Carnot cycle(η′) which takes the highest temperature and the lowest temperature of thearbitrary cycle as ` higher temperature and lower temperature by using diagram.本文利用T-S图证明了任意循环过程的效率η′,总比以该循环所经历的最高温度和最低温度为高、低温的卡诺循环的效率η卡要低。

3.A more explicit and more convenient method is introduced in the discussion ofefficiency forarbitrary cycle and Camot cycle with T-S graph.本文给出了用T-S图讨论任意循环效率与卡诺循环效率关系的更直现、更简便的方法。


1.Proving the Efficiency of an Arbitrary Cycle(η′) is Lower than of the Corresponding Carnot Cycle(η_卡) by using the Diagram;用T-S图证明任意循环的η′<η_卡

2.A Discussion of Limit Efficiency for Arbitrary Cycle with P-V Graph;任意循环极限效率的P-V图证明的再讨论

3.The approximation problems of any matrix in circle matrix are studied.研究了任意矩阵在循环矩阵中的逼近问题。

4.The Study on the Effects of Papaverine on Flap Survivalafter Local Application in Rats;盐酸罂粟碱对任意皮瓣微循环影响的实验研究

5.The Convergence Analysis for a W-cycle Miltigrid Method for Arbitrary Quadrilateral Meshes;任意四边形W-循环多重网格法收敛性分析

6.Derivation of Efficiency of Carnot Cycle with Arbitrary Gas Equation of State;以任意气体为工作物质的卡诺循环效率的推导

7.A Probe into the Free Reversible Cycle Efficiency and Its Limit;任意可逆循环效率及其极限问题的探讨

8.A filling schedule algorithm for the round robin calendar problem with arbitrary competitors一种任意数量选手循环赛程填表构造算法

9.Design of Arbitrary Carry Counter of Unnatural Sequence Circulation Based on MSI;基于MSI的非自然顺序循环的任意进制计数器的设计

10.Developing circulatory economy and realizing environmental responsibilities of the enterprises;发展循环经济与企业环境责任的实现

11.Unlike a direct-drive buffer, an orbital polisher has a special head that rotates in a random, circular motion.与直接抛光机不同,轨道抛光机的特殊头部牵引机身做任意的循环运动。

12.No. of English Language Periods Taught Per Week/Cycle任教英文科每周/循环周平均节数?

13.Enterprise Social Responsibility in the Analytic Framework of Cyclic Economy;循环经济分析框架下的企业社会责任

14.The Research on the Individual Responsibility of Consumer of the Circulating Economy Law循环经济法中“个人消费责任”之研究

15.Extension of Legal Liability System for Environmental Damage: Discussion on Legislation of Recycling Economy;环境法律责任的拓展——兼论循环经济立法

16.To Construct Environmental Liability Insurance for Circular Economy in China循环经济背景下我国环境责任保险体系的构建

17.By circulation that must be done according to our intent.藉著循环一定要被依照我们的意图做。

18.The Arterial Micro architecture of the Achilles Tendon and its Clinical Significance跟腱血液循环的显微构筑及临床意义


circulatory supervision循环监督

3)arbitrary cycle任意循环

1.It is Pointed out that the rcsolutions of anarbitrary cycle into Cornot cycles by two methods both approach the original cycle.指出任意循环的两种卡诺循环分解的极限都趋于原来的循环,一些文献中关于其中一种分解不趋于原循环的证明是欠妥的。

2.The article has proved that the efficiency of anarbitrary cycle(η_卡)is lower than that of the corresponding Carnot cycle(η′) which takes the highest temperature and the lowest temperature of thearbitrary cycle as ` higher temperature and lower temperature by using diagram.本文利用T-S图证明了任意循环过程的效率η′,总比以该循环所经历的最高温度和最低温度为高、低温的卡诺循环的效率η卡要低。

3.A more explicit and more convenient method is introduced in the discussion ofefficiency forarbitrary cycle and Camot cycle with T-S graph.本文给出了用T-S图讨论任意循环效率与卡诺循环效率关系的更直现、更简便的方法。

4)arbitrary cyclic process任意循环

1.It is pointed out that the one of the two methods is unusable in the proof of efficiency limit in thearbitrary cyclic process, but they are usable in the proof of Clausius equality or Clausius inequality.综合讨论了任意循环的两种卡诺循环分解法 ,指出不能采用“串联”分解法来证明任意循环效率的极限 ,但可用这两种分解法来证明克劳修斯等式和不等式 ,同时指出了一些文献在涉及该问题时所存在的不妥之处。

5)cycle tasks循环任务

1.To mine process from event log withcycle tasks,repetitive tasks and same tasks,and to optimize enterprise modeling method,an improved mining algorithm called τ-algorithm was presented by improving the α-algorithm.为解决事件日志中含有循环任务、重复任务和同一任务的过程挖掘问题,进一步优化企业建模方法,改进了α算法,提出了τ算法。

6)cyclic workflow循环任务流



循环系统的进化鱼的循环系统 李瑞端绘[图]
