2000字范文 > 财政职能 financial function英语短句 例句大全

财政职能 financial function英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-15 11:26:49


财政职能 financial function英语短句 例句大全

财政职能,financial function

1)financial function财政职能

1.This paper proceeds from Qinghai s reality,explicates about the specific policies and methods of how to make overall plans and configure the financial resource,exertfinancial functions and advance the economy and society to soundly and rapidly de-velop.本文从青海实际出发,阐述了如何统筹配置财政资源,发挥财政职能作用,促进经济社会又好又快发展的具体政策和措施。

2.By dealing with the problem of capital deficiency concerning agriculture, rural areas and peasants, the paper proposes a new approach for strengthening thefinancial function of the government in the development of western China, that is, issuing local government bonds.从西部开发及其三农问题解决中存在的资金不足问题入手,提出西部开发中强化地方政府财政职能的一个新途径一发行地方政府公债。

3.Therefore thefinancial function should be transformed as soon as possible,including defining objectively limits of expenses,increasing the supply of efficient public products,improving social system of income and distribution and social ensuring system,strengthening adjustment about income and distribution,making marke.随着经济体制的改革不断深入 ,原有财政体系统越来越不适应经济发展的要求 ,因此财政职能应尽快转换 ,即要客观介定支出范围 ,增加有效公共产品的提供 ;完善社会收入分配体制和社会保障体系 ,加强调整收入分配 ;规范市场 ,加强客观调控 ;建立规范的财政收入体系。


1.Try Hard to Construct the Frame of Public Finance Actively Develop Function Transformation of Finance;努力构建公共财政框架 积极推进财政职能转换

2.Fiscal Instrument for Grain Regulation;积极发挥财政职能 促进粮食宏观调控

3.Concentrating Financial Resources and Strengthening Fiscal Functions: The Core of President Jiang Zemin s Theory of Financing;集中国家财力 强化财政职能——学习和领会江泽民同志的理财思想

4.Prospects for restructuring the economy by the theory of public goods;政府财政职能转变的公共产品理论分析

5.On the Definition of Government Financial Functions Under the Socialist Market Economy;社会主义市场经济条件下政府财政职能的界定

6.The Characteristics and Levels of the Functions of the State s Public Finance;我国公共财政的职能特征及职能层次

7.Financial Supervision is one of the important functions of public financial system.财政监督是公共财政体系的一项重要职能。

8.An analysis in fiscal expenditure of the offside and absence of governments function;政府职能越位与缺位的财政支出分析

9.Set up the System of Government Procurement and Strengthen Finance Regulation Function;建立政府采购制度强化财政调控职能

10.On Government Role and Fiscal Policy under Market-Economy System;市场经济条件下政府职能与财政政策刍议

11.It was similar to the present day Ministry of Agriculture and Ministry of Finance.职能类似于现在的农业部和财政部。

12.Study on the Optimization of the Fiscal Expenditure Function Structure of China;中国财政支出职能结构优化问题研究

13.Facing the Problem of the Weakening of Financial Distribution Function in Harmonious Society;和谐社会直面财政分配职能弱化问题

14.A Research on Government Function Transfer and Government Finance Report Reform;我国政府职能转变与政府财务报告改革研究

15.Viewing the Fulfillment and Transformation of Local Governments Function from Its Fiscal Expenditure;由财政支出看地方政府职能的履行与转变

16.Analysis of the Finance in the Towns and Villages and the Fulfillment Actuality of the Grass-roots Government Functions in the Rural Areas;乡镇财政与农村基层政权职能履行现状研究

17.How China s Government Further Performs the Function of Public Finance at Present;我国政府如何进一步发挥公共财政的职能作用

18.Government Function Change is Key to Establishing Public Financial SystemZHANG Xue-yan;转变政府职能是建立公共财政体制的关键


Fiscal Function财政职能

1.Reflection on the Theory ofFiscal Function;关于财政职能理论的反思

2.A correct understanding and analysis of our country s two mainstream fiscal theories,"State Distribution Theory" and "public finance theory",in which national and fiscal functions are discoursed upon,can help to guide the regulating of the national fiscal expenditure structure.财政支出与国家职能、财政职能有着密切的因果关系,正确理解和分析我国主流的的两大财政理论——"国家分配论"与"公共财政论"中关于国家职能和财政职能的论述能为解决我国财政支出结构调整问题提供指导,本文结合中西的有关理论并结合我国国情,提出财政支出结构应反映国家在社会发展的不同阶段所肩负的职能,根据社会发展水平的变化而进行相应的调整。

3.Therefore, it s the first step to clarify the fiscal policy objective and properly define the fundamental content of the fiscal function.财政职能是政府活动所固有的经济活动,随着政府职能的转变,与其相适应的财政职能也应该转变,一个国家财政支出结构是其财政职能的具体表现。

3)financial functions财政职能

1.Thereafter,according to the theory of mutual relationship between thefinancial functions and institutions,suggestions of the county financial innovation are put forward on the basis of the reposition of the recent county finan.以财政职能和财政制度相互关系理论为依据,重新定位了新时期县级财政职能,提出要解决县级财政问题,应进行县级财政制度创新,明确划分县级财政的事权、调整支出范围,培植县级财政税源、确定县级财政的主体税种,规范县级财政转移支付制度、加大对财政困难县的财政转移支付力度,加强县级债务的基础制度和各项管理制度的建设,强化县级财政的预算自主权、规范预算管理中的各项制度建设。

2.It concludes that it is necessary to upgrade budget accounting personnel to accommodate the demands of the institutional reform onfinancial functions through proper training.市场经济体制下的财政职能与传统计划经济体制下的财政职能既相联系又有质的区别,财政职能的转变需要提高预算会计人员的综合素质以适应其新的要求。

4)the Function of Public Finance财政职能

5)Fiscal Functions财政职能

1.Thought on theFiscal Functions Evolvement in East and West;东西方财政职能演进的启示与思考

2.The practice of reform and opening up indicates, the fiscal functions under the planned economy system have already not accorded with the intrinsic requirement of the development of market economy.财政职能,是财政基础理论的核心内容之一,又是在实践中规范财政活动的基本准则和确立财政改革目标的重要依据。

6)Public Financial Function公共财政职能

1.Study onPublic Financial Function and the Development of Higher Education in Yunnan;发挥公共财政职能与支持云南高等教育发展的思考


