2000字范文 > 多民族地区 multi-ethnic region英语短句 例句大全

多民族地区 multi-ethnic region英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-09-28 17:39:24


多民族地区 multi-ethnic region英语短句 例句大全

多民族地区,multi-ethnic region

1)multi-ethnic region多民族地区


1.The Development of Social Undertakings in Multi-Ethnic Regions of Southwest Frontier;西南边疆多民族地区社会事业的发展

2.Motif of Ethnic Work and Construction of a Harmonious Society in the Multi-ethnic Areas of Dian,Qian and Gui;民族工作主题与滇、黔、桂多民族地区和谐社会构建

3.Research of Vernacularism Architectures in Southwest Multinational Area;西南多民族地区乡土主义建筑创作研究

4.Construction of Interest Coordination Mechanism in Ethnic Regions in Southwest China;西南边疆多民族地区的利益协调机制建构

5.The Particularity of Western Frontier Minorities Aaeras and the Discussion of Establishing Harmonious Society;边疆多民族地区的特殊性与构建和谐社会探析

6.In an area where people of a minority nationality live in concentrated communities or where a number of nationalities live together在少数民族聚居或者多民族共同居住的地区

7.I. Xinjiang Has Been a Multi-ethnic Region Since Ancient Times一、 新疆自古是多民族聚居的地区

8.a member of an aboriginal people living in the hills in SE India.住在东南印度多山脉地区的民族的人。

9.Thoughts on Ethnic Education in Western Regions--in the Background of Unified Nationality and Multi Ethnic Groups;对西部地区民族教育的一点思考——以统一民族与多元族群为背景

10.Citizen Politics:the Foundation of Political Harmony for Our Multi-national Country公民政治:多民族国家政治和谐的基石——以少数民族地区为例

11.Pluralistic styles and the evolutionary trend of urban communities in the ethnic regions in Northwest China;西北民族地区城市社区多元类型及演化趋势

12.Language Accumulation of Multi-Nationality Seen in Geographic Name in Yili Area of Xinjiang;新疆伊犁地区地名中多民族杂居的语言积淀

13.On the Multi-characteristics of the Minority Highland Culture in Lincang Prefecture;临沧地区少数民族山地文化的多元特点

14.Yunnan is the home to25 ethnic minorities. most diverse region of China.云南是25个少数民族的家园,是中国有最多民族的地区。

15.The Harmonious Development of Ethical Cultural Industry in Multicultural and Multinational Xinjiang;论新疆多元民族地区和谐建设中民族文化产业的发展

16.Effect of Building and Developing Variously the National Documentary Information of the Libraries of the Colleges and Universities in the National Areas;民族地区高校图书馆民族文献信息的多样性建设开发效应

17.On Ethnic Identity Among The Multi -culture Interaction --Taking the Cross-border Ethnic groups in Southeast China as Examples;试论多样性文化互动下的民族认同——以中国西南跨国民族地区为例

18.An Investigation and Analysis of Multicultural Education On Minority Students in Qinghai Province论多元文化教育与民族团结、民族地区发展之关系


multinational poverty stricken areas多民族贫困地区

3)Western frontier minority areas边疆多民族地区

1.In the process of building modernization relying on the market inWestern frontier minority areas,achieving the common prosperity of all ethnic groups is One of the important contents on establishing a socialist harmonious society.西部地区经济发展中存在相当程度的民族关系因素,边疆多民族地区在依靠市场化动员推进现代化建设过程中,实现各民族的共同繁荣,是建立社会主义和谐社会的重要内容之一。

4)Multinational Areas多民族杂居地区

1.On Culture Change ofMultinational Areas;多民族杂居地区文化变迁研究

5)minority regions民族地区

1.Constructing the New System of College English Listening and Oral Teaching in Minority Regions;构建民族地区高校大学英语听说教学新体系

2.Analysis on "How to Make A Mountain Out of A Mountain" in College English Teaching in Minority Regions;试析民族地区大学英语教学中的“小题大做”

3.Frustrations Faced by Private Enterprises in Minority Regions and Their Solutions;浅析我国民族地区民营企业发展的困境及突破点

6)minority area民族地区

1.Study on humanity nursing teaching mode in westernminority areas;西部民族地区人性化护理教学模式初探

2.The Special Economic Method and Special Human Resource in the New Rural Construction of Western China s Minority Area;西部民族地区新农村建设中的特色经济与特色人力资源开发研究

3.A Way to Landscape Modernization in Minority Areas Landscape Design of Road System for the New Urban Space of Kuche, Xinjiang;民族地区的景观现代化之路——以新疆库车新城区道路系统景观规划设计为例


