2000字范文 > 输水隧洞 water conveyance tunnel英语短句 例句大全

输水隧洞 water conveyance tunnel英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-11 09:47:15


输水隧洞 water conveyance tunnel英语短句 例句大全

输水隧洞,water conveyance tunnel

1)water conveyance tunnel输水隧洞

1.Treatment on collapse ofwater conveyance tunnel of Maliba Reservoir in Yunnan Province;云南麻栗坝水库输水隧洞坍塌处理

2.Construction features of a super longwater conveyance tunnel project with large cross section in construction;大断面超长输水隧洞的施工特点


1.Preliminary Analysis on Rehabilitation of the Water Conveyance Tunnel of Zhongba Reservoir;浅析中坝水库输水隧洞除险加固工程

2.Application of TBM Technology in Water Conveyance Tunnel Project;TBM技术在输水隧洞工程中的应用

3.Treatment and analysis of water boil in Liu river section of Dahuofang water division tunnel大伙房输水隧洞六河段涌水的处理与分析

4.Research on Anchor Injection Techniques for Water Conveyance Tunnel Project and Applications;输水隧洞工程锚喷设计技术研究及应用

5.The Interactional Analysis of the Timbering Structure and Wall Rock in the Tunnel of Transportation Water;输水隧洞支护结构与围岩的相互作用分析

6.Preliminary Study on TBM in the Tunnel Project of the Water Diversion Project from Hongyan to Stone River引红济石输水隧洞工程TBM施工适应性初探

7.On the Delivery Tunnel’s Ring Cohesionless Particle Pre-stress Lining Construction Technology输水隧洞环形无粘结预应力衬砌施工技术

8.Design plan of water-conveying tunnel in high-side pad road foundation and its construction measures高垫方路基内输水隧洞的设计方案和施工措施

9.Character Analysis of Ground Stress Field and Stability Assessment of Rock Mass in Dahuofang Reservoir Conveying-Water-Tunnel;大伙房水库输水隧洞地应力场特征分析及围岩稳定性评价

10.Analysis and Treatment of Cracking Along Water Current Direction on the Double-hole Water-conveyance Tunnel in Ship Lock of Three-Gorge Project;三峡船闸中隔墩输水隧洞顺流向裂缝分析与处理

11.Application of FEM to study on stress status of lining for shallow-buried and underground-excavated water conveyance tunnel有限元法在浅埋暗挖输水隧洞衬砌受力研究中的应用

12.Study on large scale water conveyance tunnel structure with shielding segment steel reinforced concrete inner lining盾构管片钢筋混凝土内衬大型输水隧洞结构研究

13.Lining Concrete Quality Detecting in Tunnel Diverting Luanhe River to Tianjin by Ground Penetrating Radar引滦入津输水隧洞混凝土衬砌质量的探地雷达检测

14.The seepage cause in the adit and shaft of the third-stage pumping station of the general main line in YRDP is analyzed.文中针对万家寨引黄工程输水隧洞及泵站平洞竖井存在的渗漏原因进行分析研究。

15.Research of Original Observation and Checking Water Carrying Capability for Water Diversion Tunnel from Lan River to Tanghe Reservoir;引兰入汤隧洞原型观测及隧洞输水能力复核研究

16.Calculation of Outfall Pressure and Water Carrying Capacity of Hydraulic Tunnel under Pressure;水工有压隧洞出口断面压强及输水能力的计算

17.6 standard rail transport construction technology of the Baixi diversion tunnel in Ningbo宁波白溪引水隧洞6标有轨运输施工技术

18.3D Water Delivery Process Numerical Simulation and Scheme Optimization for Complex Free-Flow Tunnel复杂无压隧洞输水过程三维数值模拟与方案优选


water diversion tunnel输水隧洞

1.Three-dimensional simulation analysis of structure of deepwater diversion tunnel with TBM constructing;深埋TBM施工输水隧洞结构的三维仿真分析

2.Twowater diversion tunnels are embedded in soft soil under road.使用基于弹塑性增量理论的三维有限元方法,较细致地模拟了公路下输水隧洞近接沉箱桩施工的过程,并考虑了混凝土和注浆地层力学参数随龄期的变化,得出了一系列对设计和施工具有重要参考意义的结论。

3.Construction of vertical shaft by means of freezing is a new attempt forwater diversion tunnel construction.冻结法竖井施工是水工隧洞施工竖井施工的一种尝试,本文通过冻结法对竖井冻结后施工过程和工艺的介绍及在神木县供水工程输水隧洞项目中的运用成功,可对以后利用冻结法解决复杂地质施工问题和冻结状态下竖井施工有所借鉴和帮助。

3)water delivery tunnel输水隧洞

4)water-conveying tunnel输水隧洞

1.Inwater-conveying tunnel of permanent shiplock of Three Gorges Project,some cracks are found in early phase cast concrete lining.对衬砌混凝土施工期裂缝的原因进行了分析,指出了隧洞衬砌混凝土温控防裂的重要性,提出了一些可行的温控防裂措施,并在输水隧洞衬砌混凝土的后期施工中得到了应用,取得了良好的防裂效果。

2.In order to study the rules of the temperature and stress changes in the concrete lining ofwater-conveying tunnel during construction period, simplified calculations of the temperature stress of the side-wall concrete lining are conducted based on the observation results of side wall concrete lining ofwater-conveying tunnel in Rosfa Water Project by using the fixed slab theory.为了研究输水隧洞衬砌混凝土施工期的温度和应力变化规律 ,根据罗斯法水利枢纽输水隧洞衬砌混凝土边墙的温度观测成果 ,采用嵌固板理论对衬砌的混凝土边墙的温度应力进行了简化计算分析 ,得出了特殊点温度历时曲线和典型点应力历时曲线 ,并对衬砌混凝土的温度控制提出了一些有益的建议。

3.During the earlier construction stage,lots of cracks occurred nearby 1/2 lengths of concrete lining ofwater-conveying tunnels of the permanent ship lock at Three Gorges Project.三峡水利枢纽永久船闸输水隧洞早期施工的衬砌混凝土,有不少结构段在二分之一长度附近发生了裂缝,而且大多是贯穿性的,严重影响了工程质量和寿命。

5)transporting water tunnel输水隧洞

1.Analysis and evaluation of stability oftransporting water tunnel influenced by expressway;高速公路对输水隧洞稳定性影响的分析与评价

2.108transporting water tunnels of Guanzhuang Reservoir,the reasons of the hidden safety trouble of the tunnel and some treatment measures are proposed.醴陵市官庄水库92号、105号和108号的输水隧洞,在长期的运行中隧洞衬砌混凝土出现了裂缝、渗漏和蜂窝麻面,目前隧洞仍处于带病工作状态,存在较大安全隐患。

6)long water delivery tunnel输水长隧洞

1.Type selection of TBM for construction oflong water delivery tunnel;输水长隧洞TBM的类型选择


