2000字范文 > 主控因素 main controlling factors英语短句 例句大全

主控因素 main controlling factors英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-07 06:18:32


主控因素 main controlling factors英语短句 例句大全

主控因素,main controlling factors

1)main controlling factors主控因素

1.Analysis onmain controlling factors of physical property of tight sandstone reservoir;川中—川南过渡带致密砂岩储层物性主控因素分析

2.Migration and accumulation mechanism of sand lens reservoirs and itsmain controlling factors;砂岩透镜体油运移过程模拟及成藏主控因素分析

3.Formation mechanism andmain controlling factors for lithologic reservoirs in northern Songliao basin;松辽盆地北部岩性油藏形成机制及主控因素


1.Analysis on Main Control Factors for Hydrocarbon Accumulation in Liaohe Tidal Zone辽河滩海地区油气成藏主控因素分析

2.An analysis of the decisive factors determining the formation of collapse columns in Xishan coal field西山煤田陷落柱形成之主控因素分析

3.Study of Mine Control Fctors of Deep CO_2 Gas Accumulation in Songliao Basin松辽盆地深层CO_2气成藏主控因素分析

4.Main Control Factors of Hydrocarbon Accumulation in Lukqin Uplift鲁克沁鼻隆带油气成藏主控因素浅析


6.Types,characteristics and main controlling factors of carbonate platform碳酸盐岩台地类型、特征及主控因素

7.Origin and main control factors of CO_2 in the Songliao basin松辽盆地二氧化碳成因及分布主控因素

8.Key Controlling Factors Comparison between High and Low Rank CBM Reservoir Formation;高、低煤阶煤层气藏主控因素差异性对比研究

9.Eocene Sequence Architecture and Controls of Sha 4 Member, in Southwest Dongying Depression, Bohai Bay Basin;博兴洼陷沙四段层序构成样式及其主控因素

10.The Major Control Factor of Reservoir Formation of KongQueHe Slope in Tarim Basin;塔里木盆地孔雀河斜坡成藏主控因素研究

11.Characteristics and major controlling factors of reservoirs in the Xujiahe Formation of the central and western Sichuan Basin四川盆地中西部须家河组储层特征与主控因素

12.Major controlling factors for oil accumulation and destruction in paleo-reservoirs,Sazhi area,Chuxiong Basin楚雄盆地洒芷古油藏成藏与破坏主控因素

13.Reservoir Forming Factors and Hydrocarbon Potential Analysis of Jiyuan Sag济源凹陷油气成藏主控因素与含油气远景分析

14.On main controlling factors of road slide slope and expectation of protective technology浅析公路滑坡的主控因素及防治技术展望

15.A study of the incremental trend of the reserves in Daqing Oilfield and its controlling factors大庆油田资源量增长趋势及其主控因素解析

16.The main influencing factors on the drilling cost and the corresponding controlling measures影响钻井成本的主要因素与控制措施

17.The elemental diffusion is the dominant factor of joint forming.元素的扩散是控制接头形成的主要因素。

18.The major factor controlling this process is tectono- dynamic condition.控制成岩过程的主导因素为构造动力条件。


main controlling factor主控因素

1.Study on feature of high natural gamma anomaly andmain controlling factors in Ordos basin;鄂尔多斯盆地高自然伽马值异常特征及主控因素研究

2.Forming conditions andmain controlling factors of the Middle-Upper Jurassic lithologic traps on East Fukang Slope,Jungar Basin;准噶尔盆地阜东斜坡带中上侏罗统岩性圈闭形成条件及成藏主控因素分析

3.Resrvoiring characteristics andmain controlling factors for deep hydrocarbon accumulations in Bonan sag in Jiyang depression;渤南洼陷深层油气成藏特征及主控因素

3)main control factor主控因素

1.A preliminary study ofmain control factors on oil and gas distribution in Persian Gulf Basin;波斯湾盆地油气分布主控因素初探

2.Analysis ofmain control factors and prediction of favorable exploration belts of Chang2 reservoir in Youfangzhuang area,Ordos Basin;鄂尔多斯盆地油坊庄地区长2油藏主控因素及有利区预测

3.Themain control factors to Triassic natural gas enrichment in west Sichuan foreland basin were analyzed.通过分析川西前陆盆地上三叠统天然气富集的主控因素,明确指出有利区带必须具备的4个条件:①邻近烃源岩,并为天然气运聚指向区;②两期前陆盆地隆起带交汇部位、斜坡部位,构造背景有利;③有利沉积相带;④有利成岩相带或裂缝发育带。

4)controlling factor主控因素

1.Physical properties andcontrolling factors for the reservoirs in the Su10-28-33 well in the Sulige Gas Field,Ih Ju Meng,Nei Mongol;苏里格苏10-28-33井储层物性特征及主控因素研究

2.A research on the conditions of the reservoir formation and the maincontrolling factors of Upper Triassic Yanchang Formation in Ordos Basin,China;鄂尔多斯盆地三叠系延长组油气成藏条件及主控因素研究

3.Thecontrolling factors for the Triassic hydrocarbon distribution are dealt with on the basis of the analysis of reservoir formation in the Taibei depression,Turpan-Hami Basin,including tectonic setting,geological structure,fault,unconformity,source-reservoir-seal association and trap arrangement,and fluid dynamics.吐哈盆地三叠系油气资源丰富,勘探潜力巨大,但目前对该盆地的油气成藏与分布的主控因素尚存争议。

5)controlling factors主控因素

1.Accumulation patterns andcontrolling factors of "Sweet Point" in low permeability reservoir:A case study from Fuyang reservoir in southern Songliao Basin;低渗透油藏“甜点”成藏模式及主控因素分析——以松辽盆地南部扶杨油层为例

2.The keycontrolling factors of gas pool accumulation in the source rock(i.烃源岩内(平湖组)天然气成藏主控因素是储集体、圈闭和聚油背景;烃源岩之上(花港组)天然气成藏主控因素为气源断裂、储集体和圈闭条件。

3.The origin of extra low-permeability andcontrolling factors of Chang 6 reservoir in Zhuang 40 area of Xifeng oil field are studied synthetically through using the log information, testing and analytical information such as casting section, scanning electron microscope, X-diffraction, grain size analysis and mercury penetration, et al.综合应用测井资料和铸体薄片、扫描电镜、X—衍射、粒度、压汞等分析化验资料,对西峰油田庄40井区块长6储层的特低渗透成因和主控因素进行了分析。

6)main control factors主控因素

1.The sedimentary microfacies, diagenesis and heterogeneity aremain control factors for the reservoir properties.文中对盘古梁西长6段油层组储层岩石学特征、孔渗特征、微观孔隙结构特征及类型进行了深入分析,结果表明:该区长6段储层属三角洲前缘亚相沉积,储层具有成分成熟度偏低、结构成熟度中等的特点,储集空间主要为残余粒间孔和粒间、粒内溶孔及长石溶蚀形成的铸模孔;影响储层储集性能的主控因素较多,包括沉积微相、成岩作用、非均质性等多个方面;对储层发育影响最大的成岩期主要位于中成岩A期—中成岩B期;绿泥石膜残余粒间孔相、长石溶蚀相和浊沸石溶蚀相是最有利储层发育的成岩相带;通过微观非均质性研究,可区分出5种驱油类型。

2.In order to ascertain the type of lithologic reservoirs and reservoir forming\"smain control factors in Ciyutuo structural belt,by means of drilling data and lithosome inversion identification,we came to a conclusion that oil-bearing series in Ciyutuo structural belt mainly accumulate in sha-3 member and sha-1 member in Shahejie group.为了确定茨榆坨构造带岩性油气藏类型及成藏主控因素,利用钻探成果及岩性体反演识别技术,得到茨榆坨构造带含油层系主要集中在沙河街组沙三段和沙一段,其岩性油气藏主要包括砂岩透镜体型油气藏、砂岩上倾尖灭型油气藏及断层-岩性型油气藏。


