2000字范文 > 作物模拟模型 Crop simulation model英语短句 例句大全

作物模拟模型 Crop simulation model英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-14 09:55:50


作物模拟模型 Crop simulation model英语短句 例句大全

作物模拟模型,Crop simulation model

1)Crop simulation model作物模拟模型

1.A study on new approaches of wheat variety extension assisted by crop simulation model;利用作物模拟模型辅助决策小麦新品种推广初探

2.Review on crop simulation models research;作物模拟模型的研究概况及展望

bining crop simulation model,CropSyst with GIS,this paper analyzed the potential productivity,water productivity and actual productivity of two rainfed crops,maize and soybean from 1996 to 1999.结合作物模拟模型与GIS,分析了松嫩平原黑土区海伦市主要旱地作物玉米和大豆1996~1999年的产量潜势、水分生产力和现实生产力。


1.Study on Winter Wheat Irrigation Decision-Making by Using Crop Simulation Model under Limited Irrigation;利用作物模拟模型辅助冬小麦限水灌溉决策的研究

2.A usually small model of an intended work, such as a sculpture or piece of architecture.设计模型雕塑或建筑物等拟作作品的通常很小的模型

3.Research on Template of Radar System Functional Model in Air Defense Simulation System作战模拟系统中的雷达模型模板研究

4.cargo ballast handling simulator货物压载操作模拟器

5.Simulation of Phtotoassimilates Partitioning in Vegetative Growth of Winter Wheat in Response to Environmental Factors;作物营养生长期同化物分配对环境因子响应的模拟模型研究

6.Simulation of Regional Winter Wheat Growth Using Remote Sensing Data and Crop Growth Model;基于遥感与作物生长模型的冬小麦生长模拟研究

7.Studies on Modeling Crop Production in Fen River Irrigation District and Water Balance Model of the Watershed;汾河灌区作物生产力模拟及流域水平衡模型之研究

8.Study on Crop-Water Relationship and Availability of Field Irrigation Water Based on SWAP Model Simulation in Arid Area;干旱区作物—水分关系与田间灌溉水有效性的SWAP模型模拟研究

9.Numerical Simulation of Solidary Waves and Currents Interaction with Coastal Structures by Unsteady Reynolds Equation Models;用雷诺时均模型模拟孤立波、均匀流与海工结构物的相互作用

10.Studied on DataBase Application System of Crop Planting Simulation Model Base on GIS;基于GIS的作物栽培模拟模型数据库应用系统研究

11.Research Progresses in Yield Forecasting Method Based on Crop Growth Simulation Model in China基于作物生长模拟模型的产量预报方法研究进展

puter-simulated air pollutant dispersion model电脑模拟空气污染物扩散模型

13.Simulation on Photosynthetic Production and Dry Matter Partitioning in Wheat;小麦光合生产与物质分配的模拟模型

14.The Simulation of Flow Model & Material Balance in Reactor;反应器流动模型仿真及物料平衡模拟

15.Monte Carlo Simulation Models for Biological Aging生物老化的Monte Carlo模拟模型

16.Wave Numerical Simulation by SPH and Research on Physical ModelingSPH波浪数值模拟与物理模型试验研究

17.Research on the Mathematical Model and Numerical Simulation of Microbial Flooding微生物驱油数学模型及数值模拟研究

18.Cloth simulation based on improved mass-spring model基于改进的质点—弹簧模型的织物模拟


Crop simulation models作物模拟模型

1.By means of analyzing the development of crop simulation models research from home and abroad,developmental tendency and applying questions in the scopes was pointed out in this paper.通过对国内外作物模拟模型研究阶段的分析,指出作物模拟模型研究的发展趋势和应用问题,作物模拟模型与专家系统ES,决策支持系统DSS,天气发生器GS,3S技术等耦合在信息农业中发挥重要作用。

3)crop simulation作物模拟

1.Since the 1990s,crop simulation has been developing to the pluralistic direction,the mechanism and the predicting of crop growth model are being improved and upgraded constantly.上世纪90年代以来,作物模拟继续朝着应用多元化方向发展,作物生长模型的机理性和预测性不断得到改进和提高。

2.Crop simulation technology is a new research field in agricultural science today.作物模拟技术是当今农业科学中一个新的研究领域。

4)Crop modeling作物模拟

5)Crop growth simulation model作物生长模拟模型

1.Recently, the approach combining remote sensing with crop growth simulation models has been catching on, in that it not only reflects dynamic crop growth processes, but also provides real-time monitoring information at large scale from remote sensing data.利用遥感技术与作物生长模拟模型相结合的方法进行区域估产既动态反映作物生长发育的内在机理过程,又融合卫星遥感宏观实时动态的监测信息,受到国内外研究人员的广泛关注。

6)Crop model作物模型

parion of two calibration approaches for regional simulation of crop model;作物模型区域应用两种参数校准方法的比较

2.Development and problems of crop models;作物模型研究与应用中存在的问题

3.Development of crop model resource construction platform;作物模型资源构造平台(CMRCP)的构建研究


