2000字范文 > 体积测量 volume measurement英语短句 例句大全

体积测量 volume measurement英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-23 07:12:37


体积测量 volume measurement英语短句 例句大全

体积测量,volume measurement

1)volume measurement体积测量

1.Application of Linear CCD in Distillation Analyzer for Volume Measurement;线阵CCD在蒸馏仪体积测量中的应用

2.Accuracy of Volume Measurement by Three-dimensional Endoscopic Ultrasonography;三维内镜超声体积测量准确性的评估

3.While thevolume measurement of irregular object has a wide range of applications,at present,few non- contact approaches to thevolume measurement of irregular object have been reported.不规则体体积测量有着广泛的应用,但是目前没有一个成熟的非接触方法对不规则体的体积测量,并且随着社会的发展,必然追求更高的精度和速度。


1.plankton volume indicator浮游生物体积测量器

2.Liquid hydrocarbons--Volumetric measurement by displacement meter systems other than dispensing pumpsGB/T17288-1998液态烃体积测量容积式流量计计量系统

3.Research on preoperative MSCT three-dimensional volume measurement of Donor"s liverMSCT三维体积测量法对肝移植供体肝体积术前测量的研究

4.A study on accurate measurement of testicular volume by different methods不同测量方法对睾丸体积测量的准确性研究

parative study of amygdala volumetric measurements between Midob and Aquariusws software两种测量软件在杏仁核体积测量中的比较

6.Liquid hydrocarbons--Volumetric measurement by turbine meter systemGB/T17289-1998液态烃体积测量涡轮流量计计量系统

7.a unit of measurement of volume or capacity.测量体积或容积的单位。

8.meters(for the measurement of the volume of fluids)(测量流体体积的)仪表

9.analyzed volumetrically.以测量体积的方式分析。

10.Flow measurement calibration facility-Pipe proverGB/T13282-1991体积管式流量测量校准装置

11.Accurate Measurement of Liquid Phase Volumetric Fraction in Gas/Liquid Two phase Flow气液两相流液相体积含量的精确测量

12.Measurement of thyroid volume with VOCAL~(TM)三维超声体积自动测量系统精确测量甲状腺体积

13.Liquid hydrocarbons-Dynamic measurement--Proving systems for volumetric meters--Part 2: Pipe proversGB/T17286.2-1998液态烃动态测量体积计量流量计检定系统第2部分:体积管

14.Research and Design on the Volume Measuring Instrument of Arbitrary Shape Workpiece and the Area Measuring Instrument of Arbitrary Shape Sheet Part;任意形状工件体积及板件面积测量仪的研制

15.Dynamic measurement of cervical spinal canal and cervical spinal cord volume颈椎管容积和脊髓体积的MRI测量及其动态变化

16.A pipette used to measure very small volumes of liquids.微量吸管用于测量体积极小的液体的吸管

17.Experiment Research on Measuring the Relationship between Liquid Bulk Elastic Modulus and Salinity液体体积弹性模量与矿化度关系测量实验研究

18.Experiments Research on the Measurement of Liquid Bulk Elastic Modulus and Temperature Relationship液体体积弹性模量与温度关系测量实验研究


Measurement volume测量体积

3)volume measurer体积测量器

1.Onevolume measurer for breast and its application in mammoplasty augmentation;一种乳房体积测量器及其在隆乳术中应用

4)liver volumetry肝体积测量

5)calculation of area and volume面积和体积测量

6)arbitrary volume measuring任意体积测量

1.Based on the authors" patent for invention,the working principle,structure and measuring method of anarbitrary volume measuring apparatus was introduced.介绍了作者研制的任意体积测量仪(已拥有发明专利)的原理、结构和测量方法,并对某厂生产的汽车连杆成形各工步的整体体积、局部体积进行了实测。


