2000字范文 > 商品价值论 the merchandise value theory英语短句 例句大全

商品价值论 the merchandise value theory英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-20 05:59:45


商品价值论 the merchandise value theory英语短句 例句大全

商品价值论,the merchandise value theory

1)the merchandise value theory商品价值论

1.There is the logistic antinomy betweenthe merchandise value theory that is base on the freedom and equality and the surplus value theory.消除劳动价值论历史局限性的方法,就是用马克思的商品价值论替代他的劳动价值论。


1.From the Labor Value Theory to the Merchandise Value Theory--Limitation of the Value Theory of The Capital and the Rebuilding of the Marxist Theory of Value从劳动价值论到商品价值论——《资本论》价值理论的缺陷与马克思主义价值理论的重建

2.Reasons for Disagreement of Marx s Axiology and Merchandise Axiology;马克思价值论原意与商品价值论分歧的认识根源

3.New Thoughts on the Value of Commldity;商品价值新探——兼论知识对商品价值生产的作用

4.Realistic Base of Commodity Value and Innovation of Value Theory;商品价值的现实基础与价值论的创新

5.On the Social Use Value of Commodities and the Market Price Law;商品社会使用价值与市场价格规律论

6.On the Essence of Value--Concurrently on the decision of commodity value amount论价值的本质——兼论商品价值量的决定因素

7.On The Creation of Merchandise Value and the Determination of the Magnitude of Value;论商品价值的创造和价值量的决定问题

8.On the Duality of Cultural Value and That of Commodity Value;试论文化价值二重性与商品价值二重性——系统价值学论稿之八

9.The Value Added Is a Universal Category of Commodity Economy试论价值增殖是商品经济的一般范畴

10.On Commodity ,Price and Value Theory--Research about a new value theory;论商品、价格与价值理论——关于一个新的价值理论的研究

11.The Logical Possibilities of "Value " Existing Outside Commodity--The Genera l Theory of Value (part one);商品之外存在"价值"的逻辑可能性——广义价值论之一

12.The work of producing the intangible goods creates value too--On the labour value theory newly;生产无形商品的劳动也创造价值——劳动价值论新探

13.Discussing Northern Song Ci S Value;论北宋商品经济背景下文人词价值取向

14.The Effect of Commodity s Uniqueness of Labor Force on Its Value;论劳动力商品特殊性对劳动力价值的影响

15.The Resource of the Value Quality of the Commodity under the New Technological Revolution;论新技术革命条件下的商品价值量来源

16.On the Function of Non-Labor Production Factor in the Formation of Value;论非劳动生产要素在商品价值量中形成的作用

17.On the Determination and Effect of System Arrangement to the Value of Commodities;论制度安排对商品价值量的决定和影响

18.Marxist Theory of Commodity Use Value and Contemporary Economic Life;马克思商品使用价值理论与现代经济生活


On the Property of Commodity Value论商品价值性质

3)On Value of Artistic Commodities艺术商品价值论

4)New Theory of Commodity Value商品价值新论

5)commodity value商品价值

1.In order to resolve the concept of social necessary labor and its decisive factor for thecommodity value, the data-standardizing method of production function is put forward to obtain the standardized mean production function.为了定量地解决社会必要劳动的概念及其对商品价值的决定问题,提出了生产函数的数据标准化方法,推导出标准化平均生产函数,并将实物量、劳动量和价值量3种统计总量联系起来进行统一分析。

2.Scientificallyrealizing the essence of Labor and the function of the Non-productive Labor in the forming process of Commodity Value is ex-tremely important, as this is theoretically and practically significant for fully understanding the true source ofcommodity value,maintaining the principle of .科学认识劳动的实质和非生产性劳动在商品价值形成中的重要作用,对于全面理解商品价值的真正来源、贯彻按劳分配原则和促进全体劳动者的平等与团结具有理论和现实意义。

3.In accordance with Marx s description of the fundamental principle ofcommodity value and value rules in his "Critique of Capital", and in reference to the findings by today s scholar in Marxism, we can try to form a Marxist mathematical model of value determination.根据马克思在《资本论》中对商品价值和价值规律基本原理的描述,结合当今马克思主义学者的研究成果,可以建立马克思价值决定数学模型,应用此模型可以充分说明商品价格围绕商品价值变动的关系。

6)commodity values商品价值

1.It unfolds a brand new perspective to reviewcommodity values,an ecological perspective.现代社会经济文化在经过长期分离之后重新融合,文化作为重要的生产要素成为商品价值生态建构的重要社会资源和增长动力,由此,也为考察衡量商品价值提供了全新的视角———生态视角。


