2000字范文 > 城乡关系思想 Thoughts relationship between urban and rural areas英语短句 例句大全

城乡关系思想 Thoughts relationship between urban and rural areas英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-20 05:54:57


城乡关系思想 Thoughts relationship between urban and rural areas英语短句 例句大全

城乡关系思想,Thoughts relationship between urban and rural areas

1)Thoughts relationship between urban and rural areas城乡关系思想

2)urban-rural relation城乡关系

1.This paper makes a summary of the study onurban-rural relation in China.总结我国城乡关系研究的理论进展,从城乡自然生态关系、经济关系、社会文化关系等角度分析城乡关系内涵的演变;对城乡相互作用的动力机制、方式、通道、区域影响进行分析,阐述制度建设对城乡关系发展的重要性。

2.This paper makes a summary of research onurban-rural relation in China in three different periods.分三个不同时期对国内城乡关系的研究进行了总结述评,分析了不同时期研究的主要兴趣、取得成果及其存在的不足,并从总体上对该领域的研究进行了评述,认为研究应该把学理性探讨与政策性关切区别开,既探索问题本身发展的规律性,也能使政策建议更具有科学内涵。

3.During the present social transition period, China surban-rural relation isshifting from isolated state to interacting state under multi-impetus.在当前社会转型时期,中国城乡关系在多元动力推动下逐渐由隔离转向互动。


1.Small Towns in Traditional Chinese "Rural-urban Continuum"非城非乡、亦城亦乡、半城半乡——论中国城乡关系中的小城镇

2.An Review of Research on Urban-Rural Relation in China;通城乡之变,祛时疾之痒——国内城乡关系研究述评

3.Relationship Between Urban and Rural Areas From the View of Institution Justice;城乡制度公正视野下的城乡关系与“三农”问题

4.Marx and Engels Urban-rural Relations Theory and China s Urban-rural Relations;马克思、恩格斯城乡关系理论与中国城乡关系问题


6.On the China s Country Industrialization from the View of the Relation Harmony in the Urban and Rural;城乡关系协调视角下的中国乡村工业化

7.The Research on the Relationship between the Country and the City (1949-1957);建国初期城乡关系研究(1949-1957)

8.Urban-Rural Relation in Socialist Market Economy;社会主义市场经济条件下的城乡关系

9.Investigation and Thinking of the History of Contemporary Chinese urban and rural Relationship;当代中国城乡关系的历史考察及思考

10.Progress of Spatial Research on Urban-Rural Relation in China and It s Discussion in Geography View;我国城乡关系研究动向及其地理视角

11.Reformation of Huji System and Harmonious Development of Rural-urban Relation;户籍制度改革与城乡关系的协调发展

12.The Relation between Town and Country during the Middle and Late Tang Dynasty and Factors Contributing Thereto;唐代中后期城乡关系之状况及其成因

13.Perspective on Smith-Jacob"s Debate of the Rural-Urban Origins城乡关系的“自然顺序”之争及其透视

14.Evolution of the Relationship between Rural and Urban Areas in the past Sixty Years:Looking back and Prospect中国城乡关系演变60年:回顾与展望

15.The Basis of New Rural and Urban Relationship;新型城乡关系的基础——新农村与城市化融为一体

16.The relationship between urban and rural areas must be handled properly, and mechanisms must be developed to phase out the dual structure of urban and rural areas.妥善处理城乡关系,建立逐步改变城乡二元结构的机制。

17.Study on Evolution of CPC S City and Country Policy and Relationship between City and Country Since Reform and Opening;改革开放以来党的城乡政策及城乡关系的演变研究

18.A Comparison between the Phonology of Pingxiang Urban Dialect and Putonghua;萍乡城关话音系与普通话音系的比较


urban-rural relation城乡关系

1.This paper makes a summary of the study onurban-rural relation in China.总结我国城乡关系研究的理论进展,从城乡自然生态关系、经济关系、社会文化关系等角度分析城乡关系内涵的演变;对城乡相互作用的动力机制、方式、通道、区域影响进行分析,阐述制度建设对城乡关系发展的重要性。

2.This paper makes a summary of research onurban-rural relation in China in three different periods.分三个不同时期对国内城乡关系的研究进行了总结述评,分析了不同时期研究的主要兴趣、取得成果及其存在的不足,并从总体上对该领域的研究进行了评述,认为研究应该把学理性探讨与政策性关切区别开,既探索问题本身发展的规律性,也能使政策建议更具有科学内涵。

3.During the present social transition period, China surban-rural relation isshifting from isolated state to interacting state under multi-impetus.在当前社会转型时期,中国城乡关系在多元动力推动下逐渐由隔离转向互动。

3)urban-rural relationship城乡关系

1.Theurban-rural relationship is an important social connection and spatial connection not only at present but also a fairly long time of future in China, however the urban-rural integration is the basic trend of theurban-rural relationship development.综合指数计算并结合实地考察的初步结论是:各地区城乡联系逐步加强并趋于多样化,围绕中心城市的外围地域已经形成了包括高度一体化地域(一级)、中度一体化地域(二级)、初级一体化地域(三级)、传统农村地域(四级)在内的空间序列,其中大连地区4个级别的一体化地域序列完整,高度一体化地域已经形成并逐步扩大,城乡关系趋于逐步融合;长春地区缺失第一级,白城地区只有第三、四级,城乡二元结构仍然明显。

2.Urbanization, attaching to the social advancement, has played an important role in harmonizingurban-rural relationship.城市化是社会进步的产物,在协调城乡关系中起着十分重要的作用。

3.By analyzing the main stages of the development ofurban-rural relationship since 1949,the paper thinks the deep reason for three rural issues is imbalance between urban and rural areas.通过对建国以来城乡关系发展的各主要阶段的梳理,认为城乡关系失衡是我国现阶段三农问题的深层次原因。

4)rural-urban relationship城乡关系

1.With the institutional,economic and social transformation happened in modern China,therural-urban relationship underwent some tremendous changes.随着制度、经济与社会的变革,近代中国的城乡关系发生了巨大的变化,城乡日渐疏离。

2.Therural-urban relationship in different periods tends to have different social content.城乡关系作为社会大系统中的两个子系统之间的各种关系,其内容包括城乡经济、政治、文化、社会各个领域的关系,表现为社会中阶级、阶层及各类群体之间的关系,社会分工的关系或国民经济几大部门的关系,其表现形式可采取合作、协同、冲突、对抗或对立以及统治、领导与服从、被领导等多种形式。

5)relationship between the city and the country城乡关系

1.The traditional "no-difference and united"relationship between the city and the country transferred obviously to the relationship of the unity of opposites.以对外开埠通商为契机 ,近代烟台城乡关系开始转型。

6)relations between city and countryside城乡关系

1.It is the research subject in this paper that construct the harmoniousrelations between city and countryside.一、主要内容及观点本文的研究主题是“构建和谐城乡关系”,这一主题包含两个层次:一是什么是和谐城乡关系;二是如何构建和谐城乡关系。


经济关系(见生产关系)经济关系(见生产关系)economical relation1 ingji gU口nxj经济关系(eeonomieal relation)系。见生产关
