2000字范文 > 输入输出理论 input and output theory英语短句 例句大全

输入输出理论 input and output theory英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-08-23 20:52:00


输入输出理论 input and output theory英语短句 例句大全

输入输出理论,input and output theory

1)input and output theory输入输出理论

1.Starting from the current status of college English listening teaching,this paper,according toinput and output theory offers some measures of college English listening teaching reform.本文从大学英语听力教学现状出发,根据输入输出理论,提出大学英语听力教学改革的一些措施。


1.Input-output Theory and the Improvement of English Writing Proficiency;输入输出理论与英语写作水平的提高

2.On China s College English Reform from Language Input and Output Theories;从输入输出理论看大学英语教学改革

3.On Constructing the Efficient Listening Teaching System on the Basis of the Input and Output Theory;试论输入输出理论与听力能力的可持续发展

4.Input and Output Hypotheses and Interactive Model of College English Classroom Teaching;输入输出理论与大学英语交互式课堂教学模式

5.Inspiration of Input and Output Hypothesis for Oral English Teaching in College;输入输出理论对大学英语口语教学改革的启示

6.College English Listening Teaching Reform Guided by Input and Output Theory;输入输出理论指导下的大学英语听力教学改革

7.An Interactive Approach on College English Teaching from Input and Output Theory;从语言输入输出理论谈互动式课堂教学

8.A Discussion on Input-Output language Theory and FLT in China;语言输入与输出理论研究与英语教学

9.input/output error handling routine输入输出出错处理程序

10.input/output distributed processing输入输出分布式处理

11.input/output housekeeping system输入输出内务处理系统

12.input/output device handler输入输出设备处理器

13.input output supervisor输入 输出管理程序

14.An Application of the Input and Output Hypothesis to English Writing;输入假设与输出假设理论在英语写作中的运用

15.On Language Input and Output Principle from Perspective of Language Information;从语言信息处理模式论语言输入与输出的原则

16.The Application of the Input and Output Hypothesis Theories in Networked Learning Environment;输入、输出假设理论在网络学习环境中的运用

17.On i+1 Theory and the Input and Output in College English Teaching;i+1理论与大学英语教学中的输入与输出

18.The Inspiration From The Input And Output Hypothesis Of Language Acquisition by Stephen·Kranshen To The Second Language Teaching And Learning;语言"输入——输出"理论对第二语言教学的启示


the input and output" hypothesis输入-输出理论

3)Language from input and output theory语言输入输出理论

4)Input and output hypothesis theory输入和输出假说理论

5)input-output system theory输入-输出系统理论

6)input theory输入理论

1.This paper aims to introduce kranshen sinput theory and explores its revalation to foreign language classroom teaching in our country.本文拟简述Kranshen提出的输入理论,探析对我国外语课堂教学的启示。

2.Theinput theory put forward by Stephen Krashen gives some enlightenment to our reading in English teaching activities.克拉申提出的输入理论对我国的外语阅读教学有一定的启迪作用。


计算机输入/输出控制系统(见计算机输入/输出系统)计算机输入/输出控制系统(见计算机输入/输出系统)computer input/output control systemiisuanii shuru/shuehu kongzhi xitong计算机输入/输出控制系统(com-puter inPut/ou中ut eontrol system)见计算机输入/输出系统。
