2000字范文 > 资源整合 resource integration英语短句 例句大全

资源整合 resource integration英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-01 01:50:00


资源整合 resource integration英语短句 例句大全

资源整合,resource integration

1)resource integration资源整合

1.Evaluation ofresource integration in higher education based on data envelopment analysis;基于DEA的高等教育资源整合评价

2.Design of Heterogeneous System Resource Integration Based on Web Service;基于Web Services的异构系统资源整合的设计

3.Web service s application forresource integration in E-government;Web Service技术在电子政务资源整合中的应用


1.On Integration of Web Educational Sources and Its Model;网络教育资源整合及整合模式的探讨

2.The Resources Integration Is an Effective Path for the Rational Development of Coal Resource;资源整合是煤炭资源合理开发的有效途径

3.Concordance and Communion of Resources in Incorporated Libraries of Colleges;谈高校合并馆的信息资源整合与共享

4.Tactical thinking on the reorganization of human resources after the merging of three colleges;学院合并后的人力资源整合策略思考

5."He Hiuchao" district tourism resources integration development research“合六巢”区域旅游资源整合开发研究

6.Studies on fuzzy comprehensive evaluation of resources integration in integrated logistics enterprise物流企业资源整合模糊综合评价研究

7.Study on Regional Tourist Resource Integration区域旅游资源整合研究——基于广州与佛山旅游资源的整合

8.Analysis about the integration of mineral resources--A case study about the mineral resources integration in Rongshui County of Guangxi矿产资源整合方案分析——广西融水县矿产资源整合方案实例分析

9.Exploring Exploitation Order and the Integration of Coal Resources from System and Mechanism;从体制机制探究煤炭资源开发秩序及资源整合

10.Discussion on the Integration of the Digital Resources of University Library and the Teaching Resources on Campus Network;论高校图书馆数字资源与校园网教学资源整合

11.Study on the Integration and Development of the Historical,Cultural and Tourist Resources in Gansu Province甘肃历史文化资源与旅游资源整合开发研究

12.Study on the Integrative Exploitation of Cultural Resources and Tourist Resources in Gansu甘肃“两黄”文化资源与旅游资源整合开发研究

13.Cultural and Human Resources Integration of Chinese Enterprises Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions;中国企业跨国并购的文化整合及人力资源整合

14.Integration of Resources during Technology Integration for Industrial Production;面向工业生产的技术整合过程中的资源整合

15.Easy integration of resources of the supplier and consumer易整合供需双方的资源

16.Integrated Resource and Capability-based View: Managing Resources Strategically;整合的资源能力观——资源的战略管理

17.Conformity Resources-Realizing the Best Benefits of DP Distance Resources;整合资源 实现IP远教资源的最佳效益

18.Take brand as the ligament, conformity society resource, logical develop, resource cooperative.以品牌为纽带,整合社会资源,有机发展,资源合作。


resources integration资源整合

1.Research of library network informationresources integration based on XML;基于XML的图书馆网络信息资源整合研究

2.Optimization model and algorithm analysis on supply chainresources integration decision in 4PL;4PL模式下供应链资源整合决策的优化模型及算法分析

3.The Resources Integration and Sustainable Development of the Family Planning Integrated Project;计划生育结合项目的资源整合与可持续发展

3)resource conformity资源整合

1.Study on the Effects of Resource Conformity in Venture Capital;风险投资中的资源整合效应研究

2.For technological problems comprehensively existed in the process of coalresource conformity and to realize the expectant goals of it,basic technology ofresource conformity are mainly analyzed.针对煤矿资源整合过程中一些技术上普遍存在的问题,为了能使资源整合达到预期目标,文中主要对资源整合的基础技术工作进行了分析,提出了一些有借鉴的意见。

3.It puts forwardresource conformity as a basic strategy of enterprise and the strategy of capability enhancement as the kernel of strategic management.探讨了在电力科技服务企业实施战略管理,包括战略研究和战略实施中存在的问题,论述了电力行业改革与发展对电力科技服务企业的影响,并进行了环境分析和SWOT分析,提出了在电力科技服务企业以资源整合为基本战略,以能力提升为核心战略的构想。

4)integration of resources资源整合

1.Still there exist such shortages and deficits as inintegration of resources,in depth exploitation,in the development of cultural enterprises wi.但我省特色文化资源的开发利用还存有资源整合、深度开发、县域特色文化企业发展不够,以及文化人才传承乏人等方面的问题,为此,应从观念上,体制上找原因,并加大多元化投入的支撑,对湖北特色文化作深入地研究,有效地发挥理论支持和决策咨询作用。

5)integration of the resources资源整合

1.It uses the content concretly in development that this text combines theintegration of the resources of the library andutilizes and plans to make some contribution to application ofintegration of the resources of the library.本文结合图书馆资源整合利用的发展探讨SFX技术的产生背景、具体应用内容 ,拟对图书馆资源整合应用方面有所贡献。

2.The author is from experiencing setting out oneself, drama,performer who has explained column opera,making the extension of theintegration of the resources and brand of the group and advertisement.作者从自身感受出发,阐述了栏目剧的剧本、演员、制作团队及广告等的资源整合及品牌的延展。

6)integration of resources整合资源


森林资源(见世界森林资源、中国森林资源)森林资源(见世界森林资源、中国森林资源)forest resourcessen Iin ziyuon森林资源(forest resources)见世界森林资源、中国森林资源。
