2000字范文 > 文化传承价值 Cultural Heritage Value (CHV)英语短句 例句大全

文化传承价值 Cultural Heritage Value (CHV)英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-01 07:26:39


文化传承价值 Cultural Heritage Value (CHV)英语短句 例句大全

文化传承价值,Cultural Heritage Value (CHV)

1)Cultural Heritage Value (CHV)文化传承价值


1.An Analysis of Munaozongge s Cultural Inheritance Value of the Jingpo Nationnality;浅析景颇族“目瑙纵歌”的文化传承价值

2.On Cultural Inheritance Value of Ritual and Music Literature--Taking the Song Dynasty as an Example;试论礼乐文学的文化传承价值——以宋代为范例的研究

3.Wuyi Culture Heritage to Be Continued and Minyue Brand Value to Be Developed;传承武夷文化遗产 提升闽越品牌价值

4.Modern Value and Inheritance of Southwest Minorities s Traditional Festival Culture;西南少数民族传统节日文化的现代价值及传承

5.On the Cultural Value and Inheritance Strategy of the Traditional Sports of Shui Ethnic Group;水族传统体育文化的价值及其传承策略初探

6.The Value Orientation of Jiangnan Academies in the Southern Song Dynasty;论南宋时期江南书院文化传承的价值取向

7.The Historical Value of the Inheritor of Ethnic Cultures and the Contemporary Eco-environment;民族文化传承人的历史价值与当代生境

8.Duality of Culture Consciousness and Inheriting and Constructing the Concept of Values;文化意识的二重性与价值观念的传承、建构

9.The Values of the Traditional Culture that Cao Xueqin reflects in his Inheritance of the National Culture Tradition;试论曹雪芹在民族文化传统的继承中所反映的传统文化价值

10.The New Topic of Value: A Research on Inheritance of Southwestern Ethnic Value in Cultural Change;价值观的新课题:文化变迁中的西南民族价值传承研究

11.Resource Value of History and Culture in Mother Tongue Music Teaching at School;论母语音乐文化传承在学校教育中的历史文化资源价值

12.On the Modern Value and the Inheritance Mechanism of Confucian Ethics in the Modern Times of Cultural Ecology在新的文化生态下——论儒家伦理的现代价值与承传机制

13.The value of the book is doubtable in terms of promulgating culture, commemorating great persons and collecting.这种图书在传承文化、缅怀伟人和收藏价值等方面应予以质疑。

14.A Study of Cultural Heritage and Value Amplification of Life Regimen in the Backgroud of Harmonious Society;和谐社会背景下“导引养生功法”的文化传承与价值放大研究

15.If standard varies even among teachers who are responsible for teaching the language, how do we ensure the continuity of the language, traditional values and culture?如果负责传承的华文师资也出现参差不齐的现象,如何确保语文、传统价值和文化精神得以延续?

16.Heritage and Spread of Cultural Value of the West Lake西湖文化价值的传承与传播——基于西湖旅游资源的文化体验式产业开发

17.Graft and Construction of Corporate Quality Culture企业质量文化的价值继承与现代构建

18.On the Traditional Cultural Concept and the Contemporal Pluralistic Concept of Cultural Value;论传统文化观与当代多元文化价值观


traditional culture value传统文化价值

3)traditional cultural values传统文化价值观

1.The Chinese values system is mainly composed bytraditional cultural values and the Western cultural values.在现代中国消费者的价值体系构架中,中国传统文化价值观演进结果和西方文化价值观渗透结果不容忽视。

2.His exploration of China s modernization was seriously restricted by histraditional cultural values.因为是早期,传统文化价值观念对他的现代性探索起了极大的制约作用。

3.The temporal Chinese values system is mainly composed bytraditional cultural values and the Western cultural values.在现代中国消费者的价值体系构架中,中国传统文化价值观演进结果和西方文化价值观渗透结果不容忽视。

4)Culture inheritance文化传承

1.The social function of original religion is weakening obviously along with the disruption of the traditional culture inheritance,advancement of agricultural techniques,and nomothetic governance of society.原始宗教是人口较少民族传统社会规范的重要组成部分,其功能主要体现在三个方面:对文化传承方式、过程、内容的控制;对刀耕火种农业模式正常运行的保障作用;对社会的渗透与控制。

5)Cultural Heritage文化传承

1.Cultural Heritage and the Three-Position Theory——Respect for Tradition and the Future of Landscape Design Methodology;文化传承与“三置论”——尊重传统面向未来的风景园林设计方法论

2.As a part of excellent traditional culture in China,cultural heritage and value amplification of "Life Regimen" supplement to construct harmonious society,culture and life."导引养生功法"是我国优秀传统文化的一个有机组成部分,其文化传承与价值放大对建设"和谐社会、和谐文化及和谐人生"的"大和谐"具有补充与完善作用。

3.This traditional culture is immersion of cultural development which has an important function in cultural heritage and which can also provide an inspiration for the development of culture in rural areas in present-day China.耕读传家习俗是文化濡化的一种重要机制和实践,它不仅具有文化传承的巨大功能,而且可为今日乡村文化建设提供深刻的启示。

6)Cultural inheritance文化传承

1.Consideration into Relationship between Chao & Shan Culture and Local Design in the view of Cultural Inheritance;文化传承视野中的潮汕文化与本土设计的关系思考

2.The Inherent Driving Force for Cultural Inheritance: Self-esteem and Self-confidence;自尊与自信:文化传承的内在动力


