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楚文化 Chu culture英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-01 13:03:44


楚文化 Chu culture英语短句 例句大全

楚文化,Chu culture

1)Chu culture楚文化

1.The conjunction of the “Han parties” clothing industry with “Chu culture”;汉派服装业与楚文化的连接

2.Harbor each other Each shining more brilliantly in the other s company--A brief discussion about Wu-Chu culture and its academic constitution;双向同构 灼灼其华——略谈吴楚文化及其学术建构

3.An Analysis about Chu Culture s Ingredients in Bashu Culture;巴蜀文化中的楚文化因素


1.The Songs of Chu" is the essence of marvellous Chu culture.楚辞”是奇谲瑰丽的楚文化的精华。


3.The Tragically Heroic Spirit of Chu A Trial Comment on Chu Culture′s Tragic Characteristic;悲壮的楚魂——试论楚文化的悲剧性特征

4.Rediscussion of the Relationship Among Hanshui River Culture, ?Chu Culture and Han Culture再论汉水文化与楚文化、汉文化的关系

5.Relation Between Bayu Culture and Shu Culture and Chu Culture略论巴渝文化与蜀文化、楚文化的关系

6.The Process of Entering into Xiaqu of the Chu Culture楚文化的西渐历程——兼论楚文化的“峡区类型”

7.Cultural Resources of Chu and New Countermeasures on Exploitation of Tourism Commodity in Hubei Province;楚文化资源与楚文化旅游商品开发新议

8.The Deserted Cultural City Immersed in Chu Culture--On the two novels "the Deserted City" penetrated by Chu culture;楚文化濡染中的文化废都——兼论楚文化穿透下的两部《废都》

9.Xiang Chu Culture of Long Standing--Interior Design of Weichu Cookshop湘楚文化 渊远流长——惟楚大厨房室内设计

10.A Gaze at the Chusky Artistic Resplendency──The Exploration into Decoration Art in the Chu Culture楚天极目,艺术璀璨──楚文化中的装饰艺术探讨

11.New Achievement on Study of Chu Culture:Review on Chu Tomb at Geling,Xincai楚文化研究又一新成果——《新蔡葛陵楚墓》读后

12.On the Chu and Three-Kingdoms Culture and Opening-up of the Cultural Industry Resources;楚文化、三国文化与湖北文化产业资源开发刍议

13.Discusses the Mergence of Confucianist Culture and the Wu Chu Culture略论儒家文化与吴楚文化文化思想的融合

14.The Description of Xiang-Chu Culture and Hunan Literature湘楚文化与当代湖南文学的叙事立场

15.they reflect the charm of the culture of the Chu Kingdom.这些精美的漆器体现了楚文化的神韵。

16.Chuci and Chu s Society Culture--The Second Probing Chuci s Root;楚辞与楚国社会文化——楚辞探源之二

17.The Research of ChuCi s JiuGe and the Sacrifice Culture in Chu;《楚辞·九歌》与楚地祭祀文化研究

18.The Phoenix-Like Model of Chu and the Manifestation of the Chu Totem;楚“凤”造型与“楚”文化图腾表现


the Chu culture楚文化

1.The traditional culture is pluralistic,not only having the Central Plains culture which has vary little religious color,but also havingthe Chu culture which has unique primitive charm,and the category book was just born from the earth ofthe Chu culture.传统文化是多元的,她不仅有殊少宗教色彩的中原文化,还有独具原始魅力的楚文化,类书主要是由楚文化的土壤孕育生成的,本文在楚文化与类书及其分类思想的继承与发展这片极少涉足的领域中进行一些探索,不论收获如何,我相信对类书、对楚文化的研究将都是一种可贵的尝试。

2.The sources of gods were of diversity, which represented the close associative relations betweenthe Chu culture and the culture of the Central Plains and the multidimensional features ofthe Chu culture.分析《九歌》各篇的主旨,《九歌》所祀,主要非楚国一地之神,其神祇来源具有多样性,反映了楚文化与中原文化密切关联性,以及楚文化的多元化特征。

3.This paper tries to peepthe Chu culture,analyzes its history,economy and its cultural custom,from QU Yuan s poems and prose for the purpose of understand- ing and spreadingthe Chu culture.从屈原的诗词里来看楚国文化与东方文化的继承关系,分析古代楚国的历史、经济和文化方面的习俗,从而达到了解楚文化,弘扬楚文化的目的。


1.Research on tourism development withChu-culture in Danjiangkou-xichuan;丹淅流域楚文化旅游开发

2.Grief Motif in CHU-culture and Its Influence to QU Yuan;从精卫、庄子到屈原:楚文化中的悲剧母题

3.The Research on Tourism Development with CHU-Culture in Hubei;湖北楚文化旅游资源开发

4)cultural factors of Qi and Chu齐、楚文化

1.The present study was originated from the traditional culture factors such as Confucianism,Yin-Yang & Five Elements Idea and thecultural factors of Qi and Chu which had important influence on the forming and development of Han Dynasty civilization,this paper studied the embodiment and application of the factors above in architecture of Han Dynasty.摘要:从对汉代文明形成产生重大影响的儒家思想、阴阳五行宇宙观和齐、楚文化因子说起,分析了其在汉代建筑艺术中的充分体现和运用,并总结了受其影响所形成的设计思想和艺术风格,旨在为全面把握汉代艺术设计和当代建筑艺术设计提供有益参考。

5)Jingchu Culture荆楚文化

1.The origin of culture: Jingchu culture spiritual approvals and aesthetic trend——One of the studies of Shen Congwen′s novel and traditional culture;文化觅母:对荆楚文化的精神体认与审美趋同——沈从文小说与传统文化研究之一

2.The cultural life of modern Chinese writers keep close genetic connections with Jingchu culture,the abundant philosophic meanings and implication of the Jingchu culture influence the ideology of modern Chinese writers and the formation of their aesthetic standpoint.中国现代作家的文学生命与荆楚文化保持着血缘般的亲密关系。

6)Wu-Chu culture吴楚文化

1.Carry out study of Wu-Chu regional culture Promote great revival of Chinese culture——An overall view of the first seminar onWu-Chu culture;开展吴楚地域文化研究 促进中华文化伟大复兴——首届吴楚文化学术研讨会综述

2.Harbor each other Each shining more brilliantly in the other s company--A brief discussion aboutWu-Chu culture and its academic constitution;双向同构 灼灼其华——略谈吴楚文化及其学术建构


