2000字范文 > 合作式 cooperation英语短句 例句大全

合作式 cooperation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-05 15:08:34


合作式 cooperation英语短句 例句大全



1.Study and using method of "cooperation" in physical education;“合作式”教学法在体育课中的研究与应用

2.The cooperative method of teaching is acooperation among all of the students, among teachers and students, among all the teachers.合作式教学是指生生合作、师生合作、师师合作、全员合作。


1.An Experimental Study on the Validity of Collaborative English Writing;合作式英文写作作用效度的实验分析

2.It builds a new cooperation platform for China and ASEAN, From the angle of pattern traits, it is the cooperation between the strong and the weak, it is seaway cooperation, open cooperation and developing cooperation.泛北部湾经济合作从模式特点上看,是海路合作、强弱合作、开放式合作和开发式合作。

3.Chen Duxiu And Inner-Party Cooperation--Commentating the Modes of the Coperation;陈独秀与“党内合作”——兼评“党内合作”方式

4.The Shanghai cooperation organization--new pattern of regimes of security and cooperation;上海合作组织:安全合作机制的新模式

5.singly or in cooperation以独力或合作 (方式)

6.as the legitimate governing body of the sport,作为合法的控制式运动,

7.The Constitutional and Collaboration Modes of the Virtual R&D Center;虚拟研发中心的组成形式及合作模式

8.Dongshin Polymer Co., Ltd.株式会社东新聚合体(韩日合作)

9.Study on the Cooperative Mode of the Production, Teaching and Research in Local Comprehensive Universities;地方综合性大学产学研合作模式研究

10.Exploration of the Combination Way of Production,Learning and Research in Vocational College;高职院校产学研结合合作方式的探讨

11.The Talents Training Mode of Cooperated with Enterprises and Combined with Production-Teaching;“校企合作、产学结合”人才培养模式初探

12.Study on effect of mixed lithification and the contrihcting factors of mixed rocks;混合岩化作用和混合岩成因模式研究

13.Of operational styles, the mixed style is mostly adopted.运作模式以混合主导与促进之混合模式居多。

14.Patterns of Sino-Japan Industrial Cooperation in Environmental Protection;中日环保合作的市场化运作模式探析

15.The Group Cooperating Mode and Strategy of the Teaching of English Writing;英语写作教学的小组合作模式与策略

16.The kind of co-operation they maintain with us is co-operation only in appearance and not in essence.他们同我们有一种形式上的合作,实际上不合作。

17.Research on the Cooperative Relation between Enterprises under Different Supply Chain Modes;不同供应链合作模式下企业间合作关系研究

18.Driving Mechanism and Pattern of School-Enterprise Cooperation of Higher Vocational Education;论高职教育校企合作的动力机制与合作模式


cooperation pattern合作式

1.In order to solve the problem of English lessons of large classes, the teachers can adopt four new class patterns, namely,cooperation pattern, linking pattern, ranking pattern, and individual pattern.为解决大班上英语课难的问题,教师可采取四种新的组织课堂教学模式,即合作式、联合式、等级式和个体式。

3)collaborative writing合作式写作

1.The experimental study is conducted in this research on the peer revision stage of acollaborative writing.通过实验证实在合作式写作中的评估阶段结合Krashen的情感过滤假设理论正确使用纠错策略,即有选择性纠错,有助于培养学习者在写作过程中对概念建构和篇章组织方面的意识,有助于培养学习者在作文评改时从正面评论,从而打开沟通(communication)和切磋(negotiation)的渠道,并引起被评者积极的反馈态度,从而达到习得的最佳效果。

2.The present research investigated the effects of a structured procedure forcollaborative writing on the quality of English writing and the attitudes of students towardcollaborative writing.通过结构化程序教学实验,就合作式英文写作对英文写作质量的影响效度及学生对合作式写作的态度进行了研究。

4)cooperation model合作模式

1.With over 10 years of interaction between banks and insurers,there is a co-existence of multiplecooperation models with cross-selli.我国银行与保险公司的合作经过十几年的演变,目前已经形成了以交叉销售协议模式为主,局部层面的销售联盟、银保绕道资本合作和成立集团控股公司等多种合作模式并存的局面。

2.Because different regions have different elements,structures and functions,thecooperation models should be quite different.区域旅游合作模式需要随区域的发展变化而进行创新,这种创新表现在合作模式的阶段性变化、合作形式的多样性等方面,唯有创新,才能促进旅游合作的不断深入、提高和持续发展。

3.Because different regions have different elements, structures and functions, thecooperation models should be quite different.目前,我国区域旅游合作已经形成了“长三角”、“珠三角”、“京津冀”三足鼎立的局面,但是旅游合作的进程却不尽相同,“长三角”和“珠三角”地区旅游合作的速度已经远远超过了京津冀地区,并且各自形成了一套适合自己区域的旅游合作模式。

5)cooperative model合作模式

1.This article analyses thecooperative models of China and Australia logistics.本文对中澳物流的合作模式进行了浅析,首先介绍了中澳贸易与物流发展的背景,针对中澳两国物流的发展状况,就两国物流业所占GDP比例、企业规模与特点、专业化程度、信息化程度以及物流服务意识与方式等方面进行了对比,提出了中澳物流合作的三种模式,分别为建立中澳合资物流企业、互为海外代理以及澳方为中方企业提供物流咨询服务,并分别分析了各种合作模式的优点、存在的问题以及发展建议。

2.There is a variety of industry-university-researchcooperative model, a different stability model of its varied.产学研合作有多种合作模式,不同的模式其合作稳定性各不相同。

6)Cooperation Mode合作模式

1.Discuss and Analyse on High- tech IndustryCooperation Mode between Mainland and Taiwan based on Complementary;基于互补性的海峡两岸高技术产业合作模式探析

2.Study on theCooperation Mode of Aquatic Tourism in Yangtze River Delta;长三角水上旅游合作模式研究

3.It s helpful to promote univesities to become the cultivation base of knowledge innovation and high level innovative talents to build the cooperation mode of production,teaching and research of Henan s colleges and universities.河南高校构建产学研合作模式 ,有利于促进自身成为知识创新和高层次创新型人才的培养基地。


