2000字范文 > 学校体育思想 school sports thinking英语短句 例句大全

学校体育思想 school sports thinking英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-02 14:03:31


学校体育思想 school sports thinking英语短句 例句大全

学校体育思想,school sports thinking

1)school sports thinking学校体育思想

1.Study on the progress of Chineseschool sports thinking in modern times;中国近现代学校体育思想演进历程的研究

2.Analysis of the present study situation of theschool sports thinking after Cultural Revolution;文革后我国学校体育思想史学研究现状分析


1.Differentiation and Analysis of the Concept of Physical Education in Schools and the Concept of the Teaching of Physical Education;学校体育思想与体育教学思想之辨析

2.Life-long Physical Education---The Guiding Principle In School Physical Education终身体育——学校体育教学的主导思想

3.PE ideology and PE teaching ideology in colleges and universities under the new Outline;新《纲要》下的高校体育思想和体育教学指导思想

4.The Idea of Lifelong Sports-the Guiding Principle of School Physical Education;以终身体育思想作为学校体育主导思想的研究

5.lifelong sport incubateliuhuan学校体育的目标:终身体育思想的培养

6.Discussion on the Inculsive Education Make Impact on Physical Education全纳教育思想对学校体育教学的影响

7.Review on School Physical Education and Life-long Sports from Several Kinds of Physical Education Teaching Thought;从几种体育教学思想看学校体育与终生体育

8.The Thought of Health First and Educational Function of School Physical Education;论健康第一思想与学校体育育人功能

9.On the Idea of Enjoyable P.E. Applied in the Gymnastics Teaching in Universities;在高校体操教学中渗透快乐体育思想

10.Imagination of students mortal trait education on school sport in the new century;新世纪学校体育学生思想品德教育设想

11.The Role of School P.E.in the MoralEducation of University Students;学校体育对高校学生思想品德教育的作用初探

12.Simple Talk about the Establishment of Humane Education Ideology in Physical Education;浅谈学校体育教学中人文思想的确立

13.Historical Comparison of Philosophy Thought about Chinese and American Physical Education;中美两国学校体育哲学思想历史比较

14.Expounding on College P. E. Cultivating Students to Have Consciousness of Lifetime Physical Exercises;论高校体育教育对大学生终身体育思想的培养

15.Guiding Physical Education in Colleges with the Idea of Lifelong Physical Culture;以终身体育教育思想指导高校体育教学

16.On physical education in schools and the formation of students thought of lifelong physical exercises;试论学校体育与学生终身体育思想的形成

17.The Application of Happy Physical Training to School Physical Education;探讨快乐体育教学思想在学校体育中的运用

18.Application of Happy Physical Education to Higher Physical Education;快乐体育教学思想在高校体育教学中的实施


school sports thought学校体育思想

1.First this article explains the connotation of the thought of the physical education and the development ofschool sports thought;then it analyses the factor of affecting the physical education thought,presenting some effective measures of implementingschool sports thought finally.首先论述了学校体育思想的内涵以及学校体育思想的拓展,接着分析了影响学校体育思想贯彻落实的因素,最后提出了一些有效实施学校体育思想的措施,为使我国学校体育教育思想更加符合时代的发展要求提供了依据。

3)physical education thought学校体育思想

1.Historical Evolution of Physical Education Thought in Neoteric China;近代以来中国学校体育思想的历史演进

2.Nowadays, Chinese and American are communicating and drawing lessons from each other onphysical education thought.美国的学校体育思想在五种主流哲学的影响下呈现出了各自不同的特点。

4)school physical education thought学校体育思想

1.After the foundation of China,our nationalschool physical education thought has been developed rapidly.学校体育思想对学校体育管理和发展有着重要的指导作用。

5)School P.E.indicate principle学校体育指导思想

6)school educational thoughts学校教育思想

1.Mao Zedong’sschool educational thoughts is an important part of Mao Zedong s educational thoughts ,is theory on educat.毛泽东学校教育思想,是毛泽东教育思想的重要内容,是毛泽东关于学校教育理论及实践经验的科学总结。


