2000字范文 > 余暇时间 leisure time英语短句 例句大全

余暇时间 leisure time英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-08 15:29:33


余暇时间 leisure time英语短句 例句大全

余暇时间,leisure time

1)leisure time余暇时间

1.With the increase ofleisure time in college,sports is gradually being accepted by college students as a kind of lifestyle,This phenomenon relates to the social improvement and environment.随着大学生余暇时间的增多,体育运动作为余暇生活方式之一有其社会发展的现实背景。


1.He hath no leisure who use the it not. --George Herbert不去运用他的余暇时间的人,是不曾有余暇时间的——赫伯特

2.Since he retired, Mr. Jones has too much time on his hands.退休之后,琼斯先生有了太多的余暇时间。

3.Reasonable Arrangement of Juvenile Athletes Leisure Time;引导少年运动员合理利用训练余暇时间

4.Sports Behavior Inverstigations of Wenzhou s City Family in Spare Time;温州城市家庭余暇时间体育行为的调查

5.The Research on the Feasibility of College Students′ Spare time Body building by Road Bicycle;大学生余暇时间开展公路自行车健身运动的可行性研究

6.and giving up your free time.放弃了你的闲暇时间。

7.I have no time to spare during the week.我平日没有闲暇的时间。

8.He read the novel in his own good time.他在闲暇时间里看小说。

9.He revelled in those moments of idleness stolen from his work.他喜爱学习之余的闲暇时刻。

10.Collecting, by occupying spare time so constructively, makes a person contented, with no time for boredom.如此富有意义地利用业余时间来进行收藏,会使人怡然自得,无暇烦恼。

11.The best way of spending your free time is sleeping.打发閒暇时间最好的办法是睡觉。

12.She employed her spare time in knitting.她把馀暇时间用在编织上。

13.I see how people spend their leisure time我看到人们怎样利用闲暇时间

14.He spent much of his spare time roaming about the streets.他把大部分的闲暇时间用来逛街。

15.She employs her free time in sewing.她把闲暇时间花在缝纫上。

16.You could employ your spare time better.你可以把闲暇时间利用得好些.

17.I resent these incursions into/upon my leisure time.屡次侵占我的闲暇时间, 我很反感.

18.so their free time is very important to them.因此闲暇时间对他们来说特别重要。


convert one"s spare time into money利用余暇时间赚钱

3)leisure time闲暇时间

1.A Positive Analysis of Leisure Time and Consumption Growth in China;闲暇时间与消费增长——对中国数据的实证研究

2.Leisure Time,Inequality and Economic Growth;闲暇时间、不平等与经济增长——理论模型与跨国比较

4)free time闲暇时间

1.The author discovered the characteristics and value offree time through questionnaire survey among the national minority students in Tarim University, and suggested some effective methods to lead the students to make best use of theirfree time.笔者通过对在校民族学生的闲暇时间进行大量的问卷调查,发现了闲暇时间存在的特点及价值。

2.With the increase offree time for rural women,free time has become important social resources affecting women s subsistence and development.闲暇时间是一种社会财富和社会资源,是男女两性应该平等拥有与享用的权利和资源。

3.The article analysizes the relations between an all-round development of man and leisure,trying reconstructing a new leisure pattern in terms of the concept of leisure and its forms and contents with a view to making rational use offree time and promoting an all-round development of man.文章通过对人的全面发展和休闲的考察,试图从休闲观、休闲形式和内容等方面重构一种积极的休闲方式,使闲暇时间得以合理利用,以促进人的全面发展。

5)spare time闲暇时间

1.From two perspectives of Keynes consumption function and influential factors on sports consumption including consumption space,spare time, consuming desire and sports skill, this paper analyzes the reasons of the insufficient of effective demand of sports consumption and puts forward some countermeasures to enlarge the effective demand.因此,从凯恩斯的消费函数和体育消费的特有影响因素(消费空间、闲暇时间、消费欲望、运动技能)入手,分析体育消费有效需求不足的原因,并提出扩大有效需求的对策很有意义。

2.88 percent sports staff choosing body shaping exercise at theirspare time,which ranks the first among all choices,and outstandingly higher than the average level of other Chinese citizens;large majority of sports staff\"s leisure life belongs to entertainment social exchange type,to some extent,it is showing that they have positive outlook of leisure life.但还是有部分体育从业者在闲暇时间有不良的活动,比如从事赌博活动等。

6)the theory of leisure time闲暇时间论


