2000字范文 > 卫勤分队 medical service corps英语短句 例句大全

卫勤分队 medical service corps英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-01 05:05:58


卫勤分队 medical service corps英语短句 例句大全

卫勤分队,medical service corps

1)medical service corps卫勤分队

1.The efficiency of all kinds of equipment in the construction of mobilemedical service corps are enhanced.规程体系解决了医疗装备的使用和管理面临的诸多问题,提高了各种装备在机动卫勤分队建设及执行任务过程中的使用效能。


1.Construction on Coordination Training Mode of Medical Service Team应急机动卫勤分队协同训练模式探讨

2.Modularization of Organization and Medicinal Material in Mobile Medical Logistic Team机动卫勤分队组织与药材装备模块化

3.An Analysis of Life Events in Members of Mobile Medical Team应急机动卫勤分队队员生活事件调查分析

4.A Study on the Evaluation Index System for the Mobile Medical Units Support Capability of Corps Hospital of Armed Police Force in Antiterrorist Operation;“反恐”行动武警内卫部队总队医院机动卫勤分队保障能力评估研究

5.Development and Application of War Preparedness Management System for Mobile Medical Service Units机动卫勤分队战备工作管理系统的开发与应用

6.Reelection on Construction of Mobile Health Service Detachment Based on the Practice of Wenchuan Earthquake Rescue汶川抗震救灾对医院机动卫勤分队建设的启示

7.Modular Mobile Medical Service Detachment in Disaster Medical Rescue模块化机动卫勤分队在灾害医学救援中的作用

8.Analysis of Psychological Coping Mechanisms in 136 Mobile Medical Logistic Team Members应急机动卫勤分队136名队员心理应对机制的分析

bined Training and Equipment Between Disaster Emergency Rescue and Mobile Medical Service Force救援医疗队与机动卫勤分队训练及装备相结合的思考

10.Discussion of Daily Drug Management Mode of Locomotive Logistics Unit and Design of Management Module Function机动卫勤分队平时药品管理模式探讨及模块功能设计

11.Influences of National Medical Reform on Military Medical Support国家医改对军队卫勤保障的影响分析

12.Half the garrison is/are on duty.有半数卫戍部队在执勤.

13.To Construct the Emergency Psychological Intervention Detachment Based on the Characteristic of Medical Support in the Future立足未来战争卫勤保障特点 建设心理应急干预分队

14.Preserved Military Health Service Based on the Practice of Earthquake Medical Rescue of Military Hospital从军队医院抗震救灾实践看卫勤保全

15.Study on the Mechanism of the Military Health Service for Handing Sudden Public Health Events;突发公共卫生事件军队卫勤应急反应机制研究

16.three-platoon organization三班制的执勤制度中队分为三个小队

17.Study on the Medicinal Materials Variety and Quantity Needed in the Medical Support to Flood-fighting Troops;部队抗洪抢险卫勤保障之药材品量研究

18.Studies on Health Service Mode and Ability of the Small, Remote and Dispersed Units;小远散部队卫勤保障模式和能力的研究


mobile medical service unit机动卫勤分队

1.In this paper,the basic situation was introduced ofmobile medical service unit for emergency operations,and then the practices on the construction of the unit were reviewed.本文阐述了应急机动卫勤分队的基本情况,回顾总结了应急机动卫勤分队近年来建设的主要做法,提出了搞好应急机动卫勤分队建设必须提高认识、强化领导、舍得投入、刻苦训练和严格管理。

3)mobile medical service force机动卫勤分队

1.The practices were introduced to combine the training for the peacekeeping medical unit with that formobile medical service force,which could improve the effect of each other and realize promotion mutually.作者提出将维和医疗分队训练与医院机动卫勤分队训练结合起来,相辅相成、互相促进。

2.It inspires us that construction ofmobile medical service force is an effective way to improve the whole medical and combat readiness level of the second Artillery.实践认为,抓好二炮医院机动卫勤分队建设,要理清思路,科学谋划;突出重点,加强配套;紧贴实战,强化训练。

4)mobile medical support team机动卫勤分队

1.Objective:To analyze the examination outcomes of first aid including self-aid and each-other-aid for hospital smobile medical support teams so as to find out the problems in the training,standardize the first-aid training and strengthen the service ability to emergency response.目的:通过对医院机动卫勤分队自救互救技术考核结果的分析,提出训练中存在的问题,规范自救互救训练,增强应急保障能力。

5)mobile medical service team机动卫勤分队

1.The modus operandi of sample-formingmobile medical service team of hospital was expatiated in this paper,which broke the pattern that mobile medical logistic team is limited to army man,and solved the issue of understaffing effectively.本文阐述了医院机动卫勤分队人员抽组的做法,打破了机动卫勤分队只局限于在军人中抽组的格局,有效解决了医院机动卫勤分队抽组时人员不足的问题。

6)mobile medical logistic team机动卫勤分队

1.Objective To study the features of psychological coping mechanisms and the relation of coping style,personal factors and mental health inmobile medical logistic team members.目的了解应急机动卫勤分队队员心理应对机制的特点及应对方式与个性因素和心理健康水平的关系。

2.The modularization principle was applied in the construction of organization and medicinal material inmobile medical logistic team which will improve the support capability of the team and accommodate to the demand of performing the medical support mission during peacetime and wartime.将模块化原理运用到机动卫勤分队的组织、药材装备建设上,是提高机动卫勤分队保障能力,遂行平、战时卫勤保障任务的需要;按照伤病员救治的基本环节,建立单一功能的组织模块,实行人员模块化编成;在组织模块化的基础上,对品类繁多的药品、装备和器材按照功能进行模块划分,达到规范管理和高效利用的目的。


卫勤保障卫勤保障health service supportweiqin baozhang卫勤保障(health service support)军队卫生部门组织运用医学技术措施,对部队进行伤病防治,维护军队成员健康,恢复伤病员战斗力的活动。亦称医学保障或卫生保障。是军队后勤保障的组成部分,卫生部门的基本任务。基本内容①伤病员医疗后送,包括火线抢救,各级救治机构分级救治,以及伤病员后送。②军队卫生防疫,主要是组织人伍新兵卫生整顿,开展卫生宣传教育,进行卫生监督,实施计划免疫,落实防疫措施。③军人医疗保健,主要是组织新兵体格检查和军人健康检查,早期发现疾病,及时组织防治;开展巡诊和门诊,安排伤病员住院治疗或疗养。④卫生防护,对核、化学、生物武器损伤进行预防和治疗,减轻伤害程度,迅速消除后果。⑤药材工作,筹措、储备、补给、管理各级卫勤保障机构防治工作所需的药材,供应指战员个人、战位伤病急救用的药材。此外,还有兽医工作,包括预防军畜疾病,救治伤病军畜,组织军马兽医防护,进行动物性食品兽医卫生检验与监督,预防人畜共患病等。实施方法①建立卫勤保障体制,明确各级卫勤保障任务和分工。中国人民解放军师和师以下部队由各级编制内的卫勤机构负责保障;军和军以上部队由军区(或战区)所属卫勤机构,实施划区保障。医院和部队卫勤机构之间,按所在地区组成防治体系,明确分工,互相协作。部队卫勤机构主要负责卫生防疫、门诊、急救、军人体格检查和短期收治伤病员;医院负责军人保健、疑难疾病门诊、伤病员收容治疗,并协助部队对卫生人员进行专业训练,指导和提高其防治技术。②确定卫勤保障目标,拟制卫勤保障计划。根据平战时保障任务情况,确定不同的保障目的和具体工作要求。战时卫勤保障目标和计划,要在预计减员数量、判断卫勤人力物力需要量后确定和制定。战时,大量伤员在短时间内发生,救治和后送任务繁重,要求急迫。为保障伤病员迅速得到治疗,及时治愈归队,通常围绕伤病员救治和后送,统筹安排其他各项保障。③合理组织使用卫勤力量,发挥整体效能。根据作战任务、军队部署、地形和交通条件合理配置救治机构,使之成为分工明确、前后衔接的有机整体;各机构内部合理编组分工,提高工作效率;加强主要作战方向或执行主要作战任务部队的卫勤保障力量,掌握较充足的卫勤预备力量,以备机动使用;根据情况,适时转移救治机构,调整各级救治机构的任务,并组织有关部门互相支援和协作。④建立和贯彻卫勤保障规章制度,保证工作正常运行。
