2000字范文 > 农村集体资产 rural collective property英语短句 例句大全

农村集体资产 rural collective property英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-01 13:12:40


农村集体资产 rural collective property英语短句 例句大全

农村集体资产,rural collective property

1)rural collective property农村集体资产

1.With the development of urbanization, quite a number of Chinese peasants have been transformed into urban citizens, whose living conditions rely, to a great extent, on the handling of their originalrural collective property, considering the actual situation of the country.随着中国城市化进程的加剧,有大量的农村居民转变为城市居民,而国情决定了这部分“农转居”新市民的生存状况在很大程度上依赖于农村集体资产的处置。


1.Discussion on Rural Collective Capital Inflation - proof and Increase in Value;论农村集体资产保值增值的实现途径

2.Zhenjiang New-Area District Rural Collective Assets of the Joint-Stock Cooperative System Reforms;镇江新区农村集体资产股份合作制改革探索

3.Research on the Rural Collective Asset Management of Zhou Pu, a Town in Nanhui, Shanghai;上海市南汇区周浦镇农村集体资产管理研究

4.Problems and Measures of Rural Collective Capital Management;农村集体资产管理存在的问题及解决对策

5.On the Collective Property and Finance Management of New Countryside;新农村集体资产和财务管理工作的探索与创新

6.Problems in the Management of Villages Collective Assets and Its Countermeasures;农村集体资产管理中存在的问题及对策

7.A Legal Research on the Problems of Individual Quantification of Rural Collective Property during Urbanization;城市化进程中农村集体资产产权量化到个人的法律问题研究

8.On the Village Assets Reform Problems in the "Village-to-Community" Process;城市化“村改居”中农村集体资产改制的困境与出路——结合广东珠三角的实践

9.The Collective Forest Resources Property Right in China Countryside Still Very Fuzzy;我国农村集体森林资源产权模糊问题

10.Development of Agricultural Clusters in Guangxi And Development of Rural Human Resources;广西农业产业集群发展与农村人力资源开发

11.Investigation and analysis of property right of collective land in villages of Zhangye city;张掖市农村集体土地产权调查与分析

12.Clarifying the Ownership of Collective Land and Promoting the Reform of Rural Tax and Fee;明晰集体土地产权 促进农村税费改革

13.Empirical Study-Village Property Ownership Realization Innovation and Reformation of Country Collective Economy Organization in Liu-Xia Town;村级资产所有制实现形式创新与杭州留下镇农村集体经济组织改革的实证研究

14.The Impart of Agricultural Industry Cluster on Rural Market System;农业产业集群作用于农村市场体系的机理初探

15.Study on the Fund-raising Mechanism of the Rural Sports Public Goods Supply in China农村体育公共产品供给筹资机制研究

16.The Forestry Investment Behavior of Farmer after Tenure Reform集体林权改革后的林农生产投资行为

17.Institutional Transitions of Rural Collectives Property Rights under Urbanization;农村城镇化进程中农村集体经济组织产权制度变迁

18.Studies on the Property Right Reform on Collective Assets of "Village in City";“城中村”集体资产产权制度改革问题研究


rural collective asset management农村集体资产管理

1.However, in the current status of therural collective asset management, the collective asset management is almost in an unsupervised status; and in most places, the management is in a mess.然而,在农村集体资产管理的现状中,对农村集体资产管理松懈,基本上属于无人监督的局面,大多数地方的农村集体资管理混乱,不仅影响了集体经济的进一步发展,而且涉及了广大农民群众的切身利益。

3)rural collective capital农村集体资本

1.This paper carried out an analysis on the management ofrural collective capital with the theory of commissioned agent,defined two principal-agent relations in managing therural collective capital and analyzed its main problems and economics cause.该文运用公共选择学派的委托代理理论对农村集体资本管理进行了分析,明确了农村集体资本管理的两级委托代理关系,透析其中的主要问题及经济学成因,进一步提出了现阶段农村集体资本管理改革的总体思路应当从代理链的两个层级同时入手,让初始委托人尽可能到位,完善村级办事规则,引入竞争机制,以降低委托代理成本,提高农村集体资本管理效益。

4)rural collective property right农村集体产权

5)rural community property农村集体财产

1.At the mean time,the management of public affairs of the villagers committee should be rural property management,and the role of the villagers committee in managingrural community property make the legislation on this not so reasonable.同时,因村民委员会所担负的管理部分公共事务本质上为农村物业管理,加之,村民委员会在没有农村集体经济组织的情形下担当管理农村集体财产角色的影响,致使村民委员会的立法设计基础不尽合理,所以,在将村民委员会所管理的部分公共事务定位为农村物业管理以及借鉴城市居民自治为典型代表的业主委员会的前提下,应重新检讨村民委员会的立法基础,同时,因农村集体财产成员与农村物业管理成员并不一致,管理农村集体财产的村民自治组织理应单独立法。

6)The Collective Assets Of The Villages in the Urban"城中村"集体资产


