2000字范文 > 水土保持措施 soil and water conservation measures英语短句 例句大全

水土保持措施 soil and water conservation measures英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-16 21:45:04


水土保持措施 soil and water conservation measures英语短句 例句大全

水土保持措施,soil and water conservation measures

1)soil and water conservation measures水土保持措施

1.Affecting mechanism ofsoil and water conservation measures controlling nonpoint source pollution;水土保持措施防治非点源污染的作用机制

2.Analysis on the benefits of water and sediment interception under the conditions of differentsoil and water conservation measures in Qingjian River Basin;清涧河流域不同水土保持措施配置下蓄水拦沙效益分析

3.Assessment model forsoil and water conservation measures impact on runoff and sediment and its application;水土保持措施对黄河水沙影响评价模型及效益评价研究


1.On the suitability assessment of soil and water conservation measures关于水土保持措施适宜性的评价方法

2.Studies on Soil Environmental Effect on the Soil and Water Conservation Measures in the Loess Plateau;黄土高原水土保持措施的土壤环境效应研究

3.Effects of Different Soil and Water Conservation Measures on Soil Quality of Black Soil in the Northeast of China黑土侵蚀区水土保持措施对土壤质量的影响

4.Research on Soil and Water Conservation Achievements of Benefits of Runoff & Sedimentation Reducing of the Qiushui River;湫水河流域水土保持措施减水减沙效益研究

5.Effect of Soil and Water Conservation on Water Resources and Water Environment水土保持措施对水资源与水环境的影响研究

6.Effect of soil conservation practice on runoff and sediment in upper reach of Guanting Reservoir官厅水库上游水土保持措施的减水减沙效益

7.Value Analysis of the Benefit on Some Measures of the Conservation of Water and Soil on the Loess Plateau;黄土高原几种水土保持措施的效益价值量分析

8.The Application of Soil and Water Conservation Measures in Binxian County s Land Consolidation Projects;水土保持措施在宾县土地整理项目中的应用

9.Analysis of Water and Sediment Reduction Effects by Soil and Water Conservation Treatments in Jing River Basin泾河流域水土保持措施减水减沙作用分析

10.Study on Separated Evaluation or Water and Sediment Reduction Benefits Through Soil Conservation Measures水土保持措施减水减沙效果分离评估研究

11.Effect of Soil and Water Conservation on Water Environment in Jiuyuangou Basin水土保持措施对韭园沟流域水环境影响的研究

12.Based on GIS Analyzing Impacts of Soil and Water Conservation on Economy and Society;基于GIS的水土保持措施社会经济影响分析

13.Research and Application of TOPMODEL Considering the Effect of Water and Soil Conservation Strategies;考虑水土保持措施影响的TOPMODEL模型研究及应用

14.soil and water conservation farming measures水土保持农业耕作措施

15.pasture measure of soil and water conservation水土保持牧业技术措施

16.Study on the Water Holding Performance and Water-supply Measures for Eco-concrete;生态混凝土水分保持与供水措施研究

17.A study on ways and measures for developingwater and soil conservation into industry;发展水土保持产业的途径与措施探讨

18.The Protective System of Water and Soil Conservation Measure for The Pipe新疆管道工程水土保持防治措施体系


soil and water conservation measure水土保持措施

1.On the suitability assessment ofsoil and water conservation measures关于水土保持措施适宜性的评价方法

2.On the basis of the investigation and appraisal on the differentsoil and water conservation measure combinations in sandy area,this paper analyzes the effect of different measure combinations on runoff in three rivers of Huangfuchuan,Sanchuanhe and Malianhe which are listed in the Key Harnessing and Development Planning in the Yellow River Basin in Near Future.在对多沙粗沙区不同类型区水土保持措施组合的调查、评价的基础上,分析了《黄河近期重点治理开发规划》中皇甫川、三川河和马莲河3条支流不同措施组合对径流的影响。

3)soil and water conservation水土保持措施

1.Based on the co-linearity analysis of runoff and precipitaion among different hydrological stations and various kinds of water and soil conservation measures, a statistical hydrological model of precipitation-soil and water conservation-runoff for the river basin is established by applying multiple regression method to analyze indicators and runoff data.本文在变量共线性分析基础上,提出了流域降水量标度和水土保持标度及其计算方法,建立了流域降水-水土保持-径流统计模型,该模型不仅能分离水土保持措施对河川径流量影响程度,而且还可分析降水及水土保持对流域径流量变化的影响。

2.In this study,soil and water conservation, ecology, ecological economics theory as a guide,soil and water conservation function of ecological services division base on comprehensive analysis of China"s soil erosion andsoil and water conservation on.2水土保持生态服务功能价值评估的概念为:在特定尺度和区域范围内对水土保持措施为人类和社会提供的服务进行货币计量的研究。

3.The change of soil quality of black soil as affected by differentsoil and water conservation meas- ures was studied in Yushu gully.本文针对东北黑土流失区典型流失区水土流失综合防治工程中的不同水土保持措施对土壤质量的影响进行了研究。

4)water and soil conservation measures水土保持措施

1.On the basis of investigating current situation of mining area, characteristic, trend foundation of soil erosion, we have analyzed the security validity of the existingwater and soil conservation measures, and proposed concrete projects and relevant suggestions supplementin.针对紫金山矿区动态开采引起弃渣量、堆渣场等情况不断变化,给水土流失防治带来新困难和存在安全隐患问题,在深入调查矿区水土流失现状、特点、趋势基础上,分析了现有水土保持措施的安全有效性,提出了该矿的开采区、排土(石)场、堆浸场、道路等重点部位水土保持措施补充整合具体方案及有关建议,为该矿完善水土保持措施提供科学依据。

2.The investigation on land use andwater and soil conservation measures by remote sensing is a subproject supported by the project "Investigation on water and soil conservation by remote sensing in the drainage basin of the Yellow River, Inner Mogonlia".达拉特旗土地利用及水土保持措施现状遥感调查以分辨率为30m的Landsat的TM影像为主要信息源,首先确定典型样区,通过野外调查,确定土地利用和水土保持措施的分类系统和建立解译标志;绘制典型样区草图并进行室内判读;野外校核,提交编绘原图。

3.The hydrological effects ofwater and soil conservation measures were studied with parallel comparative analysis method.以黄土丘陵沟壑区内相邻的 2条支沟 (羊道沟和插财主沟 )为研究对象 ,采用横向平行对比分析途径 ,研究了小流域水土保持措施的水文效应。

5)measures of soil and water conservation水土保持措施

1.To research the reasons why the existedmeasures of soil and water conservation bring the different benefit of soil and water conservation which are existing in the same valley and at the same time.针对已有水土保持措施蓄水减沙效益计算成果存在同一流域同一时段差异较大的问题,以孤山川流域为例,介绍了已有水土保持措施蓄水减沙效益计算成果,在分析比较的基础上,认为其结果差异较大的原因是所采用的水土保持措施量和蓄水减沙指标不同引起的。

6)biological management水土保持林草措施

1.Based on the theories of soil and water conservation,ecology,and eco-economics,the ecological service provided bybiological management was defined as the maintaining,improving,and protecting effects to the human beings and their conditions.本研究以水土保持学、生态学、生态经济学理论为指导,认为水土保持林草措施生态服务功能是指该措施对维持、改良和保护人类及人类社会赖以生存的自然环境条件的综合效用,包括保持和涵养水源、保持和改良土壤、维持生物多样性、固碳供氧、净化空气和防风固沙等6项功能。


水土保持措施在水土流失地区,为保护、改良与合理利用水土资源而采用的农业耕作措施、林草措施和工程措施的总称。种类和作用 ①水土保持农业耕作措施包括等高耕作、带状耕作、沟垄耕作,及保留作物残茬、秸杆覆盖、少耕、免耕、砂田等抗旱保墒耕作方法,以达到增加降水入渗、减少土壤水分蒸发和保水、保土、保肥的目的,从而提高作物单位面积产量。②水土保持林草措施有造林种草,封山(沟)育林育草和天然草地改良等。其作用是增加地面植物覆盖,免遭暴雨溅蚀和径流冲刷,改善土壤物理化学性质,同时也为当地人民提供一定的木料、燃料、肥料、饲料或其他林副产品。③水土保持工程措施按其分布的位置和作用可分为:山坡水土保持工程,包括水平梯田、鱼鳞坑、山坡截流沟、水窖、涝池和挡土墙;山沟治理工程包括沟头防护工程、谷坊、拦沙坝、淤地坝、排洪沟、导流堤以及山区小型水利工程等。这些工程措施的作用主要是改变小地形,蓄水保土,排洪防涝,贮水灌溉,除害兴利,为发展农、林、牧业生产创造条件。在一个治理区域内,需要根据不同地块,通过土地适宜性评价,因地制宜地采取不同措施。各种措施不能互相取代,各自具有特有的功能,同时又形成一个有机的整体,以求获得最佳的水土保持效益。措施间的关系 由于中国山区和丘陵区水土流失形式多样;一般人口密度较大,土地利用复杂,因而需要采用多种措施,组成一个综合防治体系,才能有效地制止水土流失。因此要求做到:①根据因地制宜和治理区对粮食生产的要求,选择缓坡,土层深厚(在土石山区)、靠近居民点的地块采取工程措施修建水平梯田,既可蓄水保土、保肥,又是建成稳产高产基本农田的重要途径。在侵蚀沟内,可以修筑谷坊、淤地坝(在黄土区)或营造防冲林,达到蓄洪、拦沙、挂淤、抬高侵蚀基点、稳定沟坡,防治沟蚀的目的。有些沟道还可形成可利用的沟坝地。②在坡度较陡、土壤干旱、瘠薄的荒坡,一般应实行造林种草,根据立地条件(见防护林),可将营造乔木、灌木和种草相结合,或者实行封山育林、育草,以达到增加地面被覆和雨水入渗,涵养水源,调节地表径流,改善小气候,有利于邻近农地的作物生长,形成良好的农林生态系统。③对已有治理设施实行严格的管理,如梯田地埂的维修,幼林的抚育管理等,这样才能取得治理效果。④各种措施间是相辅相成,互相促进的,如通过建设梯田、坝地等基本农田,提高单位面积产量,逐步达到改广种薄收为少种多收,退耕陡坡,实行造林种草,促进林牧业发展,而造林和种草养畜,又为农业提供有机肥料,促进农业高产。就各项措施的水土保持作用而言,也是互相依存和促进的。如山坡水土保持工程蓄水保土,为林草成活、生长创造有利条件,而林草措施又可分散减少地表径流,控制泥沙流失,使措施发挥群体作用。⑤在规划各项治理措施时,必须与改善山区经济状况相结合,充分发挥治理区内自然和社会条件的优势,将配置各项治理措施与发展山区商品生产相结合,例如将林草措施与发展种植业和养殖业相结合,工程措施与发展灌溉相结合。同时,随着人们对提高环境质量的要求,还应考虑所用措施美化环境的效应,在有条件的地区,可与发展旅游事业相结合。
