2000字范文 > 英语口语8000句 2-4 享受余暇时间

英语口语8000句 2-4 享受余暇时间

时间:2023-05-28 22:40:27


英语口语8000句 2-4 享受余暇时间


◎你想去看电影吗?Would you like to go to a movie?

*Would you like to...? 表示“你想……吗?”、“要不要……?”的意思,是比较有礼貌地表示邀请和提议的句型。

Sure, I"d love to. (当然,我很想去。)

= What do you say to going to a movie?


◎今天晚上放什么电影? What"s on tonight?


= What"s playing tonight?

= What are you showing tonight?

◎你想看什么电影? What movie do you want to see?

◎我想看《××》 I want to see...

◎哪儿演《××》? Where is... playing?

◎《××》演到什么时候? How long is... playing?

How long will... play?

◎这部电影是谁演的? Who is in this movie?

◎演多长时间? How long does it last?


= How long is it?

◎下一场几点开演? What time is the next showing?

= When is the next showing?

◎几点演完? What time will it be over?

= What time will it end?

◎我买两张成人票。Two, please.

= Two tickets, please.

= Two adults, please.

◎前边的人挡着,我看不见。I can"t see because of the person in front of me.

= That person is blocking my view.

= That person is in my way.

◎我们怎么坐得这么靠后呀? We are way in the back, aren"t we?

◎我们坐到前面的座位上吧。Let"s sit closer up front.

◎真太有意思了,是不是? That was interesting, wasn"t it?

It sure was. (确实。)

◎这电影真没劲。 That was boring, wasn"t it?

= That was dull, wasn"t it?

◎太让人感动了。I was moved.


How was the ballet? (芭蕾舞怎么样?)

= It touched me.

= It was a touching movie. (这是一部感人的电影。)
