2000字范文 > 时文阅读|初中英语首字母填空和阅读理解训练「火神山医院」


时间:2023-10-21 07:30:12






Recently, one new disease NCP (新型冠状病毒肺炎) broke out in Wuhan. It has spread to other c___1____, including the United States and Japan. Local government is trying to do something u____2___ to stop the further development of this disease. In order to control the spread of the disease, Huoshenshan Hospital was set up in Wuhan. It was b____3____ in just ten days. It is used to treat patients infected with the NCP.

More than 7,500 workers and around 1,000 trucks and large pieces of machinery have been working at the Huoshenshan Hospital site day and night. Around 400 rooms in the hospital have already been finished so far. The project began on January 25 and finished on February 2. And 1,400 doctors began to treat patients in Huoshenshan Hospital. There are 1,000 beds for patients in Huoshenshan Hospital. China also built a s___4____ hospital in Wuhan for treating the patients, with1,600 beds.

Leishenshan Hospital was completed on February 5. The hospital r___5___ the stress resulting from the increasing number of patients. This played an important role in fighting the NCP.



The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared (宣布) the new coronavirus (冠状病毒) outbreak a global public health emergency after the spread of the disease across the world. WHO made the decision in its third meeting about the coronavirus, after it decided not to take such a step in the first two meetings.

Officially called a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC), it is considered to be a public health risk through the international spread of disease. It suggests a serious, sudden and unusual situation in which the world must act quickly.

Since , there have been a few global health emergencies, including the swine flu pandemic (猪流感) and the outbreak of ebola in West Africa.

The new coronavirus has got attention because of its similarity to SARS which killed about 800 people across the world in 2002-. So far, the new coronavirus does not seem to be as deadly as SARS, but there have been more cases.

Its declaration could cause trade and travel restrictions (限制). Those who have made holiday plans might have their plans affected (受影响的) in some parts of the world.

The WHO said its greatest worry was the potential (潜在性) for the virus to spread to countries with weaker health systems, who might not be able to handle (处理) it.

“We are all in this together and we can only stop it together,” said the WHO’s Director General, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.


6. What does the underlined phrase “take such a step” mean in the first paragraph?

A. Spread the coronavirus across the world.

B. Declare the coronavirus a global public health emergency.

C. Hold the third meeting about the coronavirus.

D. Restrict trade and travel across the world.

7. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. The swine flu pandemic was a global public health emergency.

B. SARS killed about 800 people across the world in .

C. The new coronavirus has few cases than SARS.

D. The spread of the coronavirus has no risk.

8. What could the declaration of global public health emergency cause?

A. Bigger outbreak of the coronavirus.

B. Trade and travel restrictions.

C. A weaker health system.

D. Immediate stop of the coronavirus.




自以来,出现了一些全球卫生紧急情况,包括猪流感大流行以及西非爆发的埃博拉病毒 。









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