2000字范文 > 托福写作2大题型冲刺25+备考经验心得分享


时间:2019-10-30 05:28:22













Independent Task

Nowadays, children rely too much on the technology, like computers,smartphone, video games for fun and entertainment; playing simpler toys orplaying outside with friends would be better for the children's development.


For parents, how to well plan their children’s development has been a hugeproblem. While some children are given more time on technological gadgets,others are more inclined to choose some activities, such as going camping ortraveling. For me, the former option would be a better one.

Admittedly, playing simpler toys or playing outside might be good choicefor children. Simpler toys, namely Lego, are a good way to develop children’sthinking on solving the problem through block by block. By assembling the piecesfor different blocks, children could assemble an even big piece, such as theclassic London Tower Bridge. Also, playing with friends is helpful. When theyare playing with others, they would cooperate with them to playing sports oreven solve problems. However, on balance, both of these ways are limited inhelping children. Toys and outdoor activities are restrained to their actualforms: parents need lots of money to buy different toys to help childrendevelop, and they pay a great amount of money on helping their children fordifferent activities. For those parents who suffer from financial burden, theseare not effective ways for children’s development. Comparatively, technologywould be a more effective way for children.

Firstly, Internet via computers and smartphone are essential for theirdevelopment. In other words, Internet provides students with vast amounts ofinformation. According to a recent survey conducted by Gallup, after pollingthousands of students from local high schools, most respondents claim thatInternet is the No.1 helper from them to finish homework. When they haveproblems, they would search reference on Internet. Websites such as GoogleScholar would be a wonderful tool for them to find some papers or academicreference for their homework. Meanwhile, Internet is a wonderful place for themto entertain as well. They could watch movies on . They could even findinteresting stories on . All funny experiences are available on Internetwithout causing children too much money.

In addition, video games are also necessary for children’s growth. Whenchildren are playing video games, they might learn some strategic thinking. Forexample, when I am playing FIFA , I have to manage my team members accordingto their physical strength so that I could beat other teams. For those who runquickly, it would be a good idea for them to play forward; for those who aretall and strong, they would be better playing middle field. Because of this teammanagement strategy, I have achieved many titles in the game. Learning fromthis, I would allocate my time in finishing homework according to my energylevel. When I am energetic, I might choose the most difficult homework; if I amtired, I might choose some easy-to-do tasks, which would not cost me muchtime.

To conclude, while playing toys or spending time on outdoor activities is agood way for their development, technology would be better way.


2月28日:Nowadays, children rely too much on the technology, like computers,smartphone, video games for fun and entertainment; playing simpler toys orplaying outside with friends would be better for the children's development.

Technological advancement has contributed to the invention of a wide rangeof electronic products and there are an increasing number of children who arereported to rely heavily on the technology. Thus, the controversy is raisedamong the public whether playing simpler toys or playing outside with friendsare better for the children’s development. From my perspective, I insist on thatdepending on high technology is a rather right decision.

For one thing, children can learn more about the world and develop a betterway of resolving problems. For instance, the upcoming Fourth IndustrialRevolution heralds a thorough change of the composition of working force in thesociety and learning the latest news through computers or smartphones will leadchildren to be aware of what are needed urgently and what have been outdated, inthis way, they can decide what kinds of capabilities and qualities they shoulddevelop for being accustomed to the fast-changing world. Besides, childrennowadays have to accomplish diverse curriculums many difficult assignments likewriting a paper related to how independent war was sparkled or what consequenceshad been aroused after the assassination of Lincoln. Computers can help resolvethe problem more effectively by providing students with abundant references andhistoric documentation. Additionally, there have been more educational programsspreading through the Internet like TED that is designed to disseminate the mostoutstanding professors’ lectures throughout the world to share the greatestideas with people in every corner of the world. Obviously, relying on thehigh-tech devices can be of great benefits for children both to resolve theproblems they might meet during their study and learn more things beyond theirtextbooks.

For another thing, video games have been designed to be more alluring andintellectually demanding. To be more specific, there have occurred many morevideo games that are invented to exploit children’s imagination and also releasetheir pressure. Take Minecraft, a popular game sweeping many primary and highschool students, as an example. In the game, players can use diverseconstruction materials and tools to construct what they like such as a castle ora skyscraper even a city. Besides, by decorating the entities they created inmany different styles, massive intellectual activities are needed like how todesign the roof the house and where should put the pets in the city and etc.During the process, students can be fully occupied in the game, serving as anantidote to boredom that will be detrimental to students’ mental health if itcan be erased promptly. Consequently, playing video games is a better choice forstudents to make to release their pressure and ensure their health.

Granted, I have to admit that playing outside with friends is also a betterway of releasing pressure like playing sports that can help exercise children’sbodies to improve their physical quality. However, children might be injuredwhile joining sports since they are lack of adequate physical exercises usually.However, playing video games will not trigger any possible injuries.

In a word, relying on technology is a better choice than playing simpletoys or playing outside with friends for children’s development. Learning moreout of the classroom, resolving academic problems as well as releasing workloadseffectively can all reveal the superiority of relying on technology.

