2000字范文 > Bicycle--the Most Popular Form of Transportation Tool in Our Country_2000字_英语作文

Bicycle--the Most Popular Form of Transportation Tool in Our Country_2000字_英语作文

时间:2023-10-15 03:47:10


Bicycle--the Most Popular Form of Transportation Tool in Our Country_2000字_英语作文

In many countries, people prefer to travel by car, while in our country, bikes are the most popular form of transportation.Since we live in a devioping country in a devloping country the car production is not as much as that of the developed countries. And most people can not afford to buy a car, let alone the malnte nance of it. So, we prefer bikes as a tool of travelling. First, a bike is much cheaper than a car, so most consumers can afford it, And if there is .something wrong with a hike, people can fix it or have it fixed easily without paying much money. The second reason is that bikes need much less parking space than cars. In narrow roads, it is very difficult for cars to park. However, a bike needs relatively less room, so it is very convenient for us to use bikes. The third reason for using a bike is that it can save energy for our country. In this case, a bike is a very good kind of transportation tool for it needs no gasoline at all.Therefore, in our country, travelling by bike is a very popular and economical way. But with the development of our economy, the day when we use cars as the most popular form of transportation is sure to come.自行车——我国最流行的交通工具在许多国家,人们喜欢乘汽车旅行,而在我国,自行车是最流行的交通工具。在于我们生活在发展中国家,汽车生产量不如发达国家那么多。许多人买不起汽车,更不必说汽车的保养了,所以我们喜欢把自行车做为交通工具。第一,自行车比汽车便宜得多,许多消费者买得起。如果自行车出了毛病,人们可以自己修或请别人修,花钱也不多。第二个原因是自行车比汽车所需的停放空间小得多。在狭窄的道路上,停放汽车是困难的。而自行车所需空间相对来说要小得多,因此,使用自行车很方便。原因之三是,使用自行车可以为我们国家节省能源。这样,因为自行车不用汽油,它就成了一种很好的交通工具。在我国,骑自行车旅行是很流行的,同时也很经济。但是,随着我国经济的发展,我们把汽车作为最流行的交通工具的日子一定会到来。
