2000字范文 > Life is as light as chrysanthemum_3000字_英语作文

Life is as light as chrysanthemum_3000字_英语作文

时间:2022-07-02 12:30:34


Life is as light as chrysanthemum_3000字_英语作文

A person‘s life is to go through many stages, such as innocent youth, passionate youth, heavy and steady middle age, calm and calm old age. Each time has a unique landscape, each period of time will give people a different feeling. Suddenly, she was in a state of calm, and I felt very calm.

She felt that, unconsciously, everything was slowly fading down, often with a faint smile, giving people a sense of harmony and warmth; she often looked down on fame and wealth and material, but valued the feelings between people, and often did not act impulsively or regret easily. She would be responsible for her decision. But once she falls in love with a person, she will stick to her love. The shelf life of love is “forever”.

She will make a pot of tea for herself in the morning or afternoon of the bright autumn sun, hold a book in hand, and enjoy it slowly. She knows what intellectual beauty is. She is more willing to learn calligraphy, music and art in her spare time, or to accept the latest scientific and technological knowledge to improve her self-cultivation and taste. She will not waste her time in worldly disputes and boring mahjong, nor will she compete with others in high-end brand-name clothes and vanity show off. She knows that true beauty must come from within It’s coming out.

But she also remembered that she was still worried about her work not long ago. What kind of boss didn‘t appreciate it, her work performance was not outstanding, and her colleagues were unconvinced, etc., and so on. Her whole body and mind were trapped in the mire of striving for success, struggling hard and unable to let go. However, in middle age, everything was in full bloom and sunrise. It was not that she didn’t work hard, but just felt that she tried her best If you have a clear conscience, you won‘t think much about the result. On the contrary, the relationship between colleagues will be harmonious, and people’s spirit will be happy and their mind will be broad-minded.

She also had a time when she couldn‘t extricate herself from love. At that time, in love, because of the fear of losing, they suspected, made trouble, and tortured each other; in lovelorn, they were more painful, because they had nothing to rely on, so they were lonely, miserable and self destructive. However, in this period of life, whether it is passionate or lovelorn, they can be treated calmly and poetically. It is not to say that the heart is like water and the feeling is like a dry well, but to be able to look at it rationally and manage it wisely, so as to make the love show the beauty of deep implication and the state of deep feeling. Let the lovers have no pressure and can enjoy the happiness brought by love itself.

She thought that at a certain stage of everyone’s life, there was a time when the full vitality needed to rush out, just like a fast flowing river. But one cannot stay at this stage forever. After the fierce impact, life came to an open valley, which accumulated into a vast lake. At this time, it will become abnormal peace and tranquility, which is separated from the secular world and is supported by rich spiritual connotation. It is a kind of detachment, a kind of prosperity, the purity of the true feelings, a spiritual sublimation. Tolstoy once said, “as I grow older, my life becomes more and more spiritual.”. That‘s how it feels.

People as light as chrysanthemum, is a rich spiritual quiet. People with this character can soak in the wind, morning and rain, face the willow garden flowers, hear the natural breath, feel the pulse of nature. At this time, the chamber is the eight poles, and the heart becomes the universe; at this time, the spirit will be rich, the mind will be broad; at this time, you will have a clear and clear, calm and calm. Life is no longer lonely.
