2000字范文 > 李开复:内 全球半数工作将被人工智能取代

李开复:内 全球半数工作将被人工智能取代

时间:2018-07-20 22:34:13


李开复:内 全球半数工作将被人工智能取代


Half of current jobs will be taken over by AI within 15 years, Chinas leading AI expert has warned.


Kai-Fu Lee, the author of bestselling book AI Superpowers: China, Silicon Valley, and the New World Order, told the world of employments was facing a crisis akin to that faced by farmers during the industrial revolution.


akin[kn]: adj. 类似的

People aren really fully aware of the effect AI will have on their jobs, he said.


Lee, who is a VC in China and once headed up Google in the region, has over 30 years of experience in AI.


VC[vi si]: 风险投资(venture capital)

He believe it is imperative to warn people there is displacement coming, and to tell them how they can start retraining.



1. Sales and Marketing Research 销售和市场调研人员2. Insurance adjuster 保险公司算理员3. Security guards 保安4. Truck drivers 卡车司机5. Consumer loan underwriter 消费者贷款担保人6. Financial and sports journalists 金融和体育记者7. Bookkeepers & Financial Analysts 簿记员和财务分析师8. Fruit pickers 水果采摘工人9. Investment professionals 职业投资人10. Radiologist 放射科医师

Luckily, he said all is not lost for humanity.


AI is powerful and adaptable, but it can do everything that humans do.


Lee believe AI cannot create, conceptualize, or do complex strategic planning, or undertake complex work that requires precise hand-eye coordination.


He also says it is poor at dealing with unknown and unstructured spaces.


Crucially, he says AI cannot interact with humans exactly like humans, with empathy, human-human connection, and compassion.


Psychiatrists, social workers and marriage counselors are unlikely to lose their jobs, along with nurses, AI researchers and scientists, he believes.



1. Psychiatrists 精神病医生2. Therapists 治疗师3. Medical caregivers 医护人员4. AI researchers and engineers 人工智能研究员和工程师5. Fiction writers 小说作家6. Teachers 教师7. Criminal defense attorney 刑事辩护律师8. Computer Scientists & Engineers 计算机科学家和工程师9. Scientists 科学家 10. Managers (actually leaders) 经理(领导)

However, some jobs will disappear- and quickly.


Most at risk are telemarketers and telesales people, Lee said, pointing to Googles controversial AI bot system that can fool humans as an example of the future.


Youve probably already received robo-calls, but future calls will be more natural, he says.


AI can use customer profiles, past purchases, and emotional recognition to find ways to appeal to them - even using a soothing female voice or a persuasive male voice.


Lee also said customer support, warehouse workers and telephone operators are at risk.



1. Telemarketer / telesales 电话推销员2. Customer support 客服人员3. Warehouse workers 仓管人员4. Clerks and operational staff 办事员和操作人员5. Telephone operators 接线员6. Teller/cashier 出纳员/收银员7. Fast food workers 快餐店员8. Dish washers 洗碗工9. Assembly line inspector 生产线质检员10. Couriers 快递员

The key to jobs in the future will be empathy, he said.


Human to human interaction is safe, providing comfort and satisfaction is safe.


He also warned education will also have to change dramatically to encourage a new way of thinking, making people more individualistic, and more empathetic.


We also need to focus on what children want to do and show particular passion and talent for something, we need to encourage them to go for it.


Super talent in children will be found earlier.


Parents need to know whatever they thought was right, is probably wrong.


You need to let your kids go after what they love, and encourage them.


Make sure they spend a lot of time understanding why it is important to help people, and why communication skills are important - don play on the phone all the time.


He also warned many millennials will need to re-balance their life to focus on social skills - but is confident they will be able to adapt.




