2000字范文 > 中国驻英国使馆发言人就英国暂停与香港引渡协定及实施武器禁运答记者问


时间:2022-10-04 18:46:27



记者问:今天下午,英国外交大臣拉布在议会下院宣布,英方将立即、无期限地暂停与香港引渡协定,并禁止向香港出口有关武器。中国大使馆对此有何评论?使馆发言人:近期,英方多次围绕香港国安法做出错误言行,干涉香港事务和中国内政,中方已多次向英方提出严正交涉,表示强烈不满和坚决反对。英方不顾中方严正立场和一再交涉,变本加厉,一错再错,再次违反国际法和国际关系基本准则,粗暴干涉中国内政,企图干扰香港国安法实施,破坏香港繁荣稳定,中方对此表示强烈谴责和坚决反对。中国政府执行香港国安法的决心坚定不移,维护国家主权、安全、发展利益的决心坚定不移,反对任何外来干涉的决心坚定不移。对于干涉中国内政的行径,中方必将作出坚决回击。香港国安法是确保“一国两制”行稳致远、确保香港长治久安和繁荣稳定的“定海神针”。实施国安法后,香港将更安全、更美好、更繁荣,我们对香港的光明未来充满信心。任何向中方施压、阻挠该法实施的企图都必将遭到包括香港同胞在内的14亿中国人民的坚决反对,注定不会得逞。中方敦促英方立即停止以任何方式干涉香港事务和中国内政,不要在错误的道路上越走越远,否则必将自食其果。答问英文:Embassy Spokesperson"s Remarks on the UK"s Suspension of the Extradition Treaty with Hong Kong and the Extension of the Arms Embargo to Hong KongQuestion:This afternoon, UK Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab announced at the House of Commons that the UK will suspend the extradition treaty with Hong Kong immediately and indefinitely and extend the arms embargo to Hong Kong. What is the comment of the Chinese Embassy?Embassy Spokesperson:Recently the UK has repeatedly made wrong remarks on the National Security Law for Hong Kong SAR to interfere in Hong Kong affairs, which are internal affairs of China. The Chinese side has lodged solemn representations to the UK side on many occasions to express our grave concern and strong opposition.Now the UK side has gone even further down the wrong road in disregard of China’s solemn position and repeated representations. It once again contravened international law and the basic norms governing international relations and blatantly interfered in China’s internal affairs in an attempt to disrupt the implementation of the National Security Law for Hong Kong SAR and undermine the city’s prosperity and stability. The Chinese side strongly condemns and firmly opposes this.The Chinese Government remains unwavering in its resolve to implement the National Security Law for Hong Kong SAR, to safeguard national sovereignty, security and development interest, and to oppose external interference. China will firmly fight back at any move that interferes in its internal affairs.The National Security Law for Hong Kong SAR is an anchor for the steady and sustained implementation of “One Country, Two Systems” and for the long-term security, prosperity and stability in Hong Kong. This Law will make Hong Kong a safer, better and more prosperous place. We are full of confidence in the bright future of Hong Kong SAR. Any attempt to pressurize China and obstruct the implementation of this Law will meet the strong opposition of 1.4 billion Chinese people, including Hong Kong compatriots, and such attempt is doomed to failure.China urges the UK side to immediately stop interfering in Hong Kong affairs, which are China’s internal affairs, in any form. The UK will bear the consequences if it insists on going down the wrong road.
