2000字范文 > 幸福会找到你我|Today My Life Begins

幸福会找到你我|Today My Life Begins

时间:2022-10-07 16:51:06


幸福会找到你我|Today My Life Begins

《Today My Life Begins》是Bruno Mars 的一首新歌,“火星哥”以他独特的声线,完美的诠释了这首励志的歌曲。

布鲁诺·马尔斯(Bruno Mars),1985年10月8日出生于美国夏威夷火奴鲁鲁,美国男歌手、词曲作者、唱片制作人。


歌曲中所唱的“i know i can make it, today my life begins我知道我会挺过去,生活也将自今天起变得崭新”唱出了一种积极向上个人生态度,是一首能让人找回自信的歌曲。

i"ve been working hard so long

我勤勤恳恳努力工作了许久seems like pain has been my only friend久得像将苦痛当成了唯一挚友my fragile heart"s been done so wrong我的脆弱魂灵曾犯下诸多大错i wondered if i"d ever heal again甚至怀疑我能否安抚和治愈自己ohh just like all the seasons never stay the same但就像四季的更替 周而复始岁岁不一

all around me i can feel a change (ohh)我亦感觉到周围的一切都在变化不停i will break these chains that bind me, happiness will find me我会挣脱所有困扰我的束缚 成功找到幸福leave the past behind me, today my life begins放下执着的过去 如生命在今天重新苏醒a whole new world is waiting it"s mine for the takin一个全新的世界也在等待着我去探索行进i know i can make it, today my life begins我知道我会挺过去 生活也将自今天起变得崭新yesterday has come and gone昨天的一切已成过去and i"ve learnt how to leave it where it is我也学会了如何将执念肃清and i see that i was wrong也明白了自己不该有for ever doubting i could win怀疑自己能否胜利的心ohh just like all the seasons never stay the same但就像四季的更替 周而复始岁岁不一all around me i can feel a change (ohh)我亦感觉到周围的一切都在变化不停i will break these chains that bind me, happiness will find me我会挣脱所有困扰我的束缚 成功找到幸福leave the past behind me, today my life begins放下执着的过去 如生命在今天重新苏醒a whole new world is waiting it"s mine for the takin一个全新的世界也在等待着我去探索行进i know i can make it, today my life begins我知道我会挺过去 生活也将自今天起变得崭新life"s to short to have regrets人生苦短 经受不起太多遗憾so i"m learning now to leave it in the past and try to forget所以我会将它们留在过去并学着遗忘释怀only have one life to live人生开过一次 便不会再轮转so you better make the best of it所以就如你所愿的去将它精彩填满i will break these chains that bind me, happiness will find me我会挣脱所有困扰我的束缚 成功找到幸福leave the past behind me, today my life begins放下执着的过去 如生命在今天重新苏醒a whole new world is waiting it"s mine for the takin一个全新的世界也在等待着我去探索行进i know i can make it, today my life begins我知道我会挺过去 生活也将自今天起变得崭新i will break these chains that bind me, happiness will find me我会挣脱所有困扰我的束缚 成功找到幸福leave the past behind me, today my life begins放下执着的过去 如生命在今天重新苏醒a whole new world is waiting it"s mine for the takin一个全新的世界也在等待着我去探索行进i know i can make it, today my life begins我知道我会挺过去 生活也将自今天起变得崭新today my life begins...就从今天起让生命崭新


