2000字范文 > 英语语法:短语in charge of in front of的用法​

英语语法:短语in charge of in front of的用法​

时间:2024-02-15 18:24:59


英语语法:短语in charge of in front of的用法​


推荐阅读:英语语法基础班预报名.3上几期学习了英语语法:短语be about to,be going to的用法、短语by sea,for a moment的用法、短语in a word,in bed的用法关注微博:@读外刊学英语

9.in charge of负责,主管 & in the charge of由……负责

用法:in charge of和in the charge of都是介词短语,后面跟名词或者代词作宾语。但是in charge of表示主动,主语一般是人。而in the charge of 表示被动,主语是物,相当于in one’s charge。

例句1:I’ll have you speak with the director in charge of new accounts. (12月四级)


语法点:例句中的in charge of是介词短语作定语,修饰director。

结构分析:I是主语,will have是谓语, you是宾语, speak with the director in charge of new accounts整个是宾语补语,其中in charge of new accounts是后置定语,修饰the director。

例句2:The boss said all the information was in the charge of the accountant.


结构分析:The boss是主语, said是谓语, all the information was in the charge of the accountant整个是宾语从句,其中all the information是主语(all the是两个前置定语),was是系动词, in the charge of the accountant是表语。

10.in front of在……前面 & in the front of在……前面

用法:in front of和in the front of都可以表示“在……前面”。in front of表示的是,在某个整体的前面,比如She is in front of him.(她在他面前。)而in the front of表示在某一空间内的前部,如in the front of the classroom(在教室的前排)。

例句1:Well, I’ve been seeing these yellow boxes in front of alot houses in my neighborhood. (雅思)


例句2:There’s a snack bar serving sandwiches and hot and cold refreshments situated in the front of A desk. (12月六级)


作业动词短语:in hospital住院 & in the hospital在医院里用法:in hospital表示的是生病住院;而in the hospital表示的是在医院,强调的是在医院这个位置,可能是在医院工作、探望病人等。

例句1:The woman will have to stay in hospital fora few days. (12月六级)

例句2:He is going to visit his mother in the hospital. (6月六级)

英语外刊,精读练习:Capitalism, with class society, private property ownership and patriarchal relations, is at the root of women’s, gender and national oppression. Global corporations, in their drive for megaprofits, super exploit the world’s workforce, intensify inequality and poverty, and spew racism, bigotry and misogyny.【WORKERS WORLD】
