2000字范文 > TOEFL托福考试作文范文


时间:2023-02-12 12:51:38





托福考试作文题目: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Businesses should do anything they can to make a profit. Use specific reasons and examples to support your position.




Nowadays, merchants tend to strive for remaining in existence by all means due to the extensive competition and burdensome pressures. However, I am always amazed when I hear that it is necessary for businessman to do anything possible to make a profit. It may be as highly laudable and exemplary a thing as it is held to be by those who are addicted to money.

Apparently, I strongly object to it due to various factors that weigh heavily against the notion. The foremost reason is that merchants would be rewarded by nothing but distrust and even hatred from the customers if they hardly care about anything but money. It is widely known that nothing can be compared with the good reputation of a company, which attracts more upright and loyal customers. Suppose we are facing the dilemma of which brand of shampoo to purchase. It is of no surprise if you decide to take the one produced by P&G or other reputable large companies. As a result, what assures the buyers most is the credit of the service suppliers?

Another subtle explanation for my point of view rests on the fact that various appalling results would in some cases, be caused by the immoral and even illegal businesses. It is decent to make profits and receive the repayment of diligent work and continuous efforts. Nevertheless, producing unqualified or even deleterious commodities, which possibly lead to detriments of people's health or security, is never the sensible method to operate a company. What impressed me most is the tragedy happened several months ago in some part of China. Hundreds of infants died because of the nonnutritive milk powders produced by some merchantmen without ethics. Therefore, it is never too rigid to denounce the immoral and irresponsible behavior. The third point I would like to mention is that the merchants themselves would not be reassured to enjoy the property acquired in improper ways.

In most cases, it is the essential satisfaction of benefiting the public, rather than the material items, which inspires people profoundly. What a pleasant thing it would be to receive repayment of your diligent work and continuous efforts! On the contrary, few people would go into rapture even if they possess a mass of wealth earned through indecent ways. Thus, only by obeying commercial disciplines could a businessman obtain supreme success and maximum pleasure.

Taking into all the reasons above into account, it is barely too arbitrary to conclude that only by descent and good Intentioned business activities could a company achieve respectable and decent success


托福考试作文题目: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents or other adult relatives should make important decisions for their older (15 to 18 year-old) teenage children. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.


表明立场:这样的做法有一定的道理。支持这样的做法的理由:older teenage children还不够成熟(immature),考虑不够周全(inconsiderate),尤其涉及到经济相关的决定时,缺乏独立承担能力(incapable of being independent)。然而,“如何保证parents或者adult relatives所作的决定就是正确的”也是个问题。另外,总是把孩子排除在决定权之外,是否会使孩子变得“没能力做出任何决定”?the ability to make sound decision是人生道路上很重要的能力之一。


The issue of whether parents or other adult relatives should make important decisions for their teenage children arouses much controversy among people with different perspectives and backgrounds. Some people believe the statement is legitimate, because children are not mature and have not enough experiences to determine the optimal choice. On the other hand, people claim that nobody can control other's life even their parents. People should be responsible for their own behaviors and determine their lives. As far as I am concerned, I would like to refute the former and support the latter. In the following discussing, I would like to address some evidence to substantiate my point of view.

In the first place, the most important reason for me to choose this position is that old teenagers have their own thoughts and ideas. The fact that the thoughts of children are not perfect and logical does not mean their parents have right to eliminate their decision without considering the children's intentions. In the era of rapid social and technological changes leading to increasing life complexity and psychological displacement, the good decision in parents' time would be out of data.

In the second place, the job of parents is not to make decision for their children, but to help them to choose. In this period of 15 to 18 year-old children, they are always radical. If their parents make decisions instead of themselves, they will not obey these decisions. Parents had better told their kids about their opinions, worries and experiences as friends. Give much more room for their kids to think and decide. Respect and believe their kids will choose the better one and will face the result directly.

In sum, considering the aforementioned reasons I support the statement that older teenagers had better make decisions by themselves. Admittedly, our parents are our best and most early teacher. They would give us more important advices to help us choose the best decision.


托福考试作文题目: The independent essay usually asks for your opinion about a familiar topic. You will have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your response. Typically, a good essay for the independent topic will require that you write 300–350 words.


You are planning to study abroad. What do you think you will like and dislike about this experience? Why? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.




My mother once told me that she could always find my eyes shining at the mention of going abroad for further education. There is no denying the fact that I have strong desire of my oversea trip and have planed of it for a long period since I began my high school time. In fact, I am only a typical example of those young students who have the some dream. A result of recent survey, released by a famous magazine in my hometown showed that more than 72 percent local high school students has pleasant association with studying abroad. Anyway, such decisions can benefit a young man a great deal while it is not without its problems.

Will oversea colleges and universities, especially those in America, provide Chinese student a more refined education? The data I select over this year leads to me believe that the answer is undoubtedly positive, since those abroad universities, which enjoy high reputations world-widely, have faculty and advanced facility. It is the education with totally different conceptions that will exert positively influence on one by widening his or her horizon, whereby he/she can put him/herself in a favorable position in the future job markets.

Secondly, which is another conspicuous advantage of the oversea life, it can bring one friends from a variety of countries. Seldom can one have an adjust judgement to a remote nation without consorting with the people from that area. As my cousin, who has been living in England for over seven years, pointed out, she learns a lot from her foreign friends.

However, we immature students should be blind to the dilemma we may face toward in the future. Living in a foreign country means one should try hard to adapt him/herself to a new environment and, in addition, probably have to suffer from the segregation with family.

After the both sides of abroad life are viewed, it is time to draw my conclusion. In short, the study in a foreign university will be a precious experience to a young man as long as he/she can overcome the difficulty he/she may encounter.



Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? A person's childhood years (the time from birth to twelve years of age) are the most important years of a person's life. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.






托福考试作文范文 参考:

It has been seen that children who get the love and support of their parents and teachers in their childhood turn out bemature and emotionally balanced teenagers and adults. On the other hand, if we look at the childhood of criminals and other anti social elements, we will find that most of them have been through tough times as children. They were deprivedof proper care and upbringing. Delinquents also have a history of abuse in their childhood many a times.

Children are always inquisitive and willingto learn. When they are provided a stimulating environment in which they can develop their talents and learn to enjoy their work, they become good citizens who are an asset to the nation. Family is the most important institution in a child'sformative years because parents are children's role models. Children develop their ethics, moral values and temperament in tune with what they see in their parents and elder siblings. The type of personality that a child develops isdifficult to change later.

So I firmly believe that childhood is a vital part of a person's life that plays an important role in shaping his future.


University students should be required to take history courses no matter what field they study.


(9月29日 = 6月13日)



1. 阅读本身就是快乐的,学习本身就是一种成长。阅读经典史书,无论是典故,传记,还是语录,都是一种开拓视野,丰富知识,增加文化底蕴的过程。

2. 很多精英,无论是文体明星,还是商业巨子,他们的成功的重要因素之一就是大学期间博览群书,钻研历史。学习历史不仅增强了他们的文化底蕴,更加教会他们以史为鉴,理性思考。换言之,他们不断借鉴史书,积累成功的方法,学习失败的经验。当他们走出校园,搏击商海,拓展事业的时候,从历史学习中汲取精神力量帮助他们避免犯类似的错误,危机中做出明智选择。





