2000字范文 > 进博会90后叹“会飞的汽车”太贵:买不起


时间:2018-11-26 11:37:18









被问及大家关注的价格问题,Stefan Vadocz透露,此次展示的Aeromobil 4.0 STOL 价格是120万欧元。“不过,我们在二到三年后将会推出新版本的汽车,售价会低许多。”哪类人群会对“会飞的汽车”感兴趣?Stefan Vadocz说,“我们的潜在买家遍布全球,他们希望能在出行上提高效率,节约时间。”虽然此次在展会现场仅做静态展示,不过Stefan Vadocz表示,展区将播放汽车“变身”为飞机升空飞行的视频,还会详细介绍一系列技术亮点。


English version

After entering the Expo, the "flying car" is too expensive to buy.

The post-90s lament that "flying cars" are too expensive: they can afford it. This is the first flying car in the world. It is produced by AeroMobil of Slovakia and its main fuel is gasoline. Its body length is 5.9 meters, width is 2.2 meters, height is 1.1 meters, land speed is 160 kilometers per hour, flight speed is 360 kilometers per hour, which combines nearly 40 patented technologies.

On-the-spot interview

Remember, how did you feel after seeing the (flying car)?

Mr. Yin: Its a design that feels very novel, very conceptual and futuristic. Its very advanced. I think its at least millions of dollars.

Remember, do you want to buy one?

Mr. Yin: I can afford to buy a mine at home. Maybe there is no money to buy it. It will certainly be more convenient. There will be traffic jams everywhere. If everyone can buy this, then the society will definitely be a completely different one. The Expo is a platform for you. Its pretty good. I see a lot of other brands. Some of the new things that I can accept are quite good.

Asked about the price concerns, Stefan Vadocz revealed that the price of eromobil 4.0 STOL on display was 1.2 million euros. "However, we will introduce a new version of the car in two to three years, and the price will be much lower" What kind of crowd will be interested in "flying cars"? "Our potential buyers are all over the world, and they want to be more efficient and save time on their trips," said Stefan Vadocz. Although the exhibition site is only static, Stefan Vadocz said that the exhibition area will broadcast the video of automobile "transforming" into airplane flight, and will introduce a series of technical highlights in detail.

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