2000字范文 > 初中英语介词辨析4个类型都收了 中考脱口而出10个就受用

初中英语介词辨析4个类型都收了 中考脱口而出10个就受用

时间:2021-07-30 15:15:19


初中英语介词辨析4个类型都收了 中考脱口而出10个就受用


in, at, on, before,after,till,

since,for, from to, until,

by,in the middle of,at the beginning of,

at the end of,at half past five,at night,

in a week,in the morning,in class,at sunrise,

in spring/summer/autumn/winter,on Sunday,

on Saturday afternoon,on a winter evening,

for a long time,for two months,after school,

since liberation,before lunch,at the time of,

at the age of。



above,under,outside, inside, up, from, far,

from, near, across, off, down, among, past,

between,out of,around,in the front of,

in the middle of, at the back of,at the foot of,

at home,at the gate,at the table,in the sky,

on the ground,in a tree, in the south,in the sun,

in the bed,on one’s way home,by the side of。



arrive in/at到达

ask for要,请求

do well in在……方面做得好

give in投降

go on继续

hear from收到……来信

hear of听说

helps B.with sth.帮助……做

laugh at嘲笑

learn from向……学习

leave for离开一地去另一地

talk to与……谈话

go in for从事,致力于

put up穿上,挂上

take down拿下,取了

look at(有意识地)看

speak to对某人说

send for派人去请

shout at大声叫喊,吼叫

take away拿走,带走

think of考虑,关心

turn into把……变成

wait for等候,等待

take off脱下,起飞

turn on/off打开(关上)

listen to听

look after照顾,照看

look for寻找

look like 看上去像

get to 到达

point to 指着……

fill with充满,装满

begin with以……开始

deal/do with处置,对待

meet with偶尔遇见,遭遇

pass on传递

belong to属于

write to写信给……

call on号召,访问,邀请

die of死于……

depend on依靠,依赖

smile at向……微笑

believe in信任

look out向四下看,到处看


in time及时

in bed卧床

in life一生中

on time准时,按时

in front of在……前面

on foot步行

by bus乘公共汽车

at home在家

in English用英语

in the middle在中间

at night在晚上

at noon在中午

at hospital在医院

with a smile带着微笑

of course当然(可以)

in a hurry匆忙,急忙

in a minute一会儿

by the way顺便说说/问问

at first首先,起初

at last最后,终于

at the meeting在会上

at least至少

on one’s way to在……的路上

in the sun在阳光下

in a tree在树上

in surprise惊奇地

at once立刻,马上

at the foot of在……脚下

at all压根儿

at dinner在吃正餐

at the table在桌子旁

at work在工作

at school在学校

at the back of在……后面

at the beginning of在……开始

at the end of在……结尾

at the same time同时,然而

by hand用手,手工,亲手

by the end of到……结束时

by train乘火车

day by day日复一日

one by one一个接一个

by spaceship乘坐宇宙飞船

in a low voice大声地

in a word总而言之,一句话

in trouble处于困境

in fact事实上

in the street在街上

in the end最后,终于

in space在空间

in no time立刻,很快

in order按顺序,整齐,正常

in order to为了,以便

in the day在白天

in line成一直线

in a short while不久

in all总共,总计

in town在城里

in silence不作声

out of breath上气不接下气

out of sight消失,看不见

on duty值日

on the left/right在左/右边

on the one handon the other hand一方面……另一方面

on the other side of在……的另一边

on top of在……顶上

in the distance在远处

in public当众,公开地

out of work失业

on the radio通过无线电广播

to this day直到今天

to one’s surprise/joy使某人吃惊/高兴


be born in出生于……

be good at擅长……

be made of由……制成

be angry with s B. 对某人生气

be angry at sth. 为某事生气

be pleased with s B. 对某人感到满意

be satisfied with sth.对某事感到满意

be surprised at对……感到惊奇/诧异

be tired of讨厌……/厌倦……

be interested in对……感兴趣

be proud of以……为自豪/骄傲

be full of充满……take/catch hold of抓住

be sure of确信……

take part in参加

break into 闯入

take care of照顾,关心,保管

be busy with忙于……

be strict with对……严格要求

catch up with跟上,赶上

have nothing to do with与……无关

go to school上学

go to bed/sleep睡觉

give a lesson to给……上课

go to the cinema 去看电影

be kind to s B.对某人友好

say hello to向……问好

look forward to盼望,期待

keep out of不让进入

go on strike罢工

be used to习惯于……




(1) at table在进餐 at the table在桌子旁(=beside the desk)

(2) at desk在读书或做作业 at the desk在书桌旁

(3) at school在校上学(指学生) at the school在学校(指教职工)

(4) in front of the bus在公共汽车的前面(不在车上) in the front of the bus在公共汽车的前部(在车上)

(5) at sea在航海中 at the sea在海边

(6) by day白天 by the day按日,论日

(7) behind time误期 behind the time落后于时代

(8) in class在上课,在课内 in the class在这个班

(9) in bed 卧床,在睡觉 in the bed在床上

(10) in prison坐牢 in the prison在监狱

(11) in red穿着红色的衣服 in the red负债,亏损

(12) in hospital住院(指病人) in the hospital(因事)在医院

(13) in office在办公,执政 in the office在办公室

(14) in secret秘密,私下 in the secret参入秘密,参入阴谋

(15) in place of 代替,而不是 in the place of在……地方

(16) in case of万一,如果 in the case of就……来说,至于

(17) of age成年人 of an age同龄人

(18) out of office离职 out of the office离开办公室

(19) out of prison(因犯罪)出狱 out of the prison(因事)从监狱出来

(20) out of question毫无疑问out of the question不可能,办不到


(1) come out of hospital(病好)出院 come out of the hospital(因事)从医院里出来

(2) come out of prison(刑满)释放 come out of the prison(因事)从监狱里出来

(3) go to school去上学 go to the school(因事)去学校

(4) go to college上大学 go to the/a college去一所学校(办事)

(5) go to bed上床睡觉 go to the bed去床边

(6) go to hospital去住院 go to the hospital(因事)去医院

(7) go to prison去坐牢 go to the prison(因事)去监狱

(8) go to sea当海员 go to the sea去海边

(9) go to court起诉 go to the court(因事)去法庭

(10) go to church做礼拜 go to the church(因事)去教堂

(11) keep house管理家务 keep the house守在家里

(12) take place发生 take the place代替




(3)all(the)day 整天


(5)in(the)future 将来

(6)in(the)memory of纪念

(7)go to(the)office 上班,去办公室

(8)go to(the)market 赶集,去市场

(9)on(a)holiday 在度假

(10)(the)day before yesterday 前天

(11)(the)most of 大多数

(12)with(a)smiling face 面带微笑
