2000字范文 > 双语阅读|恪守诚信乃是为人处世的立身之本 不诚信永远不会赢

双语阅读|恪守诚信乃是为人处世的立身之本 不诚信永远不会赢

时间:2023-03-28 01:07:38


双语阅读|恪守诚信乃是为人处世的立身之本 不诚信永远不会赢

Once an old lady lost her eyesight and became blind. She called a doctor and agreed to pay him a very big amount if he cured her.

一位老太太失明了。 她叫来医生并同意如果治好了,她就付给他很大一笔钱。

But she will not give a single penny if she is not cured. The doctor daily came to her house for treatment.

但如果她没有治愈,她就不会给一分钱。 医生每天都来她家治疗。

He started stealing lady‘s furniture and other valuable things from the house. He took away everyday one thing from the lady‘s house.

他开始从房子里偷走女士的家具和其他有价值的东西。 他每天从女士家里带走一件东西。

So he delayed curing the lady. He cured the lady after he had removed all the furniture and valuable articles from the lady‘s house.

所以他耽误了这位女士的治疗。 他从女士家里取出所有的家具和贵重物品后,才治好了这位女士。

Now the doctor demanded his fee from the lady. But she refused to pay the fees and said that she is not fully cured.

现在,医生要求女士支付费用。 但她拒绝支付,并说她没有完全治愈。

The doctor registered a case against her in the court. On being asked by the judge why she was not paying the fee, she told the court that her eyesight is not fully restored.

医生对她诉至法庭。 在被法官询问她为何不付费时,她告诉法庭她的视力没有完全恢复。

registered a case,立案

She could not see her furniture and other articles in the house.


The judge was very clever. He understood the matter and punished the doctor.


Dishonesty never wins.



