2000字范文 > 让人感同身受的伤感说说 心酸不已 深夜看会哭

让人感同身受的伤感说说 心酸不已 深夜看会哭

时间:2021-09-01 11:53:14


让人感同身受的伤感说说 心酸不已 深夜看会哭


I with you is for someone to rely on, be loved, not a stomach of grievances, a pillow of tears and all night to think, you are worth it.


Old, can not stand fierce, just want to be spoiled as a three-year-old child.


Hope you can understand, you want the preference and care, he is not don understand, he just don want to give you.





Who wouldn want to talk about for many years,

I really disgusting nonsense novelty,

I don want to know a person with this,

I just want to with one ー straight always.


The wrong person is the wrong person, never because you can endure, or can endure more time, become the right person.

简讯听不见声音,通话看不见表情,如果我说我想你了,你会不会丢下一切来拥抱我 。

SMS can not hear the voice, call can not see the expression, if I say I miss you, you will not leave everything to hug me.


The feelings of the world of the most useless four: after the breakup of regret, not love after the care, high self-esteem, low IQ of kindness.


In fact, it is not to pick anything, is afraid, very not easy to find a person, but finally worse than a person.

以前总以为只要我能再坚持一下,不管最后我以什么身份在他身边,还能继续陪着他就好了,兜兜转转互相折磨了这么久后我才明白,如果有些事从一开始就注定是遗憾,结果怎么样对彼此来说根本毫无意义,如果继续纠缠下,也只能落得是互相暧昧藕断丝连,最后不欢而散。 Always thought that as long as I can hold on a minute, no matter what I finally to identity at his side, still can continue to accompany him, to work around each other so long after, can I understand that if I have some things from the start is doomed to be regret, how about the result for each other, doesn mean anything, if you continue to entwine, can only end up is ambiguous try to each other, and finally collapsed.

我比较幼稚 不开心会换头像,会删说说 删评论 删留言,删一切能删的东西来告诉你, 我有点难过。

I am more naive not happy will change the head, will delete to delete comments delete messages, delete everything can delete things to tell you, I am a little sad.


The moment you left, it was like breaking a string that had been pulled for a long time. I thought I would lose my mind and panic, but I was relieved. I didn have to worry anymore.


