2000字范文 > 苏教版牛津英语六年级上学期时态专项练习


时间:2019-02-10 23:29:28




1. He ________________ (listen) to music now.

2. My parents __________ (be) at home now, but they __________ (be) in the park just now.

3. I ____________( not like) cats, but my mother _____________ (like) cats.

4. Public signs ____________ (mean) different things.

5. Would you like _______________(go) shopping with me?

6. Where _________ (be) you yesterday morning? I ________ (be) ill in the bed.

7. They _________________(not play) football now.

8. ___________ Miss Li ____________(come) from Nanjing? No, she ________(be) from Shanghai.

9. There is an __________ (excit) running race this afternoon. All the students are very __________ (excit),

10. What ______ you usually _______ (do) on Sundays? I usually ___________ (do) my homework.

11. There _________ (not be) any milk in the glass, but there ___________ (be) some a moment ago.

12. David s grandpa likes ____________(grow) flowers. Look, he ____________ (water) flowers.

13. The camera __________ (not be) on the table now. It _______ there just now.

14. Tuesday is the ________ day of a week. __________ is the fifth month of a year.

15. I can t find my glasses. Where ________ they? They __________ (be) on the table just now.

16. I _______ (be) ten years old. My friend Jim _________ (be) eleven years old.

We _________(study) at the same school.

17. Su Hai _________(want) to take some photos. I ____________ (watch) a running race now.

18. Ben is doing ____________ (he) homework. He usually ___________ (do) it in the evening.

19. Where __________ (be) he just now? I don t know.

20. Today is the __________ (four) of January.


