2000字范文 > 9岁中国女孩一首英文歌 震惊美国达人秀

9岁中国女孩一首英文歌 震惊美国达人秀

时间:2020-07-16 15:44:31


9岁中国女孩一首英文歌 震惊美国达人秀

A nine-year-old girl left Americas Got Talents judges stunned with her amazing rendition of Michael Boltons How Am I Supposed To Live Without You Tuesday night. 在上周二播放的《美国达人秀》上,一名9岁的小女孩以迈克尔波顿的《How Am I Supposed To Live Without You》震惊所有评委。 Celine Tam, from Hong Kong, first wowed the audience in June when she hit every high note in Celine Dions My Heart Will Go On. 演唱者为中国香港女孩谭芷昀。在今年6月份的时候,因唱准了席琳·迪翁《我心永恒》歌曲中所有高音节拍,一鸣惊人。 Celine Tam has one special fan in “Orange is the New Black” star Laverne 据了解,谭芷昀是出演《女子监狱》拉弗恩•考克斯的一名特殊的粉丝。 With the actress guest-judging on “America’s Got Talent” on Tuesday’s episode, the 9-year-singer belted out a near-flawless version of Michael Bolton’s “How Am I Supposed To Live Without You.” 女演员拉弗恩•考克斯在上周二担任《美国达人秀》节目的评委,而谭芷昀翻唱的迈克尔波顿的歌曲“How Am I Supposed To Live Without You”,近乎无暇。 Cox apparently couldn’t live without seeing Tam guaranteed passage to the live shows, so she pressed the golden buzzer. “I am really blown away,” Cox said. 很显然,考克斯决心让谭芷昀能晋级到决赛,所以,她按下了黄金按钮。“她确实打动了我,”考克斯说道。 The talented singer, named after Celine Dion, aced her previous “AGT” audition in June by singing Dion’s “My Heart Will Go On.” 这个小姑娘极富唱歌潜力,在之前“AGT”的视听环节翻唱一首席琳迪伦的《我心永恒》脱颖而出。 But this time the kid went with a Bolton classic, dedicating it to her little sis, who, yes, is named Dion.Celine came out golden. 但是这次她选择了波顿的经典歌曲,是为了唱给自己的名叫迪伦的妹妹听。谭芷昀的精彩表现触发了黄金按钮(一个季度才有一次)。 (编辑:何莹莹)
