2000字范文 > 宁夏教师招聘考试小学英语——写作技巧


时间:2019-03-07 09:22:47



【导读】华图同步未知发布:宁夏教师招聘考试小学英语——写作技巧,详细信息请阅读下文!如有疑问请加,更多资讯请关注宁夏教师微信公众号(ningxiajsht),宁夏教师招聘考试培训咨询电话:0951-6028571/6027571 18295188220,微信号:ht18295188220


广大考生在英语写作过程中,常常会为了如何论证某一个观点或者某一现象出现的原因而煞费苦心,往往采取的办法是用套话解释套话,显得格外苍白无力,还不具有说服力。如果脑海中能储备一些常见的教育学心理学理论,在遇到相关写作话题时,一定能够手到擒来,快速高效套用。为此,华图教师特地精心罗列高频理论,以期为考生在写作时提供另外一个思路,洞悉现象后面的 心理效应 ,让在考场上呈现的作文更显高大上。

刻板效应(stereotype effect)



如政客:精明、算计、狡诈; 商人:唯利是图;理工男:矮搓穷、不善言谈、四眼男、会赚钱;美国人开放的、善谈的、热情的;英国人内敛的、深沉的、保守的;活泼好动的人一定办事毛糙,性格内向的人一定老实听话;青年人单纯幼稚、容易冲动,老年人经验丰富、保守、稳重。


Stereotype effect refers to theunconscious attribution of particular qualities to a member of a certain social group. It s influenced by experience, and are based on learned associations between various qualities and social categories, including race or gender. Individuals perceptions and behaviors can be affected by stereotype effect, even without the individuals intention or awareness.


1. 教学中(老师对学生的刻板印象)

Students tend to fall victim to stereotype effect unconsciously exercised by their teachers. Once a student does poorly in his study, the case is often that he or she will be easily neglected or dismissed as unpromising and even hopeless in spite of their other outstanding merits. (for instance, their imagination, creativity, their communication ability )

2. 找工作时(job-hunting)

Stereotype effectoften misleads interviewers making them think that female interviewees are intrinsically more vulnerable than male ones. They are unfairly considered less capable, flexible and creative.

(Less-good looking applicants are more likely to be considered less competent and less qualified.

Less-good looking suspects are less likely to receive sympathy and more easily identified as the real criminal by the public.)

3.旅游时游客的不文明行为--旅游不文明行为会造成对中国人或者内地人的刻板影响(顺走马桶盖、随地大小便、涂鸦、不守秩序插队等)--国家形象造成刻板影响 (overshadowed/tainted)

(Uncivilized tourism behavior--中国人素质低)

Occurrences of impropriate tourism behaviorhome and abroad such as jumping the queue, spitting and littering around, making annoying noises, scratching and scrawling unsightly words, are frequently reported. They not only ruin the good mood for other travelers, but also are responsible for the formation of stereo-type against Chinese people. As implied by stereotype effect, one s impression of a member can be extended to the group he belongs to.

