2000字范文 > 托福综合写作听力如何才能抓重点


时间:2019-07-14 18:22:24



另外听力部分和阅读重复的部分我们也可以不用记。比如我们再来看一篇综合写作讨论 Zebra Mussel(斑马贝) 对于生态环境的影响,阅读部分认为Zebra Mussel(斑马贝) 对当地环境产生消极的影响。 三点当中其中有一点指出Zebra Mussel(斑马贝) 减少当地鱼类的食物,在解释这点的时候,作者提到了plankton(浮游生物) eaters 没有食物。 听力在反驳的时候,提到了: “Indeed, for some fish even in habitats where Zebra Mussels become dominant, is the overall fish population likely to decrease? Its true that Zebra Mussels may have a negative impact on fish that eat plankton.” 那我们来思考一下这两句话里面有可以反驳阅读的部分么?很明显,第一句话只是教授为了引导学生思考跑出来的反问句,然后第二句话总结了一下阅读的内容。 因此,这两句话只是为了后面的内容进行铺垫,并没有直接反驳的阅读的内容,所以这部分内容我们就可以把他理解成是和阅读不相关的内容。故而这部分的内容在记笔记的时候就可以把他忽视掉。 3 逻辑连词要注意 这部分和同学们练习听力时的技巧有一些相似的地方。我们都知道在听力当中,如果听力一些逻辑关系的信号词比如说因果,对比,假设,举例那么后面往往都是比较容易出考点的地方,那么同样如果我们在综合写作的听力当中如果听到这些信号词,后面的东西一般也比较重要。比如我们看一下下一篇综合写作的听力文本: “First, vegetation. As you might imagine, scorched areas were in time colonized by new plants. As a matter of fact, the plants in Yellowstone became more diverse because the fire created an opportunity for certain plants that could not grow otherwise. For example, areas where the trees have been destroyed by fire could now be taken over by smaller plants that needed open and shaded space to grow. And another example, seeds of certain plants species won’t germinate unless they’re exposed to very high levels of heat. So, those plants started appearing after the fire as well.”
