2000字范文 > 考研英语(二)小作文预测及范文:推荐信


时间:2023-06-16 11:20:38



One of your foreign friends plans to go sightseeing in China. Write an email to recommend one place. (一)预测范文 Dear George, I hear that you are planning a sightseeing trip in China. Well, I have just returned from a place I am sure you will enjoy. It is Xi’an, the capital of Shaanxi Province, and one of the most wonderful tourist destinations in the country. Xi’an, called Chang’an in the old days, was the capital of seven dynasties, and so the place is full of ancient relics. I spent one week there, and didn’t have the chance to see even half of them. But the major attractions are the terracotta warriors guarding the tomb of China’s first emperor, the Flying Goose Pagoda and the Banpo Prehistoric Village. Xi’an boasts plenty of modern hotels and restaurants, but they are not particularly cheap, so take lots of money with you. I hope you have as much fun as I had. Yours, Li Ming (二)参考译文 亲爱的乔治: 我听说你计划来中国旅游。好吧,我刚从一个地方回来,你肯定会喜欢。就是西安,陕西省的省会,中国最精彩的旅游目的地之一。 西安过去也称长安,是七朝古都,因此遍地古迹。我在那儿住了一周,都没能参观完一半的景点。但主要的景点是守护中国第一位皇帝的兵马俑,大雁塔以及半坡史前遗址。 西安拥有众多现代饭店,但它们并不便宜,因此多带点钱吧。我希望你也像我一样开心。 摘自《考研英语(二)高分写作考前预测20篇》(王江涛编著,浙江教育出版社)。
