2000字范文 > 6月大学英语四级作文参考范文(文都版)


时间:2021-02-12 22:32:36



中国教育在线讯 6月16日全国大学英语四、六级考试开考,本次考试报考人数达924万人。中国教育在线外语频道为广大考生搜集了英语四级作文参考范文,以供广大考生参考:

On Excessive Packaging

In recent years, with the economy growing, all kinds of goods are flowing into our life. The packaging of goods becomes more and more attracting our eyes. However, the problem of excessive packaging has aroused peoples wide concern.

This phenomenon exists for a number of reasons. For one thing, the business has seen through the mind of most consumers who are face-saving, for they thought that the more beautiful the packaging of goods is, the best people like. For another thing, excessive packaging can make the majority of merchants get high profit for the cheap commodity by improving price. Perhaps the primary reason lies that the form far outweighs the content.

In my opinion, it is more advisable to focus on the quality of goods than to decorate its appearance. So, it is urgent that immediate measures should be taken to stop the situation. Only in this way can we reduce unnecessary waste and have a rational and pure shopping condition, making our money cost worthwhile
