2000字范文 > 新东方:新托福独立写作真题解析


时间:2021-12-29 11:55:02



我想略谈一下自己作为考生的一些备考经验。主要谈的是TASK2的备考。我想首先从四个评分标准说起。 第一是TR:在准备的时候,我尽量看范文当中的一些观点,避免在写作中出现跑题的情况,还会根据历年机经,把题目熟悉一遍,对于那些高频题目我会着重拿出来练习,修改,而对于相对比较偏的题目,我会把大部分时间用在想中心句上面。因为在考场上碰见熟悉题目的可能性非常大,所以这个工作我认为非常有必要。 第二是CC:这个也是很难达到的,尤其是在主体段论述展开的时候,我一般的写作方法是把中心句,原因,结果分别用简短的中文列出来,之后在写成英文,当然在写成英文的时候会注意每一段话尽量用一些从句,把内容具体细化,这样才能够达到主体段60字左右这么样一个要求。一些连词的使用,我会格外注意,一定会做到恰当使用,该出现转折的时候会用转折连词,不该的时候一定不会乱用。 第三是LR:这项是最难达到的,也是最难突破的,对语言要求非常高,我会把大量时间花在课外阅读上,多读一些BBC 或者the economists 来积累一些collocations然后用在自己作文当中,使自己的文章更加地道。 第四是GRA :这个我在平时写作文的时候会注意避免小的语法错误,如主谓不一致,动词时态等等,这样在分数上有个比较好的保障,之后我也会试着把简单句变成复杂句。这个过程一定要有水平高的人帮助你修改,不然自己很难看出相关错误。 (二)范文解析 剑8第一套考官范文 Some people think that parents should teach children how to be good members of society. Others, however, believe that school is the place to learn this. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 1 A childs education has never been about learning information and basic skills only. 2 It has always included teaching the next generation how to be good members of society. 3 Therefore, this cannot be the responsibility of the parents alone. 4 In order to be a good member of any society, the individual must respect and obey the rules of their community and share their values. 5 Educating children to understand the need to obey rules and respect others always begins in the home and is widely thought to be the responsibility of parents. 6 They will certainly be the first to help children learn what is important in life, how they are expected to behave and what role they will play in their world. 7 However, learning to understand and share the value system of a whole society cannot be achieved just in the home. 8 Once a child goes to school, they are entering a wider community where teachers and peers will have just as much influence as their parents do at home. 9 At school, children will experience working and living with people from a whole variety of backgrounds from the wider society. 10 This experience should teach them how to co-operate with each other and how to contribute to the life of their community. 11 But to be a valuable member of any community is not like learning a simple skill. 12 It is something that an individual goes on learning throughout life and it is the responsibility of every member of a society to take responsibility for helping the younger generation to become active and able members of that society. 题目大意:有人觉得父母应该教小孩如何成为社会有用的人。其他人却觉得学校才是学习这个东西的地方。讨论两个观点和给出你的看法和观点。 这是近年来比较常见的"讨论类"题型,"discuss both view and give your opinion"。这种题目的特点是会出现两个相反的看法,需要考生分开讨论这两个观点,然后给出个人看法。此题所罗列的观点是:1,父母应该教小孩;2,学校应该教小孩。文章主体部分应该这两个观点各写一段。 作者用了两句话平铺直叙地表达自己的看法:成为社会上有用的个人是重要的。文字简单平实,说说一个话题的重要性,就足够了。之后一句话简明扼要表明了自己的观点。 主体部分 三句话的论述路径是:句4是句5的铺垫, 句5是整段话的立场, 句6是立场(也就是句5)的细化。 句7和句8事实上是一句话的不同说法,是这个段落的主要立场和观点。 句9 和句10是支持和解释观点的句子。句9 和句10有因果关系。 句9的"experience"作为句10的主语,保持连贯性。 句11是结论段的作者立场。句12用比较隐晦的语言暗示父母和学校都应该担负教育的责任。 (三)考试资料: 相关翻译练习,使用与不同话题类型,注意其中的collocations. 1除非国家采取措施确保国际援助公平地分配,它们很难获得国际组织的支持。 Unless countries take steps to ensure that international aid is distributed fairly, they will find it difficult to enlist the support of international organizations. 2人们一直有一个想法,法律抑制人的创造力和阻碍社会发展 Among the public the idea that laws stifle creativity and hinder social development persists. 3有人质疑要求员工穿制服的政策 Some people have cast doubt on the policy that requires all employees to wear uniforms 4投资在保险或者债券上确实能够保护人们抵御通货膨胀,但是投资者需要警惕价格波动的风险 The investment in insurance or bonds can shield people from insurance but investors should be wary of price volatility. 5乡村到城市的转移虽然部分解决了农村的失业问题,但是对土地稀缺的城市来说,却使某些问题更加严重 The rural-to-urban shift has partially addressed the unemployment issue in rural areas, but aggravated some problems in land-scarce cities. 6我们现在所知道的环境问题不过是冰山一角 The environmental problems that are known to us at this stage are merely the tip of the iceberg. 7某些商业女性的成功促使人们重新思考传统的观念:女人不象男人那么果断和聪明。 The success of some business women prompts people to rethink the traditional belief that women are not as decisive and intelligent as men. 8人们在年轻的时候挥霍金钱,对晚年的生活却有很大的影响。 People in their early adulthood squander money, a habit that takes its toll in later years. 编辑推荐

