2000字范文 > 下半年大学英语六级完整版答案 翻译四大名著三缺一作文范文听力选择阅读填空题答案

下半年大学英语六级完整版答案 翻译四大名著三缺一作文范文听力选择阅读填空题答案

时间:2018-09-03 01:38:38


下半年大学英语六级完整版答案 翻译四大名著三缺一作文范文听力选择阅读填空题答案



Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes towrite an essay on the saying Beauty of the soul is the essen-tial beauty. You should write at least 150 words but no morethan 200 words.


In this rapidly developing society, what we persue has neverbeen more abundant than ever before. We care about thefood safety, the money we can earn, the health of thepeople around us and the apperence of us, namely beauty.Talking about beauty, ideas may differ from person toperson. Among all the elements of beauty that modernpeople attach importance to, 1 reckon that beauty of thesoul is the essential beauty.

Looking around, we may find many facts which can relectthe value in the saying. Take Lihong as an example, she isnot the traditionally typical youngster who would be consid-ered beautiful. However, she keeps doing good routinelyand insists in helping those in need. When mentioned,Lihong is always the exemplary model praised by every-body. To many acquaintances of hers, they think she is oneof the most beautiful girls they ve ever met. In the case ofLihong, beauty of the soul is more essentially valued thanthat of her appearence.plpass

To conclude, it is not the fashionable hairstyle, not the ex-pensive clothes we wear, but beauty of our soul that deter-mines how people see us. This reminds us agian of the valuethat beauty of the soul is the essential beauty.


Directions: For this part, 1 you are allowed 30 minutes towrite an essay on the saying What is worth doing is worthdoing well. You should write at least 150 words but no morethan 200 words.


In different stages of life, we may have diverse pursuit. PXSome determine to pass an arduous exam whereas others

may tend to find a satisfying job. No matter what we aregoing to do, one thing is certain, we have to spare no effortto make the worthy task fully accomplished. As the sayinggoes, what is worth doing is worth doing well.

Looking around, we may find many deeds to which we canapply the value relected in the saying. Take myself as an ex-ample, I made my mind to attend the postgraduate entranceexams at the beginning of last year, which for me I thoughtwas worth doing. Once the decision had been made, I never

doubted the possibility of not being able to pass the exams. eEI made a comprehensive plan for the whole year study and

stuck to it strictly. In the end, I managed to pass the examsand became a qualified graduate student.

To conclude, what is worth doing is definitely what is mean-ingful to us and even can have a long-term influence on ourlife and growth. Only when we accomplish what is worthdoing well can we be more likely to succeed.


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes towrite an essay on the saying Wealth of the mind is the onlytrue wealth. You should write at least 150 words but nomore than 200 words.


In this rapidly developing society, what we persue has neverbeen more abundant than ever before. We care about thefood safety, the health of the people around us, the apper-ence of us and the money we can earn. Talking aboutwealth, ideas may differ from person to person. Among allthe elements of wealth that modern people attach impor-tance to, I reckon that wealth of the mind is the only truewealth.

Looking around, we may find many facts which can relectthe value in the saying. Take Lihong as an example, she isnot the traditionally typical youngster who would be consid-ered wealthy. However, she keeps reading books routinelyand insists in attending a variety of lectures. When men-tioned, Lihong is always the exemplary model praised by ev-erybody. To many acquaintances of hers, they think she isone of the most knowledgable and thoughtful girls they veever met. In the case of Lihong, wealth of the mind is moreessentially valued than the money she possesses.

To conclude, it is not the money we earn but wealth of ourmind that determines how people see us. This reminds usagian of the value that wealth of the mind is the only truewealth.

下半年大学英语六级完整版答案 翻译四大名著三缺一作文范文听力选择阅读填空题答案 9月英语六级真题及答案汇总
