2000字范文 > 女生霸气英文个性签名 很潮很精辟 越看越喜欢!

女生霸气英文个性签名 很潮很精辟 越看越喜欢!

时间:2020-07-04 08:53:51


女生霸气英文个性签名 很潮很精辟 越看越喜欢!


I wish the young people who cheat my feelings a lifetime without love, a lifetime without grandchildren, a lifetime of loneliness and a long life of one hundred years.


I don want to be a gangster on all sides, but none of you think of me as a little girl.


I want to be an ideological hooligan, a good girl in life, a tender girl in appearance, and a transformer in psychology.


Girls should understand that temperament is more important than age, smile is more important than face value, and happiness is more important than love.


Probably in this life will not fall in love with anyone, because there is no love at first sight, but also a lack of patience.


Girls don quarrel casually, it will appear that you are not educated, you should slap the past, let her know what is strength, what is both civil and military.


I am not water-based poplar, how can I match your unprecedented love of the new and hate the old.


I don want to be bored with each other. I just want you to die.


You have to be an all-powerful heroine, until you meet someone who can entrust a lifetime, and then make a little princess whose bottle cap can not be unscrewed.


I will try to become the kind of girl you like, and then die without you.


Learn how to be a tough lady, how to live proudly without being affected, pretentious, groaning or cowardly!


The princess dream is spoiled, the queens heart is spelled out. May all beautiful women have endless princess dream and unbeatable queens heart.


The lover who can get is always the wind, and will leave after thousands of times.


Men are half gentlemen and half animals; women are half angels and half demons. So don provoke animals, angels!


In fact, I don know what is just right, just don want to disappoint anyone and be disappointed, when the hug does not retreat, when the time to laugh, I will never cry.


From then on, I choose not to mention you anymore. From then on, you and I will never meet again.


When you encounter nausea, you should learn to be calm and calm. The scum in the world can be prevented with all kinds of attitudes.


I am very considerate of other peoples feelings, so generally speaking will not be embarrassing, if any time I talk to you uncomfortable, don think much, I just intentionally.


If life kicks your feet, don forget to slap it twice. Resistance is better than tears.


A cup of boiling water can burn me to death, or a cup of ice water can cold me to death, but not a cup of warm water to consume me, what I want is clear black and white, direct and sharp.


Beginning today, be a difficult person, shake off the face of the hated person with all your heart, and talk openly and honestly to the person you like. I would rather live a few years less and just want to be happy.


Take your own road, take your own steps, and ignore the waste behind your back.


If you like it, tell it, if you hate it, leave it, if you don give up, it will be done. Its much happier to express frankly than to hide in fear.


First be calm and then love, be a beautiful girl with money in her pocket and wind in her walk. Only in this way can we have the ability to do more things we want to do, and have more confidence to love anyone we want to love.
