2000字范文 > 托福ITP的听力和我们平时练习的TPO有何区别?


时间:2019-07-02 12:37:50



由于众所周知的原因,托福ibt线下考试迟迟没有着落,ETS也在数月前开发了托福ibt在家考试的形式,但由于种种因素的影响,国内范围的在家考试项目目前看来也无法落地。可以说ETS在“迫于无奈”的情况下,搬出了TOEFL ITP的考试形式,并在13日官宣,15日上线。


在初步尝试了官网ITP level 1的sample test听力部分后,我们简要的对听力部分进行一个分析,希望对大家初步了解ITP Listening有一定帮助。

ITP的听力部分分为三个parts, 听力材料形式基本和IBT类似,conversation和 talk ( 当然这个talk也是基于课堂形式的单人陈述,与lecture相似但材料长度,信息量及难度与lecture不可同日而语)

首先看下Part A

Part A, you will hear short conversations between two people. After each conversation, you will hear a question about the conversation. The conversations and questions will not be repeated.

从sample来看,part A 是一个很短的conversation, 基本两个speakers的对话也就是1-2个回合,一共3句话左右。听一遍录音,听一遍题,ABCD做单选。那么咱们用文本形式来呈现以下:


F: I heard the math requirements for graduation are being charged.

M: Yes. And I may be short one course.

Q: What does the man mean?

A. He is not sure what course to take.

B. He may not meet the graduation requirements.

C. The math course is too short.

D. The graduation date has been changed.

听力材料是很短的,但从题目选择方向上来看,与ibt整体理解考点把握略有不同的是,这个题的题型更像是ibt中的推断题或者说重听题中的:what does the man imply when he says this...,那么分析方法基本也是可以按之前的imply方法去做,也就是从材料信息中没有明确表达但有暗示的来选择。

从材料可以发现,判断答案的关键点在male speaker那个short的表达,所以可以看出还是比较注重关键信息的提取和理解的,结合 female speaker提的math requirements 及 male所提的short, 可以选出B这个选项。当然也可以发现,这类题目对于熟悉很多词的日常习惯性口语用法也是必要的。

再来看下Part B

You will hear longer conversations. After each conversation, you will hear several questions. The conversations and questions will not be repeated. After you hear a question, read the four possible answers on the screen and select the best answer by clicking on it.

这部分的conversation从长度,信息量等方面,就比较贴近ibt的材料形式了,对话的时长在1分半上下,内容也是campus events的各类题材。录音放一遍,完成随后的几个题目。下面可以先听下对话材料。


Question 4. What do the speakers mainly discuss?

The answer to question 4 is:

A. Work opportunities for students

B. The professors work at the museum

C. The mans qualifications for a job

D. Possible careers for the man after he graduates


从sample test来看,剩下的三个题型基本是细节题的形式了,比如:

Question 6. What will be displayed in the exhibition at the university library?

The answer to question 6 is:

A. Rare books

B. Paintings

C. Photographs

D. Historical reports

当然如果翻看ITP的OG的话,也可以看到诸如推断题,甚至是阅读中的 refer to这类题,所以分析来看,题型的方面还是比较全面的。方法上来看,听的过程中记笔记肯定还是必要的(当然如果考试流程中允许的情况下),整体材料的表述方式,考点的引导方式等与ibt还是比较相似。平时的练习中也依然要注意笔记方法,主干信息的提取,出题点的强调方式的敏感度。

最后我们看下Part C

In Part C of the test, you will hear several talks. After each talk, you will hear some questions. The talks and questions will not be repeated.After you hear a question, read the four possible answers on the screen and select the best answer by clicking on it.



Question 8. What is the speakers main point?

The answer to question 8 is:

A. Animals yawn for a number of reasons.

B. Yawning results only from fatigue or boredom.

C. Human yawns are the same as those of other animals.

D. Only social animals yawn.

Sample中其他两个题也是细节题题型的呈现,当然就和Part B类似,其他类型的题型应该也是会出现的。

这个部分的学术类材料,从结构上看,基本说的是一个主旨要点,再展开解释或分析,其中也会涉及比如举例,专有名词等要点的出现,所以准备过ibt lecture的同学对于这个部分的方法应该不是太大的问题。

那么今天也是通过ITP Level 1的听力部分sample进行了一个初步的分析。这个考试方式基本还是一个过渡性的产物,有兴趣的同学可以去官网做下sample test去初步感受一下。
