2000字范文 > 《上古卷轴5:天际》全技能训练师位置


时间:2020-12-04 15:22:54



《上古卷轴5:天际》全技能训练师位置,Combat Trainers战斗训练 Heavy Armor Trainers重甲 Journeyman Trainer(新手级): Hermir Strongheart, 位于Windhelm. Expert Trainer(专家级): Gharol of Dushnikh Yal, 位于The Reach. Master Trainer(大师级): Farkas of The Companions, 位于White


Combat Trainers战斗训练

Heavy Armor Trainers重甲

Journeyman Trainer(新手级): Hermir Strongheart, 位于Windhelm.

Expert Trainer(专家级): Gharol of Dushnikh Yal, 位于The Reach.

Master Trainer(大师级): Farkas of The Companions, 位于Whiterun.

Block Trainers格挡

No Journeyman Trainer(没有新手级)

Expert Trainer(专家级): Njade Stonearm of The Companions, 位于Whiterun.

Master Trainer(大师级): Larak of Mor Khazgur, 位于The Reach.

Two-Handed Trainers双手

No Journeyman Trainer(没有新手级)

Expert Trainer(专家级): Torbjorn Shatter-Shield, 位于Windhelm.

Master Trainer(大师级): Vilkas of The Companions, 位于Whiterun.

One-Handed Trainers单手

Journeyman Trainer(新手级): Amren, 位于Whiterun.

Expert Trainer(专家级): Athis of The Companions, 位于Whiterun.

Master Trainer(大师级): Burguk of Dushnikh Yal, 位于The Reach.

Archery Trainers弓箭

Journeyman Trainer(新手级): Faendal, 位于Riverwood.

Expert Trainer(专家级): Aela the Huntress of The Companions, 位于Whiterun.

Master Trainer(大师级): Niruin of The Thieves Guild, 位于Riften.

Smithing Trainers铁匠

Journeyman Trainer(新手级): Ghorza, 位于Markarth.

Expert Trainer(专家级): Balimund 位于Riften.

Master Trainer(大师级): Eorlund Gray-Mane, 位于Whiterun.

Stealth Trainers隐秘训练

Sneak Trainers潜行

Journeyman Trainer(新手级): Khayla, located at the Khajiit Caravans.

Expert Trainer(专家级): Garvey, 位于Markarth.

Master Trainer(大师级): Delven Mallory of the Thieves Guild, 位于Riften.

Lockpicking Trainers开锁

No Journeyman Trainer(没有新手级)

Expert Trainer(专家级): Majhad, located at the Khajiit Caravans.

Master Trainer(大师级): Vex of the Thieves Guild, 位于Riften.

Pickpocket Trainers扒手

Journeyman Trainer(新手级): Ahkari, located at the Khajiit Caravans.

Expert Trainer(专家级): Silda the Unseen, 位于Windhelm.

Master Trainer(大师级): Vipir of the Thieves Guild, 位于Riften.

Speech Trainers语言

Journeyman Trainer(新手级): Revyn Sadri, 位于Windhelm.

Journeyman Trainer(新手级): Dro’marash, located at the Khajiit Caravans.

Expert Trainer(专家级): Ogmund the Skald, 位于Markarth.

Master Trainer(大师级): Geraud Gemaine, of The Bards College, 位于Solitude.

Alchemy Trainers炼金

Journeyman Trainer(新手级): Lami, 位于Morthal.

Expert Trainer(专家级): Arcadia, 位于Whiterun.

Master Trainer(大师级): Babette, of The Dark Brotherhood.

Light Armor Trainers轻甲

Journeyman Trainer(新手级): Scouts-Many-Marshes, 位于Whiterun.

Expert Trainer(专家级): Grelka, 位于Riften.

Master Trainer(大师级): Mazir, found in the Dark Brotherhood.


Alteration Trainers变幻

Journeyman Trainer(新手级): Melaran, 位于Solitude.

Expert Trainer(专家级): Dravynea of Kynesgrove, 位于Eastmarch.

Master Trainer(大师级): Tolfdir of the College, 位于Winterhold.

Conjuration Trainers咒法

Journeyman Trainer(新手级): Runil, 位于Falkreath.

Expert Trainer(专家级): Phinis Gestor of the College, 位于Winterhold.

Master Trainer(大师级): Falion, 位于Morthal.

Destruction Trainers毁灭

Journeyman Trainer(新手级): Wuunferth the Unliving, 位于Windhelm.

Expert Trainer(专家级): Sybille Stentor, 位于Solitude.

Master Trainer(大师级): Faralda of the College, 位于Winterhold.

Enchanting Trainers附魔

No Journeyman Trainer(没有新手级)

Expert Trainer(专家级): Sergius Turrianus of the College, 位于Winterhold.

Master Trainer(大师级): Hamal, 位于Markarth.

Illusion Trainers幻象

No Journeyman Trainer(没有新手级)

Expert Trainer(专家级): Atub, 位于Largoshbur in The Rift.

Master Trainer(大师级): Drevis Neloren of the College, 位于Winterhold.

Restoration Trainers恢复

No Journeyman Trainer(没有新手级)

Expert Trainer(专家级): Keeper Carcette, 位于the Hall Of The Vigilant.

Expert Trainer(专家级): Colette Marence of the College, 位于Winterhold.

Master Trainer(大师级): Danica Pure-Spring, 位于Whiterun.


